
Ch.71 - Preparations

About a week went by and the DMGS was finally holding their first department meeting for the upcoming Tri-Wizard Tournament that would be held in Hogwarts. Alex was in attendance with Percy sitting behind him in the conference room in the department's office.

The room was built when their department needed to receive people from different departments of the Ministry. The entire DMGS office was renovated to allow its people to work efficiently. Alex had his own office while everyone else was given a desk space with a lot of file cabinets. There was also new vault for the storage of important records.

Every employee in the department was added after Alex's appointment as its head. Bertha Jorkins was missing and there was no word about her at all. The old wizard who used to work there had resigned at the end of last year saying something about the changing times.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament will be held this upcoming school term in Hogwarts. Three champions from three schools will compete in three tasks. During its course, we will be in charge of the selection of the tasks and their rules. We will also be in charge of making the proper arrangements for the task. It won't be like the World Cup, but it is enough to keep us busy for another year."

"Mr Grey, the Tri-Wizard Tournament was stopped due to its dangerous nature. If I'm not mistaken, the last tournament was cancelled because all three champions had died during its first task," asked a concern DMGS personnel.

"That is right. But, the tournament is being pushed forward by the ICW itself. It was decided during the last ICW conference that was held earlier this year. Our job is to make sure that the tasks are fair, challenging, and reasonably safe. Let's go over the schedule of the events. Mr Weasley, if you please?"

"Yes, Mr Grey... Ehem..." Percy spoke nervously. "On October the 30th, the students from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute would be arriving at Hogwarts with their corresponding Headmasters."

The other people in the room frowned at the mention of Durmstrang, the school that didn't accept muggleborns. With Alex's administration, most people in the office of the DMGS were muggleborns and halfbloods. And, all of them were members of the Association.

"On October the 31st, Halloween day," continued Percy. "The champions of the three school will be chosen by the Goblet of Fire. On the 13th of November, the official weighing of the wands will take place. November the 24th will be the day of the first task.

"On December the 25th, there will be a Yule Ball in Hogwarts, you will be expected to attend, Mr Grey, as the Head of DMGS," said Percy amusingly.

"And, as my executive assistant, I expect you to be there as well, Mr Weasley," responded Alex. "Garbed in the finest dress robes around. After all, you will be representing the prestige of our department."

"What? But, it's Christmas day!" Percy complained.

The other people in the room laughed at the young man.

Percy sighed before he continued, "February the 24th will be the day of the second task. And, June the 24th will be the day of the last task."

"This is just the basic schedule for the entire tournament. It is up to us to fill in the details."

"Sir, what about the quidditch games in Hogwarts? I expect these tasks will be held on the Hogwarts pitch," said another personnel.

"Hogwarts is willing to cancel their quidditch cup, but, I would rather work around that. There are three tasks for the tournament and six quidditch games for the entire school year. I'm sure we can come up with a workable schedule. Other than that, we don't always have to use the pitch for each task."

It would be Cedric Diggory's last year in Hogwarts and his second year being the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Club. Alex was sure that he was already making plans on how to win the Cup back from the Gryffindors. They would need the pitch for their practices, so, Alex didn't want to close it off for the Tri-Wizard Tournament preparations.

"Where would the visitors be staying?" asked a man from the end of the table.

"Good question, I'm thinking that we can let them stay in some tents between the castle and the Forbidden Forest. Contact the people from 'Elysium' to handle it. I want the visiting students to be comfortable during their stay. Also, they would have a studying area for themselves as well."

The meeting continued for some time with them discussing the arrangements for the tournament. With their experiences during the World Cup, a small Tri-Wizard tournament was not much to worry about.

Before the meeting ended, Alex assigned two Order members to represent their department in coordinating with the DIMC. A different group would be designing the tasks for the tournament to make sure that they would be challenging, fair, and safe for the students. They would also make sure that the tasks would be exciting for both the champions and the spectators.

With the application of glass communicators from Hermes Telecommunication Company, they could do something similar to what they did during the World Cup when they streamed the games live in a selection of pubs and taverns. Bigger glass panels could function like muggle television sets, however, with their current application they could only use it to broadcast a close circuit live programming. Meaning, there would only be one channel available and everything seen on the glass was happening live somewhere else. It was still very useful for news and sporting events.


Before the Hogwarts term started, Alex made some time to visit Harry in Grimmauld Place. He received a letter from the young Wizard about a dream he had a couple of days prior which caused the scar on Harry's forehead to hurt.

"It is good of you to come, Alex," said Sirius as he welcomed him in the house.

"Of course, did Harry talk to you about the scar?"

"Yes, he did. But, I can see no reason for it. He wanted you to check on him. He trusts you a lot, Alex."

"Alright, I will see what I can do."

Sirius showed Alex into the living room where Harry was waiting for him. Sirius's home was very different from the first time that Alex had seen it. There were no longer any screaming paintings and the elf had been 'rehabilitated' with the help of Dobby. The place looked more like a proper family home.

