His mom

Panic and alarm swelled in the warriors' hearts, seeing the herds of undead running in their direction. It took them a while before they caught the person running ahead of them. 

A woman waving a gigantic scythe at them.

"What the… who is that?" a warrior mumbled in shock, noticing how these undeads were following her.

"Why is she leading those monsters here?"

"Auntie Lilove… what the heck??" Claude also joined the mumbling, scrunching up his face in disbelief. 

Meanwhile, Rufus narrowed his eyes as he focused his attention on Lilou. She was waving her scythe to get some attention; whose attention it was, they had no idea. 

"Rufus!" her yelling faded into the background noises. 

Rufus tilted his head to the side as his gut feeling told him she wanted to convey something. Hence, to understand her intention, his eyes landed on her moving lips.