Killing Players

Few moments before Fin had been alerted by his map.

Several yards away to Fin's location, three swift green lights were swiftly gliding behind a young woman silhouette who was frantically beating her jade-green Empyrean's dragon wings.

"Stop running Leyna, it's futile. Just hand over the drops!"

The man in the lead of three swift lights spoke with a haughty voice. Upon hearing what the man in the lead says, the other two men in his both side also added,

"That's right. It won't be too long before the duration of your wings ends!"

"In that time, you'll be at our mercy!"

When Leyna heard their proclamation, her face paled. She knew they were right, her wings' duration won't last long. However, even if she handed over the items to them, she would die in spite of that.

They were two-faced bastards! She could not trust them for the second time!!

Once is enough! I won't be able to face my friends in another life if I believed in their lies twice…

If she had not trusted them in the first place and made a party with them, her friends won't die. It was all because of her decision. If she was not tempted by greed and became satisfied with what she had. Her friends would be still alive.

She knew it would be only a few more moments before they caught her. Nevertheless, she won't let her friends' deaths in vain.

I will run as long as I can! If I manage to survive this day, I'll kill them one by one!

Despite the stress she was putting into her brain, Leyna bit her lips and pushed her speed to the limit.

However, as if the grim reaper itself was watching over her, Leyna's wings disintegrated into moss of lights to nothingness. Her wings' duration had reached its limit.

Leyna was greatly startled, "N-No…!"

"Haha, finally. She let us waste too much time. We must end this now. Go after her!" The same man in the lead ordered upon seeing Leyna falling into the forest, pulling by the system's gravity.

The trio folded their wings and followed suit before Leyna after withdrawing their wings.

After falling from several feet off the ground, Leyna hastily ran without batting an eye to her HP bar. Despite her hit points fell into the red zone, she could not worry about it as the three bastards were relentlessly chasing after her.

Damn. Damn. Dammit! Please… anyone, save me! I can't die here… not until I avenge the death of my friends.

It was at this moment when a disgusting smell infiltrated her nostrils. Her face crumpled in nauseate and frustration as the corner of her eyes began to moist.

It was already a thing that she was about to die. But it was another matter dying in a place with an unpleasant odor. She would never dreamt her end would be like this.

No! I will never die in this kind of place!

Instead of changing her course of direction, Leyna ran towards where the smell was leaking from.

The three men behind her could not help to threw profanity in annoyance, "F-Fuck! How can she run toward that disgusting place?!"

"Shit. What kind of bullshit is she planning?!"

"Damn! Who cares, we're already here. Let's end her quickly and leave this cursed place!"

Every moment, Leyna felt the scent getting unbearable with each step she took. No matter what it was, it was her last hope. She was hoping to halt their pursuit upon running in this direction.

Alas, she could still hear their voices several yards behind her. They seemed to have no plan to let her go no matter what the consequences would be.

Staring ahead, Leyna discovered a dull colored tent situated in the middle of a spacious flat ground in the distance. There she saw the source of nauseating smell. It was actually tied on the top of the tent.

How could one sleep with such a smelly item?! She thought.

Leyna's judgement was being clouded by worry thus she forgot and didn't have the luxury to turn off her sense of smell parameter.

Knowing that there was probably someone currently sleeping in the tent, Leyna ran full speed ahead. She had no choice now but to ask for help. Although she was not sure about the person's personality, she still had to try. She had to bet on her luck.

I rather die trying than doing nothing!

At this moment, a white-haired young man suddenly walked out of the tent. Leyna's weary and stiff expression brightened. Oddly enough, she felt he was somewhat familiar to her.

Her current situation did not give her time to dwell on that topic when she heard a sharp sound coming swiftly behind her.


A man's voice sliced through the air the same time a steel lance beaming in golden-yellow light spiked towards her.

"N-No!" Leyna exclaimed as she hurriedly bent her body forward, dodging the lance that passed over her head. Without stopping a single second, Leyna ran almost like crawling on the ground.

"H-Help. Please… Help me!" She loudly begged the white-haired young. She did not know why but his expression was one of annoyance. Clearly, displeased with something she did not know.

"I'm begging you, please help me." Leyna threw every little pride she had. Hell, even if he asked her to kiss his toes for his help she won't complain just to survive her situation; tears forming on the corner of her eyes.

"Leyna! Stop running. You have nowhere to run now. We are deep in the forest and the more you run the higher the monster's level will be. Hand over the drops and we will consider to let you live–"

The moment the trio reached the spacious ground, they cautiously looked at the white-haired young man who stood in front of their target.

"Who are you bastard? What is your relationship with Leyna?"

"Hand over that girl and you'll be spared!"

Upon hearing their words, Leyna stared behind the white-haired young man with a worried expression. He never uttered a word since the beginning but only acted the moment her pursuers appeared.

"Aren't you people aware how cringe you are…?" Fin voiced out his thoughts. This was not the first time he encountered players like them.

These past few days, he met these kinds of players. Orange players.