"Harry, how are you?" asked Alex.

"I'm fine, Alex. It doesn't hurt anymore. But, I thought I should let you know. My scar hasn't hurt since my first year and sometimes during my second year."

"Ah," Alex realized what had worried the boy. "So, you think this has something to do with the Dark Lord?"

Harry nodded and Sirius watched over him worryingly.

"Have you told anyone else? Remus or Dumbledore?" asked Alex.

"No," answered Sirius. "Remus is very busy in his new job, and Dumbledore, well he is another matter altogether. I don't know what he'll do with this information. He'll surely call in the cavalry when he learns this."

"I understand," said Alex. "Can you describe your dream to me?"

"Yes, um... It was dark, in some kind of a broken down manor. I - I think I was a snake! I was looking at things from the ground, moving like a slithering snake."

Alex listened intently, "Then, what happened?"

"There was a woman there. She was speaking in front of two wizards. They looked destitute. Their robes were in tatters. Then, a man walked into the room. It was a muggle, I think. He started yelling at them that they were trespassing. They exchanged some words, I couldn't understand what. Then, the woman killed him with a green spell. That was it."

"That was likely the Killing Curse, Harry," explained Alex. "Sirius, do you have a pensive here?"

"No, I don't. I could buy one if you want."

"No time. Harry, remember I taught you about how some wizards could read your mind and how you can defend yourself from it?"

"Legilimency and Occlumency," said Harry.

"Good. I want to take a look at what you saw in that dream. If you allow me, I could look into your mind," said Alex.

"Are you crazy!? I won't stand here and let you do that!" protested Sirius as he stepped in front of Harry.

"It's okay, Padfoot! I want him to see it!" said Harry while trying to hold back Sirius.

"Are you sure, Harry? You know what this means, right?"

"I know, he's the one who taught me the basics in Occlumency and he gave me these glasses that protect from Legilimency. It's okay."

Sirius relented and stepped aside. Harry removed his glasses and looked at Alex.

"Okay, Harry. I want you to recall your vision while I do this. It will make things easier for both of us."

Harry nodded and Alex used his wand to cast the Mind Reading Spell on him.

Alex saw the things as Harry described it to him and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. A woman who was very pale was speaking in front of two kneeling men. She was wearing a big hat and her face looked very haggard as if she was about to keel over and die. They were in an old house, like an aristocrat's manor which is in disrepair and abandoned. The only light in the room was coming from some lanterns.

Alex actually recognized these people. The woman was none other than Bertha Jorkins, the missing employee from his department. And, the two wizards speaking to her were Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr. who disappeared after they were released from Azkaban.

The vision was seen from the ground. Most likely, it was from the eyes of a snake just as Harry said. He could hear the constant hissing.

"We will fetch someone else to help us in our plans," said Jorkins. "Perhaps, it would be someone who would be more useful than your pathetic selves. Soon, I will be restored to my power..."

"I'm sorry, my Lord... We will strive to do better... Please have patience," said Crabbe Sr.

"And so, you shall... It would be unreasonable for me to expect anything more from you two," she said, but, she stopped herself from speaking anything else.

The way she was wearing her ridiculously big hat and her mannerisms reminded Alex of someone he fought with — Quirinus Quirrell. Although, it looked like her possession was much more complete. There were no traces of the old Jorkins that he knew.

Then, a man barged into the room and started yelling, "You hobos shouldn't be trespassing in a private property. This ain't some soup kitchen! I've already called the coppers! You better be gone by the time they get here!"

"No, you haven't," said Jorkins. "It's nice of you to join us. You are the muggle gardener, yes? Stay a while... I could use some entertainment."

Crabbe and Goyle stood up and smiled nastily at the muggle.

"I ain't no muggle or whatever it is you called me," said the man, realizing the danger he was in. "...but, I can't stay. My wife will be looking for me if I don't go back soon."

"Muggle, it means you are not a wizard... And you don't have a wife. You live alone in a cottage. No one would miss you. Even your neighbours wouldn't look for you. After all, you are a murderer. No matter what you say, they will always think of you as a murderer, Frank Bryce."

"How do you—" said the gardener, his eyes went wide in realization. "It's you, isn't it? I don't know how, but, you are that teenage boy that I saw that day! You killed the Riddles and made the people think that I killed them!"

Jorkins laughed hysterically. She found it very funny, it seemed. Then, she used the Killing Curse on the muggle without saying anything.

The man fell on the floor lifeless.

She sighed, stopping herself from laughing, then she said, "Nagini, dinner."

The two wizards flinched and stepped back when they heard that. And, the snake slithered toward the dead man as the memory faded...

Alex thought about what he saw in Harry's memories. He looked at the boy while thinking of what was the best thing to say to him. As much as he could, he didn't want to lie to Harry.

