
Ch.66 - Wolfsbane

Around the third week of February, the new revised Werewolf Registration Law or the new Lycanthropy Prevention and Management Law was publicized. The previous bill was practically trashed as they had to change it entirely. The new bill consisted of practical measures to prevent the spread of Lycanthropy and help the werewolves cope with their condition.

It still required every werewolf to register their affliction before two months had passed after their first full moon. The bill would also task the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (DRCMC) to find three remote forested areas located in England, Scotland, and Ireland that they would ward to become 'Werewolf Forests'. In these forests, the werewolves would be required to confine themselves in during the days with a full moon. The security around the forest would be a joint effort between the DRCMC and the DMLE. Drinking Wolfsbane Potions would not be required for those who are staying in the assigned forests, however, it was recommended for anyone who could afford it.

Edward Tonks did not have a very difficult time in writing the new bill that Amelia Bones and Remus Lupin agreed on. This was because he was able to find an old document of the Werewolf Code of Conduct from the 17th century. It was a document that was created and signed by the werewolves of the time in their effort to co-exists with ordinary wizards. It was basically an agreement that werewolves would do whatever it took to avoid infecting anyone else, even by confining themselves during the full moon.

Remus Lupin was abiding by this code without knowing about it. Werewolves, when transformed, were very hostile to people. Somehow, they had a rage-induced impulse to attack and infect other humans. Amazingly, they did not have the same hatred towards animals. However, when completely alone, their hostility them would turn towards themselves. That was why Lycanthrope like Lupin had too many scars on their body. Their self-inflicted injuries were also known to quicken ageing. When Lupin was able to drink Wolfsbane Potion, he was happy to pass the time as a werewolf sleeping.

However, the Wolfsbane Potion is not a cure for Lycanthropy. It made the change less painful and it allowed werewolves to retain their sanity during their transformations. But, aconite was an expensive and extremely poisonous plant. The process required a skilled brewer who could do the exact procedures to properly counteract the poison from the ingredients. Furthermore, a werewolf must drink one goblet full of the potion once a day for the five days preceding the full moon. Missing even one dosage would render the potion ineffective.

So, it was naturally very expensive. Therefore, the Ministry would also be offering rebates to any potions maker who could brew and sell cheaper Wolfsbane Potions.

After Alex and Katie worked together to create their own process of making Wolfsbane Potions, they were able to reduce the selling price by around half. That being said, it still cost 20-25 GG per bottle. So, only those with a regular job could afford it monthly. Katie would be selling the potion in her shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. And just like when she opened her shop, she made the revised recipe public.

In the article on the Observer that talked about the new bill, they included an extensive list of jobs that could be performed by a person afflicted with Lycanthropy. As it turned out, werewolves could perform virtually any job as long as it wasn't involved in the emergency services. After all, missing 3-5 days of work a month was not really that outrageous from a practical point of view.

The people may still view werewolves in fear, but, most of the readers were beginning to understand the hardship of coping with the curse a little better. Unlike with the previous bill, this new bill was welcomed by the werewolf population of Wizarding Britain. The Ministry would be receiving more werewolves registrations in the following week.


The Observer interviewed the key people that were involved in the passing of the new bill. Tonks and Bones were the main focus. But, Crouch was also taking as much credit as he could.

As one of the strongest supporter of the bill, Alex was also included in the discussions. He was asked to give a live interview in the WWN.

The interviewer was Mr Dewey himself. He was usually the one who was writing about the big news in the paper. As the Observer took control of the news media industry, they also became in charge of the programming in the WWN even though it was still run by the Ministry officially.

The interview started with Mr Dewey congratulating Alex on his appointment in the Wizengamot. Alex was amongst the youngest in history to take a seat in the Wizengamot, and, he was the first muggleborn to do so.

"Thank you," replied Alex. "It is a great honour, something that I share with Edward Tonks and Madam Dewey. So, congratulations to your family's success."

Then the interview proceeded with Alex expressing his views on the new bill and explaining how it would affect those with the affliction and their families and friends. He also advertised that the new Wolfsbane Potions would be available in Robins' Remedies in large quantities.

"Some of the critics are saying," Mr Dewey said, "that this new will make it easier for the few werewolves that have turned to criminal ways to harm us. What can you say about this claim?"

"The new bill also addressed how we can deal with these criminals," said Alex. "In the past, crimes associated with Werewolves were dealt by the DRCMC. But, that will no longer be the case. Werewolves would no longer be considered as 'Beast' or 'Being' by the Law. Instead, they would be considered as people like you and me who just happened to be afflicted with Lycanthropy. Their rights are protected by the same laws that protect our rights. And similarly, they are answerable to the same laws as well. This should have always been true, but, the new bill makes it official. So, these criminal cases that were committed by the few werewolves, as you say, would be handled by the DMLE as they should be."

"Are you not concerned that it would stretch our Aurors and Hit-wizard too thin?"

"The DMLE is being expanded as we speak. Just like what the Minister has promised, the Aurors and Hit-wizards would double in size by the end of the year. So, I'm positive that they could handle the change."

"And how do you think the DMLE should deal with the likes of Fenrir Greyback?"

"Greyback is a disgusting animal and I'm not calling him that because he is a werewolf," said Alex will all the loathing he could muster.

In the Battle of Hogwarts, he saw Greyback's followers biting and savaging some students. The worst thing was they weren't even transformed at the time. They did what they did while being completely aware.

"To the other werewolves that are listening," continued Alex. "Greyback is not your friend. He is not like you. He attacks children and infects them with Lycanthropy on purpose. He has killed so many people and he even admitted to cannibalism. I think the DMLE should hunt him like the animal that he is and kill him where he stood. To those who are associated with him, I advice you to think twice about your choices."

"Whoa! That is a very bold statement, Mr Grey. Aren't you worried that he'll come after you? He's been known to attack those who criticize him publically."

"Worried? No," answered Alex. "In fact, I can't wait for it."

The interview ended shortly after that. Mr Dewey knew when to end a talk that could garner more reaction. The listeners would think, 'What exactly did Alexander Grey mean?' and 'Is he challenging Greyback's group?', followed by, 'Ask him more questions, you idiot!'

[AN: 'Beast' classifications of the Ministry are for Dragon, Unicorn, Acrumantula, etc. 'Beings' classifications are for Giants, Goblins, Merpeople, etc. Werewolves are humans who transform once a month. Lavender Brown was killed by Fenrir Greyback, she was 'savaged' as the book describe it. I think she was partially eaten which is a very sad end for Ron's ex-girlfriend.]


A day later, it was the time for the English Quidditch Team to start practising. Just like before, they had a small press conference to officially start their team practices.

Alexander was chosen as the Seeker as expected. He was also asked to be the Team Captain, but, he declined that offer. He was already too busy being the Head of DMGS and as a Wizengamot member to worry about the team outside of practice.

The convenient thing about being the Seeker was the fact that he didn't have to work on his teamwork too much. Thankfully, the English Team had a resurgence after their win in the World Cup. Every English player wanted to be picked for the national team.

There was a little politics involved in the selection of players. Ludo Bagman actually asked to be a Beater for the team even after he has retired from the pro-leagues. He could have gotten what he wanted considering how famous he still was. But, ultimately he was declined a spot in the team because of 'Team Chemistry' reasons. Basically, the other players were sick of Bagman.

Alex was indirectly in charge of the national team's training regimen last time around. This time, he was officially recognized as an assistant coach of the team.

The team members who played with Alex last time was being nostalgic about their training with him. He was barely 18 years old at the time. They had an image of a cute little rascal playing with the veterans.

But when the training began, they wondered why they were feeling nostalgic about it in the first place. Alex was a little training demon who crawled up from the depths of hell to whip them into shape. He might have been a little reserved about it 4 years ago, but now, he didn't have any hesitation at all.