In order to differentiate the players from NPC's, the player's had a green diamond indicator above their head. And once the players attempted a crime, it would turn to orange and to red if successfully killed a player.

And in the map's system, a foreign player will be listed as a yellow dot and green dot if it was a player's friend. While the orange players will be discovered as orange dots which were similar to red players.

And most of the time, these red-players were always mistaken by a monster as the map also recorded a monster as a red-colored dot.

"What? You motherfucker! Great, nice, nice… You've got guts to speak to me like that. I guess you don't want your life anymore…" The leader of three bastards was clearly infuriated at Fin's words as he spoke in a sinister manner.

"Although I blame myself for all the players' current situation, I won't mind erasing people like you who have been corrupted and blinded by the situation…" Fin spoke in a grave tone of voice. Ever since the new rules had been set by Angelica, he never stopped blaming himself for whatever happened to these players that got stuck in this world because of his miscalculation.

He felt and assumed the responsibilities to these stuck players but he couldn't turn blind eye to those corrupted players who were killing other players without any hint of hesitation and worry. Regardless of what he felt or how hard it would be, Fin had already prepared mentally to use his hand as the judge of corrupted players.

It might sound hypocritical but he was still going to do what he deem is right.

Although the three bastards couldn't understand what Fin had said, they were still triggered by his arrogant attitude.

The green-haired man who was most likely to be the leader among them frowned deeply and spoke loudly at the men in both of his sides who were also wearing the same green clothes which was like an uniform of some association, "I don't care anymore. Heed my order, kill and don't let them see the next morning light!"

"But the chances she drops 'that' item would be low, Leader Olaf…"

"You don't need to worry about that. I will handle it if worse comes to worse. First, let's kill that white-haired brat!" Olaf responded.

"Roger that."

As Olaf's party surrounded them, Fin slightly turned his head and spoke softly to Leyna, "I will buy you some time, quickly recover your HP and help me if you think I'll need it…"

Before Leyna could reply to Fin, Olaf's party began their assault.


A glowing sword in red light hurled towards Fin on his right side. But in no time, a silver spear appeared in his hand and blocked the incoming sword.


Spark scattered at all sides. However, it wasn't the end of it, the black-haired bastard who was wielding a sword once again lifted his steel sword that was beaming in white light and cleaved down strongly towards Fin's head.

Fin didn't let the man close their distance. Hence, he perched his right foot and thrusted his spear in his right hand forward.


Sparks scattered once more when two weapons collided with each other. Fin was lightly forced backward whilst the black-haired man was pushed several yards away by the impact. Shock was apparent on his face.

At this moment, a fast incoming attack was approaching on his other side. A glowing red sharp halberd was heading towards his head.

"You're dead!" A red-haired man exclaimed as he assumed Fin's death was certain.

However, before it could penetrate Fin's head, Fin waved his silver spear deviating the halberd away from him. Utilizing this moment, he forcibly pulled his spear before dashing forward towards the widely open red-haired man.

As he was about to strike open the man, a sharp horizontal arc of light was quickly approaching from his behind. The green energy appears pixelated. It was clearly a «Sword Weapon Skill» — a level 10 Swords Skill called «Miniature Slash».

This swords skill was based on a true ancient martial artist that Fin invited in order to make the Weapon Skills real. Every type of skill in the system was legitimately copied from the Masters themselves.

Although Fin's family was not from a martial artist family, he learned one or two things from a martial arts Master when he was young.

One of it was, The Way of Spear. This was one of his advances amongst the other players. He does not need to depend on the system too much to activate a Weapon Skill.

Other than spear, he also learnt some techniques especially about swords. Therefore, he knew how to defend himself from a sword technique. It would not be exaggerated if he proclaimed he memorized every skill that swords had.

Hence, the moment he felt the incoming sharp energy, Fin smoothly lowered his body and the sharp arc light passed over his head and proceeded towards the surprised red-haired man.

Although the red-haired and black-haired men were in the same party and won't be able to damage each other, he was still taken aback by the light.

Upon seeing this, Fin took this moment to strike the red-haired man behind the green energy.

"Haaa!" Fin leaped forward as he exclaimed. A sharp pale-green light cut through the air straight to the chest of the red-haired man cleaving a huge chunk of his hit points.

It was a critical damage!

Before the man could react, Fin pulled his spear and forcibly stabbed his spear multiple times before swiftly making a full-turn, a circular energy spread out of his spear, cutting the neck of the red-haired man in the process.

A long red mark was evident on the red-haired man who was stock-still with a wide open mouth and eyes in a deep shock.


The red-haired man couldn't complete what he was about to say as his Hp bar turned empty, followed by the death animation effects.

The surrounding went silent. Even Leyna, who had just drunk a healing potion, left her eyes and mouth wide open.

She thought he might not be able to stand a chance in the assault of Olaf's party and will need her help later since she was reminded by Fin moments earlier.

However, seeing now, her help might be unnecessary.

Who in the world is he?

Leyna couldn't believe in what she just witnessed. Fin was clearly wearing low-level equipment but could unbelievably defeat a mid-level player.