Voldemort had returned to Britain while possessing Bertha Jorkins the same way he did with Quirrell. And, just like last time, Jorkins looked like she was about to die.

Crabbe and Goyle must have found him. Or more likely, Voldemort found them.

However, the most startling revelation of all was Harry's connection to Voldemort's snake. Was it because the boy was a Parselmouth, he wondered. That couldn't be it. There was something more at work here. What if Voldemort could take advantage of this connection with Harry?

"Harry, do you remember what I taught you about Occlumency? You need to practice it, even more, this time. This vision that you've seen is not just a normal dream. — That woman in your vision is or was Bertha Jorkins, an employee of the DMGS who started missing around the beginning of summer. She was sort of a clumsy and forgetful witch."

"Jorkins?" interjected Sirius. "I remember her from my time in Hogwarts. She was Ravenclaw, very smart, wouldn't stop talking."

That was not the Jorkins that Alex knew from his department. Jorkins was always absentminded, distracted.

"Anyway, I think that she is being possessed. Just like Quirrell."

"It's him again, isn't it!?"

"Him?" asked Sirius.

"The Dark Lord. He possessed Harry's DADA professor during his first year. Now, he is back within Jorkins."

"Merlin's beard!"

"That's not all. Those two other wizards that you saw there were Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr., Death Eaters. They were sent to Azkaban for attacking the AIM Centre five years ago. When they were released, they just disappeared, not even going home to their families."

"What do we do, Alex?" asked Harry.

"We take every precaution we can. You are no longer the timid boy that I first saw, Harry. You are a brave wizard from the Gryffindor House. Do not give up what you've earned for yourself. We do not yield anything for the Dark Lord. I will do what I can from my position in the Ministry, and I will be visiting Hogwarts several times this year. In the meantime, you keep on practising your Occlumency and be careful with anyone you don't know before now."

That was about the most he could say to Harry. If Voldemort could really use the connection he had with Harry, Alex wouldn't want to inform him of their plans on how to protect the boy.

"I will speak with Dumbledore about this. And Sirius and Remus will take care of you when you are not in Hogwarts, isn't that right?"

"Yes! Of course, pup. Don't worry about a thing. Alex is right. We do not yield to him. We will still live our lives the best way we can."

Sirius pulled Harry in for a hug. That seemed to calm down the boy. Harry was still too young, thought Alex. He must find a way to end Voldemort as soon as he could for the sake of Harry and everyone else.

They needed to get a trail on the Dark Lord soon. Right now, the only clue he had was the Riddle Manor and Frank Bryce. But, Alex doubted he could find it easily. Tom Riddle must have already placed some defences around his base.

Alex was sure that there was a way to track him, even should Voldemort hide behind a Fidelius Charm. He couldn't be left alone to build his powers again. Alex was glad to know that the Dark Lord only had two followers at the moment.

It was time to push more aggressively. The upcoming Death Eaters trials were more important than ever. And, the Ministry must not be confused or divided.

"Harry, you must tell me if these visions persist, okay? And, trust the people that are protecting you. Also, this may sound bad, but, you cannot share this information with your friends. I'm not saying that you cannot trust them, but, they are not protected from Legilimency like us."

Harry agreed with him. He didn't want to get his friends in trouble.

Alex stayed for dinner with Sirius and Harry. They talked about more normal things, like quidditch and pranks. And, that seemed to calm the boy down. Sirius and Alex were keeping their worries inside.

Ch.72 - The Trial of Bellatrix Lestrange

Alex was with some people from the DMLE on an unplotable island waiting outside of the Tower of Azkaban for almost ten minutes now. He was getting irritated and he didn't want to stay in that depressing place any longer than he needed to, especially at night.

He checked the time using a Tempus Charm. Based on the time, he assumed that Harry had safely reached Hogwarts by then. There was no word from his agents, so, everything must be fine on their end.

After his short talk with Dumbledore about the vision that Harry had seen, he was more certain now that the boy was indeed connected to the Voldemort. Dumbledore had tried to play it down by saying that it is merely a 'payment of his failure' that the Dark Lord had shared some of his gifts to Harry, particularly the ability to speak in Parseltongue. But, Alex suspected that it was more than that.

It was the scar in Harry's head that was the most suspicious. Like a scar that resulted from cursed magic, it wasn't strange that it couldn't completely heal. The scars from werewolf attacks were just like that. However, it would not explain why it would hurt at the presence of Voldemort or his snake.

Finally, the wardens of the wizarding prison had arrived, stepping out with a walking stick from the only entrance of the tower. These people from Azkaban should really shape up, Alex thought. He would make sure of it as the Undersecretary.

"Welcome to Azkaban," said a long-faced man distastefully. "Please come this way."

Alex and his companions didn't say a word and followed the warden. Accompanying him were some Aurors under the command of Auror Bailey, the very same Auror who arrested Lockhart, Pettigrew, and helped Alex against Greyback. At least, that was what the public knew about her. Bailey was, in fact, a member of the Order. She had become their highest ranking infiltrator in the DMLE.