The older team members remembered it clearly after the first session. They cringed as they watched the first-time national players get dragged in Alex's training program, but, a small voice in their head was rejoicing the fact that they could finally share their misery with others. It would be worth it in the end, they all reminded themselves. Perhaps, the fact that they won it all last time made them think of their time as the best days of their lives. Or maybe, their brain, in its wonders, was protecting their sanity by making them forget all the pain.

Thankfully, Alex was also busy with the other things going on in his department in the Ministry. The construction of the World Cup stadium was finally starting. The building team of 'Elysium Properties' which Alex owned through Mr Baxter had successfully won the bid to build the stadium.

Alex didn't even manipulate it to be like that. He would be satisfied as long as the delivery of the building was on schedule. But, that company had the most detailed proposal and the most experienced personnel compared to the other company who bid for the project.

Elysium Properties was also in charge of creating the temporary lodgings for the international guests that would be arriving. They have been working on this project for the last six months. For this, Alex told them to propose a deal to the DMGS that would require no funds from the Ministry. The buildings would remain as the properties of the company.

For their part, the Ministry would expedite any paperwork that they needed for the buildings. They would also receive a small share of the income during the World Cup season. After which, the buildings would easily be converted to more affordable homes that the company was known to produce.


About a week after Alex had spoken in the WWN, there were some people who visited Katie's shop in Hogsmeade after midnight. It was common knowledge that she lived there. In reality, she was staying in Alex's country house.

They were waiting for this visit. Some member of the Order and a group from the 'Arms' were watching several places in Diagon Alley and in Hogsmeade. And like a moth drawn to the light, the werewolves have come to die.

Alex was alerted by his the people watching the place from the shadows. So, he used the Floo to travel inside Katie's house. The others would apparate to surround the location about 50 yards away. And just as they planned, they would place the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Jinx in the perimeter.

He stepped out of the front door and Fenrir Greyback was surprised that he and his men were expected. Alex smiled as he looked on the werewolf who was one of the leaders of the 'Snatchers' from the other timeline.

Greyback didn't even look human anymore even though the moon wasn't full. His hair was springy like fur covering most of his face. And, his teeth and nails were grown-out and sharpened like a beast. Unlike werewolves like Remus Lupin, Greyback looked younger than his actual age. He had a hulking figure even though he was more than 60 years old.

Behind Greyback was a group of 15 other men. There were few of them who looked just as beastly as their leader. These men were wizards who were turned by Greyback personally. But unlike Lupin, they succumb to Greyback's ways.

"It was nice of you to step out," said Greyback. "Saves us the effort of burning down the place."

"You are a dumb dog, Greyback," replied Alex smiling when he felt the wards activating. "You won't be leaving here tonight."

Greyback was angered by being called a dog. He was alerted as he also felt the wards surrounding them.

"No one insults me and get away with it. We'll kill you first before anyone can help you! KILL HIM!"

The werewolves surrounded him drawing their wands.

Alex also drew his wand as he anticipated the enemies' next move. He conjured a barrier wandlessly to protect himself from all directions.

Then, Greyback's men open fired, shouting 'Confringo' and 'Expulso'.

When the spells hit the barrier, Alex vanished with a great explosion of smoke.

Before the smoke could dissipate, he appeared on top of the roof of a nearby house. Naturally, he was keyed-in the wards to give him the advantage. From where he stood, he rained down several silent 'Bombarda' towards Greyback's men.

Alex wasn't even aiming for anyone in particular. But, several of the attackers died by being blasted and dismembered. He had no intention of showing mercy. These people came for Katie instead of coming for him directly.

Greyback was nowhere to be found on the ground, however. He went around the house and he tried to grab Alex from behind by climbing the building as fast as he could.

Anyone else could have been taken by surprise. But, Alex repelled him with a wave of his hand before he could get close.

Greyback fell ungracefully to the ground. He landed on his back painfully.

Alex looked at him with a complete lack of empathy as he fired a spell that cut off Greyback's legs. He also summoned all other weapons that the werewolf might have.

The werewolf literally howled in pain. He could only stare at his legs that was blown a couple of yards away. Then, he looked at the wizard who was responsible for his condition. He could only grind his teeth in anger. Even his animal instinct told him that there was nothing else he could do.

Even the Death Eaters didn't fight like this, thought Greyback. Alex was quick and he fired lethal spells without much of a flourish. His efficiency was scary and Greyback had never encountered someone like him.

His men were stunned for a moment after seeing the state of their leader.

"Escape from here in all directions!" Greyback ordered his men. "Turn as many wizards as you can and continue the fight! LONG LIVE THE WEREWOLF ARMY!"

His followers looked at one another and nodded. They would risk it all in a single attack giving some of them the chance to escape.

Alex chuckled at how predictable they were. Before they could move, however, Alex gave his own command.

"Kill them all," said Alex clearly. "Do not let them touch you. Leave Greyback as he is."

The werewolves looked at the surrounding wondering who Alex was talking to. They should have run instead of standing there.

From afar, a number of spells were fired upon the remaining werewolves coming from multiple directions. The werewolves never had a chance the moment the Anti-Apparition ward was activated.

Alex jumped from where he was standing and he used a wandless 'Arresto Momentum' to slowly descend toward where Greyback was lying on his own blood.

"Where are your other followers?" asked Alex looking at Greyback in the eyes.

Passive Legilimency was enough for Greyback. Alex didn't want to look into an animal's mind again after looking into Pettigrew's memories.

"You won't find them. They will disappear into the wilderness and you will never have a good night sleep! They will come for you and your family one day."

"Dumb dog. You just told me everything I wanted to know. Now, what is the worst way to die that you fear? — Ah... That is unexpectedly simple. A very common fear."

Alex made Greyback stuck on the ground with a 'Sticking Charm', so, the man could no longer move his arms or his neck.

Then, Alex met Greyback's stare and said, "Aguamenti..."

He held the 'Water-Making Charm' focused on Greyback's face. He stood there patiently for more than two minutes as the werewolf struggled ineffectively gasping for air but only getting more water.

The other people there didn't say anything as they watched their leader drown a legless man on the ground. It was very simple and cruel at the same time. It was also amazing how Alex could maintain the 'Water-Making Charm' considering the volume of water he was producing.

Fenrir Greyback died by drowning. It was the way of dying that he was most afraid of. And, he felt helpless during that last moment of his life.

"Clean this place up and repair the damages," Alex ordered his men before disappearing.

Ch.67 - The Animagus

Alex's people took care of the aftermath of the battle with Greyback and his followers in Hogsmeade. They cleaned the streets of the bodies and repaired the surrounding structures as well as they could before people started waking up. They would also handle the remainder of Greyback's followers still hiding in the wilderness.

He had no intention of publicizing the event initially, not until the entire thing was concluded. But, that was before he received a call from Mrs Dewey of the Observer.

Alex was in his office in the Ministry when he answered the glass communicator after hearing its beep.

"Mrs Dewey, how can I help you?" said Alex getting straight to the point.

"Mr Grey, I just received a written piece from Rita Skeeter, describing what happened in Hogsmeade in some detail. I thought I should bring it up to your attention."

Rita Skeeter was a writer for the Daily Prophet who had a habit of sensationalizing everything she reported on. After the Prophet had closed down, she became a freelance journalist that earn her income by selling her articles to whoever would publish it.

"Did she tell you how she found out about it?" asked Alex.

"No," said Mrs Dewey. "She deflected the question and said something about it being a trade secret."

"Hm... Buy her article and make sure that it meets the standard of the Observer before publishing tomorrow. Keep it to the facts and screen out her speculations. — Tell her that you are impressed by how she was able to get her scoop. And, you want her to interview me this evening, to follow up on the story. We can meet in the pub in Hogsmeade at 6 pm."

"Yes, Archon."

Then, the connection was cut.

Alex thought about how Skeeter was able to get the story. No one in his people could have talked about it. They had been tested on multiple occasions.

Meaning, the woman was able to hide. She was probably camping outside Katie's home to get some pictures of Katie and Alex together. That kind of news was more like her style.

