
"Damn you! I will kill you today no matter what happens!" At this moment, Olaf was adamant to kill Fin. His long-time friend just died by Fin's hand, he could not afford to let his in-game friend die for the second time.

Without any care to his being, Olaf rushed forward to Fin in a furious manner.

Fin used «Spear Throw» and tossed his spear to advancing Olaf who was startled at his sudden action.

Olaf could not fully evade the spear since he was amidst full-sprint. The attack cleaved more than 10 percent of his HP. His remaining hit points were less than 40 percent.

Fin did not stop there, «Spiral Gales» swiftly flew in the air direct to unprepared Olaf.


Three explosions occurred in succession, creating a huge smoke of dust. Still as calm as ever, Fin did not linger at his position but instead dashed towards the smoke of dust after he evoked his dragon wings.

Despite his sight being blocked by the dust smoke, Fin could still discern the orange indicator of Olaf who was surrounded by smoke.

The moment he pierced through the cloud of dust, Fin formed his right hand into fist, his fist glowed with a jade-green light and powerfully threw his fist towards the abdomen of the dumbfounded Olaf.

There was no impact because his fist easily pierced the abdomen through the back of Olaf, severing the remaining hit points of Olaf.


That was the last word uttered by Olaf before he turned translucent, revealing his Avatar's outline and sucked by a wormhole and exploded into particles of colourful lights; the death animation effects.


Fin went silent when he heard Olaf's last word. It all just came to him. He was not innocent, he was overwhelmed by the situation and focused all his attention to conquer the game.

He was actually the main culprit of this worldwide scandal. He was probably being labeled as a criminal in the real world. He was a murderer, not just by a single person but millions of human beings. Albeit, not directly, but he was the one who built Angelica. Therefore, all the accusations will fall in his hand.

"I am a murderer…?" Fin murmured to himself. He clenched his hand into fist and his expression became dark.

"A-Are you okay?" Leyna's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Shaking his head to shrug off his depressing thought, Fin calmly replied, "Don't worry. I'm fine."

After he replied, Fin's eyes fell into the items laying on the ground dropped out of Olaf's body.

After he withdrew his wings and picked up the items, Fin shifted his attention towards the previous location where he shot the black-haired man, Jace. He then questioned Leyna, "What happened to that black-haired person? Where is he?"

Leyna could only shake her head, and spoke, "I'm not sure. I don't know if he escaped or died without dropping any items."

Fin frowned for a second before easing it back. He then silently stared at the young woman in front of him.

She had a height of around 170cm, long blonde hair which was tied like a ponytail, wearing a tight light-green dress which emphasized her womanly body and pair of white-legs, and a sword beside her hips. Her appearance was like in her late teens.

"U-Uhm… I don't know how to pay you for saving my life but let me thank you first. My name is Leyna and I'm truly grateful for your help." Leyna said as she bowed her head at the end.

Hearing her name, Fin didn't assume it was her real-name as it was taboo to tell someone's real-name in the virtual world.

Fin slightly nodded in response, "Name is Fin. Don't mention it. I've just done what I can."

After saying that, Fin walked to his tent and retrieved it back to his inventory and began walking away without looking back at Leyna.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Leyna cried, dumbfounded at Fin's action of leaving after a short response.

"Leaving." Fin curtly replied.

Leyna quickly followed behind Fin and asked, "Where are you going? Why are you leaving already?"

Fin suddenly stopped and turned around, facing the startled Leyna, he responded, "Why?"

"Huh? What, why?"

"Why are you asking me where am I going?"

"I-I…" Leyna was speechless, did not know what to say as she stared at Fin's handsome face which was void of emotions.

Seeing her not uttering a single word, Fin leisurely turned around and began walking again. He then spoke, "I've already saved you, and I don't have any responsibility to protect you…"

Leyna went even more silent as she stared at Fin's figure that was getting far away.

"…if I were you, I won't go back to your previous place. Who knows if Jace is still alive, he will probably hunt and kill you when he found you, that's if he's still alive." Fin added.

When Leyna heard his words, she was stunned and immediately understood her current situation. After a moment of silence, Leyna made up her mind. She yelled, "Wait! Help me reach the first border city… No, just help me to safely reach the next city and I will pay you!"

Not bothering to stop, Fin replied, "Your payment probably won't satisfy me."

Hell, he was the sole creator of this world, there was nothing in this world he doesn't know about.

"I will use as a payment the item they wanted from me."

"What item?" He replied somewhat curious.

"Key of Pocket Dimension!"

Leyna's answer stopped Fin from walking.

Key of Pocket Dimension? What is that item? I've never heard of that item. Did I make an item with a name like that? Fin thought.

It was not an exaggeration even if he claimed he knew every important item in Halcyon. Thus, he assumed it was probably a not so very important item. However, it piqued his interest.

"Can you show me the details of that key?" Fin asked who had just turned around.

Leyna immediately ran close to Fin before opening her inventory, and allowed her inventory window to be revealed before Fin with a simple thought.

Fin stared and read the details.

Key of Pocket Dimension

Quality: Special

Details: a key to a certain dimensional world that was filled with treasures left by a powerful being.

Note: The key will react if the door to the pocket dimension is within 1000 diameters radius.

What is this? I never created any item like this! Fin thought in certainty.

There was only a single answer—Angelica!

She probably began to change or add something in the Halcyon…

Fin's expression became dark as a foreboding feeling crept somewhere inside his body.

Will my important advantage in this world be render useless in the future if Angelica changed a lot of things in the original Halcyon?