The other Aurors who were with them were also members of the Order. There already had a lot of agents in the Aurors Office, some of them were under the command of Mrs Pearce, some were from Mr Grant's group, and some were Bailey's supporters.

The reason why they were visiting Azkaban that night was to transfer Bellatrix Lestrange to an undisclosed interrogation room. This was considered a necessary precaution that was approved under Alex's authority as the Undersecretary of the Minister.

Alex thought that they would have to kidnap Bellatrix to get her in their hands, but, things had conspired to their advantage. Alex became the new Undersecretary and they were more successful than they thought they would be in placing their people within the Aurors ranks.

One contributing factor was the election of Crouch to the Minister position who ordered the Aurors to double their numbers. Another factor was Alex's increases security measures during the World Cup that necessitated the urgent hiring of more Aurors.

They went up a flight of stairs until they reached the very top level of the tower. Here, the Dementors' presence was felt stronger than any part of the tower. This floor was reserved for the most heinous criminals of the wizarding world. And as such, Bellatrix was imprisoned here. Not too far from her cells were the cells of Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange.

"Here we are," said the warden. "I present to you, Bellatrix Lestrange."

Inside the cell was a woman curled up in the corner wearing rags. She was about as thin as anyone could be. Her black curly hair was caked in dried blood or mud.

The warden hit the bars with his cane to get Bellatrix's attention. Bellatrix barely reacted as she opened her eyes and looked up from where she was facing down. Alex couldn't help but noticed her similarities with Sirius Black.

"You have some guest, Mrs Lestrange!" said the warden.

From being completely expressionless, she grinned as big as she could with real glee behind her eyes.

"Visitors? Someone finally visits poor Bella?" said Bellatrix as she laughed at them. "Who is it!? Did my Lord finally come for me? I knew you'd come! I had faith!"

The woman was insane. The people who were there to see her couldn't tell if her state was inherent or caused by her long stay in the prison. On the other hand, it was amazing that the woman could even talk.

It was said that only the guilty truly suffered in Azkaban. The Dementors wouldn't hurt an innocent person too badly because there wouldn't be any horrible memories to torture them with. But, what if that person was just completely and undeniably unrepentant?

Bellatrix didn't think that what she did were sins. She probably considered them as her triumphs. Her only failure was not being able to find her Lord after he disappeared. But as she said, she had faith.

From the memories of Malfoy and Pettigrew, Bellatrix was a complete fanatic. She was devoted to Voldemort absolutely. She would even betray the Blacks and the Lestranges for her Lord if asked. And, she used her devotion to Voldemort as her licence to act as his enforcer.

Auror Bailey spoke up, "Bellatrix Lestrange, under the order of the office of the Minister, you will be placed in our custody until your trial can be presented in the Wizengamot."

"What? ...you did not come here to free me? You... no... It can't be! You are a... MUDBLOOD! ALL OF YOU!"

"Shut her up and restrain her. Don't be careless," said Alex who just stared at the insane woman coldly.

With his word, Bellatrix was hit by a couple of Stupefying Spells. Then, he was bound with conjured rope very tightly.

"Let's go," said Alex.

The Aurors levitated the unconscious woman as they exited the tower. When they reached the point beyond the wards of Azkaban, they used a Portkey to travel to a predetermined location.

The warden just stood there and watched everything. He wasn't even sure what he witnessed, but, he knew that there was something going on. No one could just go to Azkaban and take their prisoners. If he was smart, he would keep his mouth shut.


In a holding cell in the 'Poros Farms', Bellatrix Lestrange was tied securely on a chair. She was still unconscious at the moment.

A couple of healers were working on her to make sure that she was healthy enough for the interrogation. Auror Bailey and her people only had tonight to finish their questioning. After this night, they would have to spend some days to 'rehabilitate' Bellatrix, so, she would be 'presentable' to the Wizengamot.

During those days, Tonks and his people would be preparing the case against Bellatrix the best they could. They must be able to extract something new out of this case. Otherwise, if the result was totally the same as her last trial, they would have made it appear that the Minister was doing something unnecessary.

The healers had given their assent. She was not really in the best state to undergo an intensive interrogation, but, their only concern was whether or not she would be able to answer coherently.

They administered three drops of Veritaserum into her mouth. After a few more seconds, Bellatrix went into some kind of trance. Her mouth was agape while motionlessly staring at the ceiling.

Bailey approached her to start her questioning. She began with a set of questions to determine if the potion was indeed taking effect. It was all done according to protocol. These questions and answers would be placed in the records of their official interrogation of the criminal.

After that, the questioning turned to the topic of the attack on the Longbottoms and other crimes that she might have committed. Bellatrix didn't even try to resist the Veritaserum. She was very proud of what she had done. No matter how they would implicate her.