Alex remembered Skeeter from the previous timeline. She was a journalist who was known to write about the gossips in the wizarding world. Her stories were questionable at best. However, sometime before the Second Wizarding War, she became much bolder and started writing about political news.

Of course, it still sounded like gossips coming from Skeeter. But, what made her column popular was that they were always exclusive content. After Dumbledore had died, she actually wrote a book which revealed the Headmaster's connection with Grindelwald. She had been obviously working on that book before Dumbledor's death.

After talking with Mrs Dewey, Alex sent some words to their people in the DMLE to pick up the case of Greyback's attacks.


When Alex arrived at the Trouncing Towny, he found that Skeeter was already there sitting in a booth by the corner. Alex walked towards the woman in a relaxed manner.

"Miss Skeeter, I assume? It's a pleasure to meet you," said Alex extending his hand to the witch.

"Mr Grey, it's an honour," said Skeeter taking his hand. "I'm glad we can have the chance to talk finally."

"Before that, let's get something to eat first," said Alex as he sat down in front of Skeeter. "I'm quite famished, you know. Work in the Ministry allowed little time for an enjoyable meal."

The waiter came and Alex ordered an item that was not on the menu. And, he ordered for Skeeter as well.

The witch was quite taken with Alex. When the food was served, they just talked about trivial things. They sounded like they were just getting to know one another.

Skeeter was an attention-hungry witch who liked to feel like she always had power over other people through their secrets. Alex was asking her all the trivial personal questions while looking at her in the eyes. He was using the word 'you' a lot without talking about himself.

She actually blushed and giggled while talking about her favourite things to do or what type of music she was partial to. Alex would have cringed at the sight if he wasn't putting an act for the woman.

Before dinner was over, Alex had gotten what he wanted from Skeeter. It turned out that she was an Animagus with the form of a beetle. He wondered, what was her personality truly like to have the form of an insect, the kind that horde its own shit.

Most important of all was that she was unregistered as an Animagus. That could automatically land her for 6 months in Azkaban. Considering that she used it for spying, she would probably get a heavier sentence.

Skeeter had witnessed the arrival of Greyback up to the time when the first spells were fired. She then flew away when things started exploding. In other words, she didn't actually see how Alex had killed all the werewolves. But considering that he was still alive, it wasn't an unreasonable assumption that he was able to kill or drive off the attackers.

After their meal was over, Skeeter started her questioning about what happened the night before. She was eager to get an article from her talk with Alex. Financially, she wasn't doing very well ever since the Prophet had shut down.

Before they could begin, however, Alex asked Skeeter to stop using her 'Quick-Quotes Quill'. Such a source wouldn't be accepted by the Observer, anyway. If Skeeter was working regularly with the paper, she would know this.

"How about we use a 'Dicta-Quill' instead?" asked Skeeter. She wanted to record every word that Alex might say.

"That's fine, Miss Skeeter."

"Now, for my first question, what was going through your mind when Fenrir Greyback and his men arrived in front of the potions shop?"

"If you are publishing this after the official statement of the Ministry, I can tell you that we were actually expecting the arrival of Greyback ever since I have spoken about him publically in the WWN. This was a joint effort between the DMLE and myself."

"So, it was a trap?" asked Skeeter smelling the intrigue.

"Basically, yes. Greyback had eluded the DRCMC and the DMLE for years. They needed to lure him out in the open."

"However, you came out to face them by yourself. Weren't you scared? Where were the Aurors?"

"They were around, I take it that you didn't witness the entire engagement? That's fine, you should not have been there in the beginning. But, the Aurors were indeed there. They had the place surrounded moments after we have detected Greyback in the premises."

"I was there to witnessed them attack you simultaneously. What happened next?"

"I defended myself until the Aurors could properly bring them all down. It was a pretty messy battle. I will spare you and your readers the details. But, Fenrir Greyback and most of his followers were indeed killed last night. The rest were taken in for questioning."

"As horrible as it sounds, I will thank you and the Aurors for ridding our world of that monster, Mr Grey. You are our hero," said Skeeter sounding like a fangirl. "Recently, the discussions about werewolves had changed its tone. You are one of the people that were responsible for that. How do you think this attack could affect that?"

"I believe that getting rid of the prejudice about werewolves would be easier without Greyback. People should understand that he doesn't represent all the werewolves. In fact, there are probably a good number of Lycanthrope who would rejoice when they read this news."

"Indeed. But, when do you think the Ministry would issue a statement?"

"Soon, I hope," said Alex. "But, the investigation is still ongoing. This will be a matter for the DMLE to handle. I'm officially ordering you not to release this interview before that. I had already sent my orders to the Observer and they said they would comply."

Skeeter looked troubled. She was probably thinking of going to a different news outlet.

"Skeeter, I admire your ability to sniff out the news. And really, I want our press to be free to report the truth no matter how inconvenient it is to the Ministry. But, I can't help but wonder how you could have witnessed this event. If you were merely invisible or were using an invisibility cloak, we would have detected you."

Skeeter was fidgeting on her seat.

"This is the only explanation that I could think of," Alex continued. "You are an Animagus who had a form which is small enough not to be noticed in the dark."

She gasped but did not say anything.

"I am right, judging from your reaction. You could really get in trouble by being an unregistered Animagus. Before you say anything, stay silent and listen to my words. I'll tell you what I will do. I have a working relationship with Mrs Dewey from the Observer since we are both in the Wizengamot. I will tell her that I am recommending you for a permanent position in her news company. Do you want that?"

"...yes, but what would I have to do in exchange?"

"Nothing. I want you to use your talents and write about the truth and stop it with the gossips. I don't have to tell you how useful your ability could become given your profession. Make a name for yourself as a respectable journalist. — But don't thank me yet. In a week, I will discretely check the Animagus registry in the Ministry. If I don't find your name there, I will ask the DMLE to catch you. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Mr Grey. Very."

"Good. Don't waste this chance, Skeeter. I hope we can do this again," said Alex as he stood up to leave. "Don't bother with the bill, I already settled it."

He left Skeeter there by herself. She stayed for a while to have a drink on her own.


The news about Greyback came and went pretty quickly even though it would be a very significant event historically. The other followers of Greyback were rounded up and sent to Azkaban. The worst of them were given the death penalty.

Soon after that was the preliminary of the Quidditch World Cup. For the whole month of March, it was the only thing that dominated the papers. Even the affairs of the Ministry had taken a background role in the news. That was just how important quidditch is to the people of the wizarding world.

The hardest game for the English Team was against the Irish. They had a well-rounded team, strong in both defence and offence. But, the English couldn't be underestimated as well. They were playing with the pride of the World Champions.

Alex won the game by doing an incredible Wronski Feint. He was diving to the ground with the other Seeker following close behind him. Then, Alex guided their dive in a spinning descent which made the other Seeker lose track of their altitude. It happened so fast that the audience barely could see it. After all, Alex and the Irish Seeker were using the new Firebolt broomsticks, the fastest broom yet.

The English Team won all three of their games, so, they managed to secure a spot in the tournament phase of the World Cup easily. The second spot was given to the Irish Team, as expected. So, they would still get a chance for the Cup.

The expectations were high. The English were expected to win it all this year. So, Alex would have to make sure that his teammates wouldn't cut back on their training just because they were the favourite to win. They would have two more months to train for the tournament.

If the number of letters that his department in the ministry was getting was any indication, the pressure was especially hard on Alex. Even his fans from Ireland were silently rooting for him to bring home the Cup once again.

In April, he got a letter from Remus Lupin thanking for his part in changing how the werewolves are being treated in their world. There were still some problematic issues to be addressed, but, the development was heading in the right direction. Someone would have to represent the werewolves in the Ministry permanently. So, Lupin applied for a position in the DRCMC and he was accepted by Amos Diggory, the new head of the department. He would be finishing his term in Hogwarts before starting on his new job.

Alex sent him his congratulations via a letter. Lupin was very knowledgable about magical creatures. He would do great for himself in his department.

