I need your help

"His mom." Claude's lips stretched from ear to ear while Rufus's expression this time died. Meanwhile, Lilou just sighed and shook her head, telling herself it was not worth the energy to explain herself. It wasn't like Claude was lying. 

Under the laws of Heart's Kingdom, Rufus was Lilou and Samael's son. Rufus was even written in their family tree. 

"I see that you managed to get the warriors out of the Colosseum." Lilou cleared her throat, ignoring the strange look in the warriors' eyes. Even though they hadn't said a word just yet, she could already guess what was in their heads. 

"Anyway, Claude." Lilou peeled her eyes away from the warriors, setting them back on Claude. 

The second their eyes met, Claude's brows rose. "Yes?"

"I need your help."

"What is it, Auntie Lilove?"

"Not just your help…" she trailed off, casting the warriors a look. "... even those who are able. I need your help."