But, when asked about Voldemort, she was able to deflect the question. She was obviously trained how to answer under the effects of the truth serum. Since the Aurors were recording the interrogation, Bailey moved on and ask other questions.

Once they were finished, they had on their records enough horrendous crimes to give Bellatrix the Dementor's Kiss several times. Wizards, muggles, and even children, she had killed them regardless, as long as she thought it would please her Lord.

"I think we have what we need," said Bailey.

The other Aurors and the healers stepped out of the room. The interrogation was officially over.

Alex entered the room and Bailey stepped aside for him. Bellatrix looked at him with curiosity. He was one of the people who took her from Azkaban, but, he was obviously not part of the Aurors.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"No one you should concern yourself with," he answered.

Alex pointed his wand at Bellatrix and said, "Legilimens!"

He had to put considerable power in the spell. Bellatrix had a very pronounced Occlumency shield. Fortunately for Alex, she was still very weak at the moment and was suffering from the effects of the Veritaserum Potion. He invaded her memories with the subtlety of a hammer. He didn't care much as long as Bellatrix could still talk afterwards.

One thing he was looking for in particular was any instances that Voldemort had entrusted Bellatrix with an object for her to secure. And, he found it. A golden chalice with finely wrought handles and a carving of a badger on the side, it was none other than the Hufflepuff's Cup which was given to Bellatrix to hide. And, she hid it in her husband's family vault.

Hufflepuff's Cup was said to contain many magical properties. It was said that it stayed with Helga Hufflepuff until her death. So, it was a very valuable artefact that Tom Riddle had turned into his Horcrux.

Perhaps, Riddle was interested in collecting the artefacts from the founder. Or, he wanted to corrupt the founder's creations to symbolize his dominance over them. But, if he had already found them, it would be pointless for Alex to trace the founders' artefacts. He would just need to take Hufflepuff's Cup from the Lestrange Vaults in Gringotts and go on from there.

Inadvertently, Alex also learned Bellatrix's story from her memories. He actually felt a little pity about her.

Bellatrix was a woman who had never had a choice in her life until she had followed Voldemort. She inherited her parents' beliefs. She followed their instructions and she even married the man they decided for her.

When she met Voldemort, she finally felt like she had value on her own merit. Unlike most other followers of the Dark Lord, Bellatrix knew that he had never cared for blood purity the same way as her parents did. He only cared for power, and, Bellatrix had plenty to offer.

He was her salvation from whatever prison she was living. Eventually, she became his closest follower, something she was extremely proud of. She could even command her husband and his brother to do as she wished. She held their fate on her hands, and, she relished in it.

Alex stopped viewing her memories when he thought that there was nothing else to learn from her. Bellatrix looked at him with confused emotions. She knew what he did to her. She was looking at a man who knew her innermost secrets.

She hated him without knowing his name. She felt ashamed of being completely exposed like that. Even the Dark Lord had never invaded her mind to that extent. Lastly, she feared him truly. But, the man in front of her just said, "Obliviate." And, she blacked out.

"Make sure she is fit to stand trial," said Alex speaking to Bailey. "And, keep her hidden until the appointed time. In fact, no one here would be going home for a while. You will only receive your orders from me."

"I understand. We will take every precaution we can think of."

"That's good. Mr Tonks and I will make the preparations on our end. If you don't hear from either of us within 48 hours, you know what do to."

If by some glitch that Tonks and Alex had failed to arrange the trial, Bailey was to kill Bellatrix and make up a story that she tried to escape, leaving her with no other choice.

This was to prevent any chance of Bellatrix being recovered by Voldemort.

They already had some people looking for Bertha Jorkins, Crabbe, Goyle, and the Riddle Manor. But, it looked like Voldemort had hidden his base with a Fidelius Charm or by making it unplotable.

"Yes, my Archon," said Bailey understanding his meaning. "May you always walk in the light."

Alex said the same to her, pondering the meaning of the phrase as he left. Could he still say that he was indeed 'walking in the light'?

That would depend on the meaning of the light. The word 'light' in the phrase did not mean good or just. It was a reference to the light from Prometheus's fire, which to him, represented freedom and knowledge.

To 'walk in the light' was to follow the example of titan Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and shared it with the mortals. It could be said that they had already 'stolen the fire' from those who would keep it for themselves.

Their Order had certainly become very powerful. In fact, if Alex was being honest, they could take over the Ministry any moment they want. But, that would ultimately be against the mission of the Order. They would only become the new 'gods' that would horde the power to themselves.

Power was only a tool, he reminded himself. There was still a lot of work to be done. He would not allow his Order to become like Voldemort and his followers.


On the second week of September, the trial for Bellatrix Lestrange was reviewed in the Wizengamot. It was another trial that was being broadcasted through the WWN, radio and viewing glass.

Frank and Alice Longbottom were in the stands. They were asked to provide a statement as one of the people that Bellatrix had hurt. So, the cameras were also focused on them.