And so, the curse on the position of DADA Professor in Hogwarts continued to be in effect. Although Alex's and Lupin's time in teaching was ended by being accepted in their job in the Ministry.

Before the Hogwarts school term ended, the Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup. Oliver Wood had assembled the strongest team that he could. Alex wondered if they could continue to win next year. Although, he knew that the Tri-Wizard Tournament would happen next school year.


Author's Note:

I know a lot of you, the readers, were asking whether Alex would be an Animagus. So, the title of this chapter could have misled you.

Just to be clear, Alex will not be an Animagus. I just don't see how it could fit in the story. I have already outlined the story until its end, so, we are already nearing the end. Stick around and enjoy the show.

Ch.68 - Preparations For The Finals

Shortly after the Hogwarts term was over, the DMGS finally receive their official notification for the upcoming Tri-Wizard Tournament. It was a project under the jurisdiction of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, but, the DMGS was expected to help out since it was technically a sporting event.

The tournament was initially proposed by the ICW. Cooperation between the European wizarding countries had been stale at best in the past decades ever since Grindelwald's War. So, they thought it would be a great opportunity to start things again with the Tri-Wizard Tournament even though it was a tradition that was abandoned for being too dangerous.

The tournament is between the three wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from Britain, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France, and Durmstrang Institute from Eastern Europe. A champion from each school would be chosen by the Goblet of Fire, an ancient artefact that was created for that particular reason, and they would compete in a set of three tasks to determine whom among them was the most competent witch or wizard.

The order to hold the tournament had come from the higher-ups. Even the Minister would find it hard to stop it now. And, it just happened that Hogwarts would host the tournament.

Something would be going wrong in the tournament and the Dark Lord would be involved somehow. For some reason, Harry would be chosen as the fourth champion. This was what Alex knew.

Alex wasn't sure whether or not he should let it play out like in the other timeline. But, he knew he couldn't be caught by surprise. He must place as many of his people as he could be involved in the tournament. So, there would also be a coordinated effort from the leaders of the Order of Prometheus in the background.


In other matters, Percy Weasley had graduated from Hogwarts with 10 NEWTs, just like his older brother, Bill. He got the highest marks in his year. Not only that, but he was the Head-Boy and the president of the Duelling Club in Hogwarts during his last year. His school credentials were certainly impressive. Any department in the Ministry would be glad to have him.

So, Alex wrote a letter to Percy during the second week of July. He was offering Percy an entry position in his department if he was still interested in working for the Ministry.

Percy wrote back the very next day to accept his offer. When he showed up to the office of the DMGS, Alex personally handled his welcome.

"So Percy, do you know what our department is involved with at the moment?"

"Our biggest project is probably the World Cup, right?"

"Correct. And because of my commitment to play for the English Team, there would be a lot of things that I would not be able to attend to when I am playing. I want you to start as my executive assistant. So, you will be following me from now on. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, Mr Grey!"

"Good. Our department is very busy this year. So, you might notice that we have a lot of new members here. Try to get along with them as well as you can. That is also a part of the job working in the Ministry. This is a place where a lot of different opinions collide. So, it is important to be able to work amicably even with people that you do not like. Remember that."

Having Percy would be very helpful for him personally. His job as the Head of the DMGS won't wait just because he had to play for the national team.

Alex would have to hire more people once again to make sure that the World Cup operations were running smoothly. Especially when one of his employees had disappeared when the summer began without a trace. He already sent some people to investigate, but, they found nothing.

The construction of the stadium was nearing its completion. The workers would only need to finish the furnishing in the seating areas. Alex had directed the builders to create something magnificent and welcoming at the entrance of the stadium, a testament of the new Wizarding Britain to the rest of the world. The news about the changes in their own country must have reached abroad by now. Alex wanted to make an impression.

Two days later, Percy's first task was to accompany Alex to the site of the stadium for the public unveiling of a statue that his department had commissioned. It was located at the main entrance to the stadium where it could welcome the foreign guest to the games.

When they got there, Alex made a point to introduce Percy to the people of the DMLE and the DIMC so they would know to look for his assistant instead of bothering him directly from that day. Percy was also eagerly taking notes of their names and their position in the Ministry.

There were plenty of Ministry officials at the event and the press was there with the numbers to match. When the event was started, Minister Crouch had given his own speech to commemorate the event and to express his excitement about the upcoming finals of the World Cup. He might have been the popular choice during the last election, but, he wasn't very good at giving speeches.

After that, the podium was given to Alex. His department was still in charge of the project, so, it was his privilege to do the unveiling. He had his own 'politician' speech prepared.

"Thank you, Minister," said Alex. "Now, as the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, I would like to say my thanks to the people that supported us in our preparations for the upcoming Quidditch World Cup, especially the office of the Minister, the office of the DIMC, and the office of the DMLE. I am also grateful to the security company of the 'Arms of Poros', for providing additional security around the stadium and to the 'Elysium Properties' who had built the stadium on schedule. And without being so bold, I would like to say that this particular stadium is probably the best quidditch stadium that was ever built in history.

"It is such a special time for Wizarding Britain to host the Quidditch World Cup once again, here in the birthplace of the sport. This year, I can say as the Head of the DMGS and a participating player that our two teams, the Irish and the English team, in the World Cup are among the top contenders. It will surely be an exciting year for all the quidditch fans in our country.

"The game of Quidditch was developed during the time when the Statute of Secrecy was just starting. When they were saying that wizards and witches had to hide from the rest of the world, the young wizards and witches of our country at that time were saying, 'How about we go outside and fly around in a great open field?"

His listeners laughed at that. It was certainly ironic how the most popular sport in their world was held in a large open space.

"Kidding aside, I've always found it amazing. To me, quidditch is a testament to the tenacity of our predecessors. Perhaps, that is the reason why quidditch so important in our lives.

"Instead of prohibiting a very open sport, they asked, 'How can we make it work?' When faced with a problem, they said, 'Let us look for a practical solution instead of abandoning what we love.'

"And so, the game of quidditch had evolved and changed. The regulations were put in place just so we wouldn't have to stop playing the sport. And, it led to the creation of my department in the Ministry.

"And so, to remind our young wizards and witches of the spirit of the British magical society of the past, we present to you this newly created sculpture!"

With his words, the veil that was covering the 20 feet tall statue of Merlin, the greatest wizard in history, had fallen off. The statue was made from a dark-grey coloured limestone that was taken from Ireland. It was protected with magic and the carving was very lifelike. Its arms were opened wide as if it was drawing on the magic from the earth. Its hair and robes looked like they were being blown by a great wind from the front. And, its face had an expression of determination. Overall, it was a very inspiring work of art.

[AN: If you know the archmage statue at the college from Skyrim, it looks like that.]

It was sort of petty, but, it was their national pride as British wizards and witches. How many other countries could claim that the greatest wizard in history came from their country? Every educated wizard and witch in the world could probably recognize the image of Merlin.

Everybody was applauding at the unveiling of the statue. After the crowd had calm down, Alex explained the other pertinent details about the sculpture. Most important of all was how the sculpture would be transferred to the Ministry of Magic Headquarters after the World Cup.


Alex invited Oliver Wood to join a couple of the English team's practise sessions. For the practice games, they were playing against the Welsh team. It was an arrangement that Alex had introduced to increase their chances to win the World Cup. The Irish team was playing with the Scottish team in their practice games.

Oliver Wood had just won the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup as the captain of the Gryffindor team. So, he was a little too confident for his own good. His education was quick and painful. The players of the national teams showed him exactly what would be expected from him if he was thinking about being a pro-league player.

Alex ruthlessly made Oliver participate in their training drills. Of course, he had also given him some pointers. Oliver even had the opportunity to play as a Keeper against the English team.

Oliver thought of himself as a harsh trainer when he put his Gryffindor team through their drills. But, he had no idea how hard it could be to keep up with Alex's training regimen. He realized he was still too nice on his former team. If he wanted to help his future team in their training, he had to be sadistic like Alex.


