The sphere of light, the scythe of death, and the holder of time

"Yes, madam!" 

Lilou's eyes glinted with satisfaction, sensing the unyielding determination in the warrior's voices. Meanwhile, Claude's lips stretched from ear to ear, smacking his lips as he glossed his eyes over the warriors' haggard faces. 

They all looked tired and beaten up, but the fire in their eyes was something Claude hadn't seen before. It was brighter when they fought their way out of the Colosseum. Surely, Lilou just had a presence of a leader. Someone who could lead an army to victory. 

There was a moment of silence until the grunts and little growls from the undead resonated in the air once again. Everyone held their breaths, eyes on Lilou, waiting for her signal. 

"Acheron…" she whispered, spinning her giant scythe with her fingers, eyes on the figure coming clear from the fog. "... I told you back then, but it seemed the lessons that time were all for naught."