Sirius Black was absent for personal reasons. He didn't want to be there to witness a former member of his family be accused of the most reprehensible crimes.

Amelia Bones opened the session with a stern expression and the room went silent. She read the charges against Bellatrix and the list was longer than anyone expected. There were too many counts of murders and tortures in her case file.

When Bellatrix was brought out, the crowd reacted very strongly. Some were shocked after seeing her state. Some were shouting curses at her. But, she just laughed at the face of it all.

Bellatrix was going to receive the Dementor's Kiss. This was what was on everyone's mind. The trial was just a formality. However, it was an important event regardless. To Alex, this was the beginning of the creation of a Ministry that wouldn't forgive Death Eaters.

Being the follower of Voldemort would no longer be a considered a political belief like how it had been tolerated before. In Alex's opinion, Voldemort and his Death Eaters should be treated as official enemies of the state.

Bellatrix was presented with the accusations against her. She didn't see any reason to deny them. Maybe, she was really insane. Or perhaps, she still believed that her Lord would come for her. Or maybe, it was the strong compulsion that Alex had placed on her to always tell the truth. The Aurors that had examined her were under orders from Alex to wave aside any checks on her mental state prior to the trial.

She laughed at Amelia Bones and the Wizengamot panel and said, "You bunch of hypocrites! You can only act tough now. When my Lord returns, you'll cower as you did before!"

The security around the court was very heavy. A lot of the people in the form were actually part of the guards who were blending in with the public. So, there was little chance of Voldemort doing anything.

Alex watched the proceedings from his seat in the Wizengamot gallery with a blank expression. Everyone else was allowing themselves to be carried away by the controversy. Some people might even be watching the event with some amusement.

Then, the prosecutor started questioning her about her life. He was talking about things that he should have no knowledge of such as her childhood, her relationship with her sisters, and her arranged marriage with Rodolphus Lestrange.

That had taken Bellatrix down from her sense of security. She lashed out at the prosecutor and the guards had to restrain her. Alex had given the information he had gathered from using Legilimency on Bellatrix to his people. He wanted to paint an accurate picture of the woman to show her for what she was.

She wasn't some scary witch who had unique powers. She was a tragic figure, a woman that was shaped by prejudice, bigotry, and hatred. There was no need to fear her. In fact, they should pity her and renounce the circumstances that created Bellatrix and so many others like her. That would be the picture that the Observer would be presenting in their coverage of the trial.

Then, the Longbottoms gave their side of the story about what happened when Bellatrix and her group attacked their homes. Bellatrix had actually corroborated their story. Meaning, she had also given a testament against Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange. They would surely use that statement in future trials.

In the end, Bellatrix was ruled on to receive the Dementor's Kiss. Only Dumbledore and his ilk did not vote for the death penalty which Alex had made a note of. Alex imagined that Dumbledore knew exactly what kind of environment had shaped Bellatrix.

As the glass cage which was containing a Dementor was rolled in, Bellatrix's expression changed drastically. Even if she survived Azkaban, she still feared the Dementors. She tried to struggle to no avail. She was pushed in the cage and her soul was sucked out from her mouth. She screamed in terror all throughout.

Her shrill voice would haunt the dreams of any child that somehow watched the trial remotely. It was a very graphic scene to be broadcasted publically, but, the Ministry still did not have the appropriate means to regulate what could or couldn't be broadcasted through the new medium. So, Bellatrix's death could be witnessed anywhere where they have those viewing glass.

Alex wondered if Voldemort was watching his most loyal follower be executed. He wanted the Dark Lord to be provoked and become careless. But, he knew he would be hoping for too much. He knew the Dark Lord well enough to tell how much the man actually cared for his followers. But, there was always the chance that he would take this as a personal insult to him.


Later that day, after his business in the Wizengamot was done, Alex visited Sirius in his house. He had shared the news to Sirius personally. They were sitting in the living room as they talked about the trial.

Sirius ran to the kitchens only to return with two glasses and a big bottle of Firewhisky.

"This kind of news deserves a toast!" he said as he poured the glasses with the drink. "Here is to my cousin, Bella! May she rot in hell!"

Alex smiled and joined Sirius in drinking.

"Whoo! That was nice..." said Sirius as he poured them both another drink.

Then, Sirius started telling his stories about his cousin. He hated her so much, according to Sirius. And, she hated him just the same.

They had come from the same family, but, they reacted very differently to the pressures placed upon them. Sirius couldn't take it, he said. All the hatred and the cruelty, it was too much for him. So, he ran away. On the other hand, Bellatrix was like a fish in the water. She'd taken it all gladly. When her parents and Sirius's parents praised her for spouting hatred against muggleborns and halfbloods, she even acted proudly.

"Merlin knows how I hated her smug look," said Sirius. There was a hint of regret in his voice. "Every time she was praised for being the perfect daughter of the Black family, she would have this arrogant sneer on her face when she looked at me, knowing that I was the embarrassment of the family. She was a certifiable bitch!"