While the rest of the country was anticipating the World Cup, Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr. were released from Azkaban. They were imprisoned as punishment for their crimes when they attacked the old AIM Centre. Their sentence of five years was finally over.

Their release didn't get too much reaction from the public. Similarly, no one also cared when they disappeared on their own accord. Alex had his people watching their families, but, it seemed that they even abandoned their own relatives.

The enemies were starting to move finally, Alex realized. He ordered his agents to keep watch of every suspected Death Eaters in the country. The guards around Azkaban was also alerted to the development. The people there were prepared to kill every Death Eaters in the prison should they need to. However, Alex still needed those prisoners to be tried publically.

In the other timeline, ten Death Eaters were able to escape from Azkaban. Sirius Black was blamed for the mass breakout. But knowing the man's innocence now, it was probably done by Voldemort himself.

Alex must keep in mind that the Dark Lord could entice the Dementors to join his side in his full power. He must have a plan to deal with the creatures when that happens. He was sure that he could kill them with his 'Hellfire Protector', but, he needed Azkaban to remain as it was for a while.

Voldemort and his most intelligent followers must be aware of the existence of another side in their war. They would wonder who killed Lucius Malfoy and who 'removed' the corrupt Wizengamot officials. It certainly wasn't Dumbledore's style. So, doing anything prematurely would only reveal more of Alex's hand.

He commanded every member of the Order to start practising their wartime precautions. Meaning, there would be no documents or evidence of the Order upon their person. They would always be shadowed by a hidden duo that would be changing every two days. And, there would be Imperius check every time they meet one another.

The Association and the Observer would also have to take some precaution. Their important documentation would be kept in different locations. No one was allowed to stay after business hours in their building except for the security personnel. Discrete regular patrols of Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley were also started.

Alex's country house the Order HQ was placed under a Fidelius Charm. He had also convinced Sirius Black to start taking the same precautions without alerting anybody.

Alex and the Order must fight the enemies publically and in the shadows. The fact that the enemy could strike from anywhere was the most worrying of all. But, he was confident that his forces were still hidden from the enemy just the same. It was only a matter of waiting who would make the first move.

He knew that he would see Crabbe and Goyle once again. He was counting on it. This time, he wouldn't bother in sending them to Azkaban.

Ch.69 - The 1994 Quidditch World Cup (1)

At the beginning of August, the foreign guests had started to arrive to witness the tournament phase of the World Cup. Wizarding Britain was opened to the rest of the wizarding world. There was an atmosphere of excitement all around. Each wizarding nations had their own cultures and traditions. And, the streets were alive in all their colours.

For the first time in a very long while, the British could face the rest of the wizarding world with pride. They were the reigning quidditch champions. Not only that, but the progress in their country was also creating waves all around the world. The works of the Association were evident. And, Alex wanted all the foreign guests to see the benefits that they could offer.

The Aurors and the Hit-Wizards were on full alert. They were keeping a constant watch around the Stadium and other areas that would be frequented by the people during the following three weeks. They were, of course, in their street clothes so they could blend in with the public.

As an additional security measure, the 'Arms' were contracted by the DMGS to help the Aurors. After all, the DMLE couldn't keep watch of everything. Some of the 'Arms' personnel even came from France to bolster their numbers.

Most of the foreign guests were staying in houses that were built by the 'Elysium Properties'. These houses looked like normal 3-story buildings from the outside. However, they had about 60 apartments inside on average. They were also located in Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, and Godric's Hollow where it was convenient for most wizards and witches to stay in. Choosing these locations would also boost the local businesses there.

Other quidditch spectators choose to rent a tent near the stadium. It was pretty much the tradition to 'camp' out during the World Cup. Under the administration of the DMGS, these tents were rented out by local businesses. No singular tent manufacturer could provide an adequate number of tents for the event.

There were also some temporary business stalls around the Stadium for rent. So, any enterprising witch or wizards could open a shop there to sell food or any other commodities.

Sirius Black paid for a tent for Harry and his friends next to the Weasley's tent. Hermione and Neville were also there to join their tent. It was the first wizarding festival that the children were attending. So, they were very excited about the entire event. Everyone was wearing red and white, the colours of the English Team.

They had a lot of space inside the tent. Black didn't spare any expense to give Harry the best. Thankfully, Lupin was always there to scold him for spoiling Harry too much. The kids were seated around the dining table to have their snacks. They just arrived on the site and it was a pretty hectic journey with all the people around.

"How many points do you think the English would score against the Japanese?" asked Neville as he took a bite of a muffin that his mother had made for him and his friends.

The first match of the English was against the Japanese team. Graduates of Mahoutokoro School of Magic were known for being great quidditch players. So, Alex was expecting it to be a challenging game. Of course, the children didn't care any about that.

"Loads, I bet!" said Harry. "Alex will win it all again!"

"Yeah! He has got a lot of fans out there. They are all wearing red and white." said Hermione who also was being carried away by the atmosphere.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," said Ron in his scholarly voice while holding an M-Sport Magazine. "Of course, I want the English to win, but, they are saying that the best Seeker this year is Victor Krum from Bulgaria. He is the youngest player in the World Cup this year!"

Obviously, he was quoting something he just read from the magazine. Naturally, that made him an expert on the topic.

"Blasphemy!" said Fred throwing some jam on Ron's head.

"Thou shall not speak lies, Mr Ronniekins," said George. "Or else... Release the Kraken!"

Ginny stepped out from behind Fred and George. When Ron saw that she was holding her wand, his expression turned ugly.

"Bat-Bogey Hex!" cried Ginny.

Ron scrambled and he managed to shield against the spell before falling off his chair. He picked up a thing or two in the Duelling Club.

"Get away from me, you crazy girl!" said Ron as he stood up and ran outside.

Ginny, Fred, and George were hot on his tail shouting, "Get back here, you heathen!"

Harry and Neville were laughing their hearts out.

"Witches be crazy, am I right?" said Neville raising his hand to high-five Harry.

"Hey!" reacted Hermione.

"Sorry, 'Mione. You don't count," Neville explained, but, he quickly realized his mistake.

"What!?" asked Hermione.

"Fly, you fool..." said Harry.

As he ran outside, Neville bumped into a man standing by the entrance to their tent.

"Sorry, mister!" said Neville as he ran past the man. Hermione was coming after him.

"What the hell is going on?" asked the man as he entered the tent.

"Can I help you, mister...?" said Harry, not recognizing the man.

"Oh. Sorry about that," said the man as he waved his hand across his face removing the illusion that he was using. It was none other than Alex who was using an illusion to hide from the mob outside.

"Alex!" shouted Harry. "Why are you here!?"

"Nothing much. Sirius and I had an arrangement. I only came by to drop this off," said Alex holding an envelope.

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's just an envelope that contains some tickets for the best seats in the Stadiums!"

"FOR REAL!?" Harry said aloud.

"No, I'm joking. What do you think? Of course, it's for real. These seats are right in the middle of the pitch and around 40 feet above the ground. You can see all the action happening during a match. It's right across the commentators' box from the other side, so, you know they are the best seats in the Stadium."

"Oh, hey Alex," said Sirius coming from the sleeping quarters of the tent. "You brought it?"

"Yep, here you go. You can use it on all games if you want. You can even use them for the other performances. These seats are reserved for the entire event."

"How you managed that?"

"Who do you think you are talking to? You will be seated beside the Weasley's and the Diggory's. Percy will come here to show you personally to your seats."

Alex didn't stick around. He had a lot to do that day. He was overseeing the entire operation of the Stadium with the help of a few trusted people. In a few minutes after that, they would be opening the festival with dance performances from people all around the world. He had to accompany the Minister during the man's speech.

A couple of his most skilled agents were following Harry discretely. They would make a note of anything strange going on.


The opening ceremony went smoothly, better than expected. The Stadium was indeed a marvellous piece of architecture. It was too bad that it would be taken apart after the World Cup. But, it would be immortalized with the countless photographs that the people were taking.

