End of his nightmare

Stefan has a ton of regrets before the regression. One of the biggest regrets he had was treating Claude the way he did. That child was innocent of anything and he should've been left alone — Lucia and Dyrroth too. 

Greed and insecurity consumed Stefan, and he had lost his mind, dragging the innocent people into his personal problems. Stefan only realized how wrong he was at the brink of death, questioning his integrity, morality, and ethics. 

Was he wrong all along? 

That was the only question that crossed his mind before meeting his end.

Therefore, Stefan had long accepted he might not be forgiven, ever. The reason, even when Claude would sass at him or talk to him with his sharp tongue, Stefan wouldn't react. Claude was a sweet child, after all, and Stefan… the palace, the power struggle, and the king's personal instability ruined him.

Stefan had no excuse.