He threw back another glassful of Firewhisky. Then, he was silent with a for away took in his eyes.

"She never had a chance, my cousin. I wish I could have given her the chance. But, not everyone could be like Andromeda. If I didn't have the Potters to protect me, I don't know what would have happened to me."

He poured another drink.

Ch.73 - The Goblet of Fire

The work Alex and the Order had to do for Bellatrix's trial was immense. There were still too many people who were trying to subtly postpone the trial. They were saying that it would only be an embarrassment for the Ministry as a whole. Alex had to take most of the criticisms and protests just as Minister Crouch had intended. But in the end, it was a win politically for Alex.

The people didn't care how the Ministry appeared to be at fault. They only saw the man who was trying to fix it all. Alex was laughing inwardly at the Minister. The man couldn't think a couple of steps ahead of him. But, in the battle against Death Eaters, Crouch was still on their side.

On other matters, just because Alex was busy in the Wizengamot, it didn't mean that the works of the DMGS could be postponed. The Tri-Wizard Tournament had already been announced. And, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be arriving soon.

Before they could proceed, Alex proposed that the Goblet of Fire be examined by their department in the interest of fairness and safety in the competition. The artefact has been in the storage in the Department of Mysteries for more than a couple of centuries. So, it wasn't an unreasonable proposal.

On September the 20th, the Goblet was delivered to the DMGS for its examination. Alex wanted to see the artefact for himself. Somehow, Harry Potter was chosen by the goblet as a fourth champion in the tournament, something that should have been impossible in principle.

The artefact was created after Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had achieved their prestige as a school of magic. Hogwarts was the first school of magic in the world. It was a revolutionary concept in itself. When the two other schools in Europe started becoming renowned, there was a lot of discussion as to which school was the best. And so, the Tri-Wizard Tournament was instituted.

After examining the artefact the following day, Alex still could not understand how the object could pick the champion for each school. But historically, it had only chosen one champion to represent each school. That never failed before.

The enchantments on the goblet were very intricate. Alex had only seen references to such enchantments in the notes of Nicolas Flamel.

So, Alex had deduced that a fourth champion could only be added if the name of the champion was entered under a fourth school. Perhaps, this loophole was made by design. The creator had probably expected for more schools to participate in the tournament.

This process of adding new schools in the tournament was described in the manual that the Department of Mysteries had provided. But, considering the nature of Harry's possible involvement in the tournament, the person who would enter his name in the goblet must have done it in secret.

Alex thought about a couple of ways that this could be done. And, the easiest way he could think of was using a strong 'Confundus Charm' on the goblet. The artefact had limited sentience on its own. That was why it could be vulnerable to a spell that affected the mind. All a person had to do was to make the goblet think that a fourth school had already been added.

Alex thought whether or not he should prevent Harry's name from being entered in the tournament. But, it could also be an opportunity to find out who is Voldemort's new agent within Hogwarts. He would have to remove Harry from the competition some other way.

After reviewing the rules of the tournament, he found his solution. Entering their names in the Goblet constituted a magical contract between the Goblet of Fire and the prospective champions. So, a chosen champion would have to compete or lose their magic. But, as the recognized overseer of the tournament, he could disqualify anyone from competing making the contract null and void.

So, following the instructions, he registered himself as the overseer of the upcoming tournament. This privilege would last for about a year.

With that done, he joined his officials in finalizing the arrangements for the upcoming tasks for the tournament. The games would be broadcasted for the entire country to see. It had to be an interesting event. And, Alex was determined to make it a success regardless of any interference from Voldemort.


On the 31st of October, Alex had arrived in Hogwarts with some of his officials to attend the choosing of the champions for the tournament. He had dressed appropriately as a representative of the Ministry. The new Head of the DIMC was also there. However, since Alex was the higher ranking official, it was up to him to give the opening speech about the games.

The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived the day before. They seemed to have settled just fine in their tents. They may look plain on the outside, but, the interiors of those tents were expansive and furnished to make their occupants comfortable.

Each student had the past 24 hours to enter their names in the Goblet of Fire. That was true for Hogwarts students as well since the goblet wasn't revealed until the previous night. It was placed in the Great Hall where every aspiring student could reach it. However, Headmaster Dumbledore had created an Age-Line around the artefact to prevent anyone younger than 17 years old from even approaching the goblet. It was a sensible precaution, there were plenty of young wizards and witches who would grab the opportunity to compete and prove themselves. Of course, it wasn't up to them whether they would be chosen or not.

Alex gave his speech to open the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He was emphasizing the spirit of friendly competition and the importance of having the fortitude to face any challenge, something which his counterpart from the DIMC was frowning upon. The man probably wanted to talk about the importance of international cooperation to highlight his department's involvement in the tournament. But, as Alex had made it clear to everyone in the Ministry, the tournament was under the jurisdiction of the DMGS regardless of the involvement of the ICW in its inception.