The first game was between the Brazilians and the Germans. It was a very fitting game to start the tournament. The Germans had an amazing team. But in the end, the Brazilian Seeker managed to secure the win after about an hour of playtime.

On the third day of the tournament, it was finally the time for the match between the English and Japanese teams. Because of their similar colours of the teams, the Japanese would be wearing their alternate black and yellow uniforms.

Harry was very excited about the game. With him cheering for the English were Hermione, Neville, and the Weasleys.

All the Weasley siblings were there as well. Bill was already transferred to the Gringotts office. And, Charlie took some time off from his job in Romania. Percy was also watching the game with his family.

Oliver Wood and Cedric Diggory were also with them. Sirius, Arthur Weasley, and Amos Diggory were the designated adults. But, they were even louder than the young ones.

Katie was seating nearby with Clay and Dora who came home for the World Cup. Everyone already knew her identity as Alex's partner. So, everyone made a note of her attendance.

Of course, Alex placed a lot of hidden agents around Katie and Harry for their protection.

Dora greeted Sirius when she saw him. Her mother had been reinstated in the Black family after Sirius was made the patriarch officially. Which means, Dora was also officially part of the Black family under a female line. Sirius asked her to call him her uncle, although technically, he would be her third cousin once removed.

"And now, the man everyone is waiting for," said the announcer who could be heard throughout the stadium, "playing Seeker position, the one, the only... ALEXANDER GREY!!!"

Alex was greeted by a thunderous cheer from the crowd as he flew above the pitch. He was the player to look out for. Victor Krum might be an amazing Seeker on his own right. But everyone knew that Alex was the crowned King.

Even those who were not cheering for the English was looking at him in amazement. It was like seeing a rare animal. Alexander Grey, the reigning MVP of the World Cup, was not actually a professional player. So, seeing him playing was something every quidditch fans all around the world wanted to burn in their memories. Who could tell when they could see him play again?

When the game started, the players dashed across the pitch on their flying brooms as fast as they could. There was no warming up needed. Every player was there to win.

The English had taken the first possession of the Quaffle. Everyone got into their flying formation very quickly. As they fly in front of the stands, the spectators yelled out their loudest cheer to their home team.

Harry and the rest were stunned to see the level of play at the World level.

"Wow..." Ron said, mesmerized.

"You haven't seen anything yet, " said Oliver Wood. "They can still fly faster than this!"

The Japanese teams had also managed to get into their defensive positions just as quickly. They were willing to put their bodies on the path of the attack. It might hurt a lot, but, it surely would be effective.

Alex was trailing behind them as he picked up some speed. Some of the opposing players tried to keep him away from the action, but, he was able to swerve around them.

The leading English Chaser made a turn and threw the ball above his head as he went past the defences. Alex was there to catch the Quaffle flying faster than anyone else from the trail position.

"Alexander Grey has the ball!" said the announcer. "Now, he is going for the attack himself! He turns, — WOW! What an amazing loop. He is scrambling the defence. The Japanese are converging on Grey! But, Grey is flying around them! What a flyer! Now, he is flying for the hoops. But wait! Oh no, it's a trap! A surprise pincer attack from the Japanese team. Grey would have to stop his approach!"

But, Alex didn't change his course. He dived straight into the trap holding the Quaffle close to his body.

The Japanese Beaters closed in on him. There was some physical contact and they got tangled, flying circles with one another.

Alex disengaged, but when the Japanese players looked on him again, he no longer had the Quaffle!

However, they were too late to realize it. An English Chaser successfully made a shot.

"Goal! The English team takes the first point!" said the announcer as the crowd went wild. "What an amazing play from everyone! Grey lured the Japanese team on him, then, he made an unexpected pass to his teammate. What a play! Whoo!"

"Best Seeker in the world! Yeah!" shouted Ron. Those magazine writers didn't know what they were talking about, he concluded. Even if Alex had not played for years, it didn't mean his crown could be taken just like that! Victor Krum was an upstart, he thought. Alex was a quidditch god! And the gods didn't play with mortals. They only played at the highest levels!

Cedric was in actual tears. He was Alex's biggest fan before he even began going to Hogwarts. He remembered the time when he met Alex for the first time. He actually asked for an autograph from a student player. He could not have imagined that Alex would become a living legend.

Harry and Ginny were also stunned. They looked at Alex mainly as the guy who saved them in Hogwarts when they got in trouble. He was a great teacher who always listened to them. Even though they knew about Alex's quidditch background, it all happened before they met him. When they read about him in the news, they only thought about his deeds being a part of his job in the Ministry. They knew him as a nice guy who was always willing to protect anyone in trouble. Now, they were seeing a completely different side of Alex. Every English witch and wizard were placing their expectations on Alex's shoulders.

Alex himself felt like he was even flying better than the last World Cup and it wasn't because he was using a faster broom. He really felt like he was more comfortable in the game. Perhaps, it was the advantage of playing at his own territory with the people cheering for him. Or perhaps, he was playing with more confidence.

He flew fast rising above every other player. He circled around the centre of the pitch while looking down on the action happening below as if to say, 'I own this game!'

Then, the crowd started chanting...

"He's tough, he's fast!

You guys will never last!

Grey the Warlock, Grey the Warlock."

The chant spread all over the stadium. Every English fan was singing it.

As the game went on, no one was able to keep up with Alex. Even when they tried to lock him down with two or three players, he didn't shy away from physical contact. He was able to move as wanted to above the pitch.

When Alex caught the Snitch, the English won the game with a score of 270 points against 60 points. The game only lasted about 40 minutes. It was a dominant win and it was a strong statement of their strength going into the second round.

The Japanese team was in no way an easy team to win against. But, the English team was playing with the pride of the people behind them.


Side Story:

In one of the betting house that the Ministry licensed, a man placed a pouch filled with Galleons on the counter that created a loud sound which made everyone stopped and looked at his direction.

"Wow, a big gambler," said someone from the crowd.

"Place it all on the Bulgarians. They'll win it all this year," said the man in front of the counter.

"Wow, a stupid gambler," said the same person from the crowd.

"I don't have to say this normally," said the bookie, "But, are you sure about this?"

Bets are paid upfront in this establishment. This was meant to save them the trouble of hunting people who owed them later on.

"Yeah, I'm sure. The English players are not so great. They are arrogant wankers. Their heads have gotten too big for their own good."

"I don't believe I'm hearing this from you, of all people!"

The betting man was none other than Ludovic Bagman, a retired English Beater in the Pro-Leagues. He was still mad about not being accepted in the national team this year.

"Are you not going to accept my bets!? Too afraid of losing money? I'm betting 1,000 Galleons on the Bulgarians!"

"Accept his bets!" said someone from the crowd.

"Yeah, let him do what he wants!" said another.

"See, the people think the same as me! So, what do you say?" said Bagman with a grin.

You big idiot, they only said that so you would lose money, thought the bookie.

"Well, it's your choice," he said as he took the pouch and gave Bagman his betting ticket.

Sometime later, some rumours would start spreading about Bagman betting on the enemies. He would be known as the most unpatriotic and stupidest gambling man in the country.

Ch.70 - The 1994 Quidditch World Cup (2)

For their Quarter-Finals match, the English team fought against the Australian. It was another exciting game, but, they won the game as expected. They were the favourite team to win the Cup and it looked like things would go just as expected.

The World Cup was more than just about quidditch, however. It was also an opportunity for any performers to make a name for themselves. And, the DMGS was happy to give them a time in the Stadium. With the unpredictability of how quidditch games were played, each game was scheduled to have at least one day between them. So, they needed a lot of willing performers to fill out the time.

For their Semi-Finals match, they fought the Canadian team. It was the chance for the Canadians to get their revenge against the English who beat them in the finals in the last World Cup. But as they learned, Alex and his crew were unstoppable.

The Irish team had also made it into the Semi-Finals in the other side of the brackets. But, they were beaten by the Bulgarians.

