If you're saving someone, don't die.

"Thank you."

Lilou's breath hitched, wide-eyed. Throughout her battle with Acheron, the latter didn't speak a word. He would launch calculated attacks; he would repel her assaults strategically. But Acheron didn't indulge in a conversation with her as his eyes were plain, as if he was under control. 

To hear his voice, albeit faint, took Lilou off guard.

Lilou turned on her heel. Her eyes fell on the man lying flat on his back. Acheron's neck was still bleeding, but he wasn't stopping the bleeding with his hand. His eyes were on the dark sky covering the entire Spade Kingdom. 

"I…" Acheron panted for air. Breathing was hard for him, let alone speaking. However, he still tried his best to say his last words. "... sorry. I couldn't change anything, even after returning from the dead."

A tear rolled down his eyes as regret and remorse filled his eyes. Lilou's jaw tightened as she clenched her teeth, balling her hand into a tight fist.