So, the finals would be decided between the English and the Bulgarians. It was a match that everyone was hoping for; Victor Krum against Alexander Grey.

On the last game of the World Cup, the stadium was filled with around 30,000 people. Most of the spectators were from Wizarding Britain and Wizarding Bulgaria. But, there were still die-hard quidditch fans from other countries who stayed for the finals.

The player introductions were the most epic yet. When Alex and Krum entered, their image was projected in the stand for everyone to see. These two players were the most interesting match-up in the game.

Because of how important a Seeker was in every team, there were times where the game was decided between the opposing Seekers. The World Cup finals match was expected to be one of those games.

When the game began, Alex almost couldn't hear anything else but the voices of the crowd. The players were flying splendidly. There was no room for hesitation for anyone. They had to drown out the noise and focus on their game.

Normally, a gathering of witches and wizards like this was impossible. So, the stadium was made to contain the noise. The security was at their strongest this time around. Their main function was to keep the muggles far from the site. But, Alex had arranged for the 'Arms' security personnel and their agents in the Aurors and Hit-Wizards force to be watchful of any possible attacks coming from outside and inside.

As the game went on, Alex realized that the Bulgarian team was heavily dependant on their Seeker. Aside from Krum, no other player from the Bulgarian team really stood out. The vectors of their attacks were predictable and their defences had a lot of holes.

The fame of Victor Krum was understandable. After all, Alex was in a similar situation four years ago. He had to carry his team in winning the World Cup. But unlike Krum, Alex 'encouraged' his teammates to be better players. Krum was determined to win the game on his own.

Alex decided to fly near Krum during the game. The younger Seeker was unable to shake him off. And he was starting to get annoyed.

"Vot are you doing, Meester Grey!" said Krum. "You are thinking I von't be able to catch the Snitch vit you following me?"

"I know you won't," mocked Alex. "You are a very talented flyer, Krum. But, there is more to the game of quidditch than flying."

This should be the time for Krum to interject in the action and create some confusion on the opposite team. Of course, Alex wouldn't give him the chance. But, it didn't seem like he needed to do anything.

The two Seekers were flying around the pitch looking for the Golden Snitch. This was probably Krum's strategy. He knew that his team wouldn't measure up to a team like the English, so, he was trying to find the Snitch as quickly as he could. Unfortunately for him, the other Seeker already knew that this was the Bulgarians' only chance to win.

Alex didn't know Krum too well, but, it looked like the young man was the stoic sort. In a way, he could understand if Krum couldn't connect with his teammates. The young Seeker was still a student in Durmstrang, while the rest of his team came from a Pro-League background.

With Krum's talent, they found themselves competing at the highest level of the sport. It is a testament to what a great Seeker could do to his team. They had become arrogant instead of trying their hardest to keep up with Krum. Alex could see that they were very unprepared to step on the world stage, to say the least.

As the game went on, the Bulgarian team ended up being behind by about 200 points. It had been a complete massacre. And neither Krum and Alex had done anything noteworthy.

When the Snitch was found, Krum and Alex looked at one another, but, they didn't go for the chase immediately. Neither of them could change the outcome of the game at that point.

"How about it, Krum?" asked Alex.

He was giving Krum a chance to prove his skill. Normally, the winning Seeker would give the other Seeker the choice of ending the game now. But, Alex was giving him the chance for a challenge.

Krum nodded and flew off as fast as he could.

Alex was behind him gaining on the Bulgarian's trail. They were flying as a pair and it was beautiful to watch.

The crowd had gone silent watching the duo with anticipation. They already knew the end result, but, witnessing a fight between two of the greatest Seekers in the world was still very exciting. There was also the fact that neither of the Seekers was actually professional players.

Krum was really a talented flyer. Perhaps, with a little more experience, he could really pose a challenge for Alex. But at his current state, Alex still had the edge over him.

Alex was able to make the turns much better than Krum. One couldn't simply depend on pure speed to chase the Snitch. After all, the Snitch was designed to be a little bit slower than either of the Seeker. The real challenge of catching a Snitch was its agility in the air.

Alex performed a barrel roll going over Krum and taking the other side of the chase just before the Snitch changed its course. With that move, he was able to take the sharper turn to follow the Snitch position himself between it and Krum.

He didn't waste the chance and he caught the Golden Snitch a couple of turns later. He flew across the pitch with the Snitch firmly grasped in his right hand.


The crowd went into a frenzy in celebrations. Some of them even tried to get on the pitch to join their champions. Thankfully, there were enough guards to stop them.

Alexander Grey and his team had met the expectations of all their fans in Wizarding Britain. When the pressure was on them, they didn't disappoint. People would be celebrating for days in the streets.

"Vell done, Meester Grey," said Krum flying close to Alex. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Krum," said Alex simply. "We'll see each other again, I'm sure."

Krum was puzzled for a moment by Alex's statement. But as players in their level, it was indeed very plausible for them to meet again. He went to join his teammates.

The Bulgarians exited the pitch quietly together. They came so far, but, it wasn't enough. It's up to them how to make use of this loss.

The award ceremony was held right after the game. Alex had won the MVP once again. It looked like he would be holding on his crown of being the best Seeker in the world for four more years.


Outside the stadium, a lot of the campers were staying for an additional night in their tents. The security forces were also staying in their assigned sites until the stadium was properly taken down.

Harry and his friends were among the people who were staying for one more night. They were still partying in the middle of the night wearing red and white paints on their faces.

"He's quick, he's fast. You guys will never last! Grey the Warlock! Grey the Warlock!"

Ron was leading the others in the chanting. The twins were carrying him on their shoulders.

"Look who had a change of heart!" said Harry. "I thought you liked Krum!"

"Don't remind him of his dark past, Harry," said Fred.

"Let's celebrate the fact that he has finally found the light!" said George.

"Hey! Everyone makes mistakes!" argued Ron.

"Right you are, Ronniekins! Now, you can renounce your sins and repent!" said George.

"If you would do the honours, Sir Neville. Please. It's for the salvation of our brother's immortal soul!"

"Me? What am I supposed to do?" asked Neville surprised.

Hermione whispered something in his ear which made Neville chuckled. He took his wand and pointed it to Ron.

"What are you doing, Neville!?" asked Ron.

He looked for his wand in his pockets, but, he couldn't find it. The twins had taken it, and now, they were holding him steady on their shoulders. There was no escape.

"It's for your own good, Ron!" said Harry.

"Remember, we all love you!" added Hermione.

Then, Neville stepped forward with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey, Neville, aren't we friends?" said Ron.

Neville only said, "Oh, ye of little faith. It is time thy sins will be cleansed! Renounce thy paltry gods! Rictumsempra!"

Ron was laughing hysterically when the Tickling Charm hit him. Why did wizards invent this charm, he wondered as he giggled out loud.

When Neville stopped, Ron said while short of breath, "I renounce Krum! I renounce Krum! Alexander Grey is the greatest Seeker in the World!"

"Repeat after me," said Neville. "He is the brightest light, he is the darkest shadow, for he is Grey."

Ron repeated what Neville said obediently three times.

"That doesn't make sense..." said Hermione.

"Looks like we have another non-believer," said Fred.

"Might need to convince her as well," said George.

"No, no, no! I'm not Ron!" pleaded Hermione. "Ah! I totally see it now. Everything is clear to me! He is one with the light side and one with the dark side! He is in balance, completely one with the force!"

"What are you talking about, 'Mione?" said Neville.

"What are YOU talking about!?" she said.

Harry was laughing so hard. He was the only one who got the reference.

On the other side of the tent, another sort of interrogation was taking place.

"What was it like going to classes with him?" Ginny asked Bill. "Did you know that he would become a god after his years in Hogwarts?"

"No!" said Bill annoyed. Ginny had been asking him questions about Alex for the past ten minutes. "No one could have possibly known that!"

"What about you, Charlie? You actually played against him!"

"Oh, Ginny, don't remind me," said Charlie.

"Enough about Alex," said Bill. "How about you ask me and Charlie about our exciting careers?"

"Who cares about old tombs and dragons when we have a god walking amongst us! He is the brightest light, he is the darkest shadow, for he is Grey!"

Charlie and Bill could only laugh at their 'sweet' little sister. It was very normal for kids to idolize a quidditch player. These kids were just joking around. It wasn't actually a real religion, they asked themselves.

"You know, if you want to find out more about Alex, why don't you bother Percy instead?" suggested Charlie. "He's been working with Alex very closely, following him around. I bet there are loads of things about Alex that he can tell you."

Bill looked at Charlie with his thumbs up as if to say, 'Nice one, Charlie! I'm so proud of you, my brother!'

Charlie nodded in return as if to say, 'Of course! My danger aversion instincts really became sharp ever since I started working with dragons!'

"Oh, sweet Morrigan! You are right!" said Ginny squealing in delight. "Where is Percy anyway?"

Fortunately for Percy, he had already gone home to the Burrow. It had been a very busy day for him. Alex had him running around to care for his guests. And, the next days would be just as busy.

Their party would have continued all night long if Sirius didn't come in and told them to go to bed using his 'adult' voice. Of course, it wasn't very effective when his face was painted red and white.


The next day, the entire English team was holding a press conference to close out the World Cup. There were plenty of foreign journalists in there as well.

There were a lot of questions about Alex and he gave short and polite answers, always deflecting their praises toward his teammates and their fans.

After that, he had to attend another meeting as the Head of the DMGS with the people from 'Arms' and 'Elysium Properties'. They were confirming their arrangements of how to disassemble the stadium and cleanse the area of any traces of magical activity. Alex merely had to give them his go-ahead.

There were a lot of small meetings such as this in the following days. Thankfully, he had Percy there to keep track of everything for him.

Two days later, he met with Minister Crouch for a very important meeting just between the two of them.

"Alexander, congratulations in winning the World Cup once again," said Crouch. "You made the Ministry very proud."

"I'm just doing my best, Minister."

"Of course, of course. Let's talk about the matter for which I invited you here. Now that the World Cup is finally over, I would like to get started on what we talked about before I was elected. We have already changed the Werewolf Registration Law. Now, it is time we review the old Death Eaters' trials. Just as I promised the people."

"Of course, Minister. I admire your commitment to the people as always."

"As the Minister, I would like to oversee the proceedings myself. But as you may know, I was the Head of the DMLE for most of those trials. So, I feel like I shouldn't be there in person."

He was just trying to avoid being called as a witness, thought Alex.

"So, I would like you to be the representative of my office as the new Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic."

"You want me to be the Undersecretary?" asked Alex.

Crouch hadn't appointed anyone in the position of the Undersecretary since he became the Minister. It was rumoured that he would be assigning Amelia Bones in the position. But perhaps, he was waiting for someone like Alex to come around.

Crouch might be concern about Alex's influence. After all, he was elected as Minister, in large part, because of Alex's support. But, the youngest department head in the Ministry was very careful giving his support. It was clear that Alex was supporting his promises, rather than himself. Alex had attached an unstated condition to his endorsement. And if Crouch should ever decide to do something which Alex was against, that would be the end of their cooperation.

The Minister wanted to get Alex into his camp, and, he knew how much Alex wanted these trials to go through. He didn't have to say that the trials would never happen if Alex wasn't willing to play along. Therefore, he was confident that the young man wouldn't decline his offer. Most importantly, it also meant he would finally have Alex in a supportive role in his administration in a very official capacity.

Alex was smiling inwardly at what the Minister was doing. He knew, without being too biased, that he was the most famous member of the Ministry at the moment. Perhaps, he was even more influential than the Minister himself. Being part of the Minister's administrative office would prevent him from giving any criticisms about the current administration in the future without compromising his own reputation.

"I can think of no one else more fitting," said Crouch. "You were instrumental in the passing of the new Lycanthropy Prevention and Management Law. You have organized the World Cup even more successfully than we could have expected. And, you have brought national pride in our country once again. So, what do you say?"

Alex acted like Crouch's praise meant a great deal to him. If the Minister was playing it like this, then, Alex would give him what he asked for, he thought.

"I'm honoured, Minister. I accept."

As the new Undersecretary, he would be the highest Ministry official after the Minister himself. He wouldn't have to resign his post as the Head of the DMGS, but, he would also be the main assistant of the Minister. It would be up to him how to actualize whatever agenda that the Minister would push.

Crouch might be thinking that this would neutralize whatever threat Alex might pose on his administration. It was a very clever move for a politician. Instead of competing against a very influential figure, he was inviting him to his own camp instead with a promise of mutual benefit. There were certain rules that politicians always had to follow. Even if Alex wanted to become the Minister for Magic, he would have to do it after Crouch's term. Alex would have to get on the queue and wait his turn if he didn't want to be known as a hungry dog who would bite the hand that fed him. Unbeknownst to Crouch, Alex was never that interested in the rules of politics.


Side Story:

The day after the World Cup finals, a man was sitting alone in the corner booth in the Leaky cauldron. He already drank a couple of bottles of Firewhisky. And, he was working on the third one.

"Tom, another bottle of Odgen's finest for me!" said the man. "And, bring more of your best food!"

"Right away, Mr Bagman!" said Tom, the barkeep.

The food in the Leaky Cauldron was among the best in Diagon Alley. They offer a variety of dishes that combined traditional wizarding cuisine and muggle cuisine.

"Here's your order, Mr Bagman," said Tom after he brought over the drinks and the food. "Are we celebrating today?"

Ludo Bagman laughed and said, "I guess you can say that."

Then, a group of rowdy wizards came in from the Diagon Alley entrance. Tom scurried away to greet his new customers.

Bagman just quietly drank his Firewhisky and ate this food, ignoring the noise as best he could.

Then someone started singing the chant that he'd heard over and over again.

As they were loudly chanting, "Grey the Warlock! Grey the—"

"For Merlin's sake, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" yelled Bagman.

One of the men said, "Hey there friend, we are just celebrating Grey's winning us the World Cup. Sorry to bother you. We'll try to keep—"

"Grey this, Grey that... I was there too, you know?" said Bagman, slurring his words. "Stupid Grey and his crew of wankers. I could do it too."

He stood up and approached the group of men.

"Hey! I recognized you from my brother's old magazine," said a younger member of the group. "Ludo Bagman, right? A former member of the national team. Wow! It's an honour to meet you, sir!"

As the others realized who he was, Bagman could only understand the words 'old' and 'former'. They were echoing in his mind, so he wasn't able to understand what they were saying to him.

"Can we have your autograph, sir?" asked the young man politely.


He tried to smack the man in front of him with the bottle he was holding. But, he missed and broke the bottle on the table. His hands were bloody as some shards of glass were embedded in it.

He stared at the mess on his hands. The alcohol was getting in his wounds and the pain was slowly reaching his brain. Before he could scream, however, he was punched by one of the companions of the young man. He fell backwards, landing on a chair.

"Oh, Merlin! Are you okay, Mr Bagman?" asked Tom.

"What happened?" said the confused Bagman.

Just then, a group of goblins entered the pub. Their leader was none other than Griphook who was transferred to the Loans Office of Gringotts. Finally, he had a job where he could yell at wizards all day long.

"Mr Ludovic Bagman! We've come to collect on your debts to Gringotts!" said Griphook with a nasty smile.

That had woken up Bagman. He straightened up and ran for the exit on to the muggle side of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Wait! Mr Bagman, you haven't settled your bill!" said Tom,

"You idiot! I'm broke!" yelled Bagman laughing as he exited the pub.

Those Goblins would never follow him in the muggle world, he thought. He congratulated himself for being very clever as he ran while laughing like a madman along the streets.

Then, he heard a loud horn coming from his right side. Before he could make sense of anything, he was hit by a car.

[AN: Just to be clear, Bagman wasn't hit by Truck-kun, okay? There would be no 'isekai' story with Ludo Bagman in it. He's not dead yet.]