After he was done, the feast finally began. There was some foreign food on the table of the Durmstrang and the Beauxbatons students which the Hogwarts students were curious about. They didn't know that the castle House-Elves could even cook foreign cuisines.

Alex and the other Ministry personnel were sitting at the expanded head table with the professors of Hogwarts.

"It's nice to have you back, Alexander," said Professor Flitwick. "Can you give us a hint on what we can expect from the tournament this year?"

Alex noticed that his former Charms master was not the only one interested in what he would say.

"Sorry, Professor," said Alex with a smile. "You're just going to have to wait like everyone else. But, we have done our best to make the tasks exciting. It would be very entertaining, don't worry."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it very much. I wish whoever the Hogwarts champion the best of luck."

"He or she might just need it. All I can say for now is that the tasks we have designed are meant to test the mettle of all model students. — By the way, how is the Duelling Club doing? I hope the students are not making too much trouble for you."

"Ha! They make enough troubles as they are," said Flitwick. "But, the club is almost running itself. The students have this set of rules that the leaders enforce very strictly. So, there is not much trouble in the club. Actually, I think it reduced the incidents in the school overall."

"I can't help but overhear," interjected Igor Karkakoff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang who was sitting beside Flitwick. "Did you say that Hogwarts has a Duelling Club for students?"

"Yes, Headmaster Karkakoff, we do indeed have a Duelling Club here. So, don't think that Hogwarts students are soft!" said Flitwick laughing.

"That is very interesting indeed. I'm looking forward to your champion's performance against Victor Krum."

"How can you be sure that Krum would be selected as your school's champion?" asked Flitwick.

"I know my students very well," said Karkakoff confidently. "I'm positive that Krum is the most deserving to be the Durmstrang representative."

Alex wouldn't be sure about that. He didn't know Krum's skill in other areas, but, there would be no flying involved in the tasks they had planned. However, it was clear that the Durmstrang Headmaster was very partial about Krum. Having a celebrated quidditch player as a student must have increased the prestige of their school.

There was also the fact that the Dark Arts was still taught as an elective in Durmstrang. It wouldn't be too far of an assumption to say that all Durmstrang students had some formal duelling training.

However, the most noteworthy of all was Karkakoff's position as the Headmaster of Durmstrang. It seemed that he had done well for himself after his time as a Death Eater. Perhaps, it had even elevated his position in a school that wouldn't accept muggleborn students.

But, there is no quitting the Death Eaters. Even if Karkakoff's testimony was instrumental for the arrests of several Death Eaters, including Barty Crouch Jr., there was nothing that could absolve him in Alex's opinion. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater. That was something Alex and Voldemort would agree on.


After everyone had eaten their fill, Dumbledore finally announced the selection of the champions that would be competing. Every student waited in anticipation. The fire of the goblet had turned red and out of the blaze came out a piece of parchment.

Dumbledore snatched the parchment midair and read its contents.

He said, "For Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the chosen champion is Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuff table went wild as they celebrated the champion from their house. Alex looked at Cedric and he nodded at him from a distance. He applauded the member of his former house as Cedric walked to the front of the room.

This part of the selection had turned out just the same as in the other timeline. Alex wondered if the rest would be the same as well.

For Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, the chosen champion was Fleur Delacour, the beautiful French woman who would be Bill's wife if things still turned out the same. Alex chuckled inwardly at the thought. Bill was somewhere out there, probably still working in Gringotts and his future wife was still in school competing in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Alex had picked up some whispers amongst the students about Fleur being a veela. But, of course, that wasn't true. A veela would still look different from a human girl. But, there was indeed some of that mystical charm about Fleur.

For Durmstrang Institute, the champion was indeed Victor Krum, just as their Headmaster 'predicted'. The way Karkakoff was going on about Krum, it wouldn't be strange if no one else from Durmstrang entered their name in the goblet.

Krum looked at him as he walked to the front of the Great Hall. Then the champions were ushered into an adjacent room where they would be briefed about the tournament.

Alex waited still seated at the head table. And, he wasn't disappointed. The fire from the goblet had turned red once more. And, just as before, a piece of parchment was shot out from it.

Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and read softly, "Harry Potter..."

Everyone who heard the Headmaster started whispering the news to the people beside them.

"What did you do, Harry?" asked Ron aloud laughing. "How could you not tell us!"

"Good one, Harry!" said Fred and George.

The Weasleys had congratulated Harry on getting chosen. Harry occasionally joined them in their pranks, so, they thought that this was one of Harry's tricks.

Hermione gave Harry a dirty look. Neville was about to join the Weasley and congratulate Harry, but, he stopped himself when he saw Harry's expression.

"What's wrong, Harry?" asked Neville.

"I didn't put my name in..." mumbled Harry. After what Alex had told him, he was immediately suspicious about the situation.

Ron saw his expression and realized that Harry didn't really enter his name.

"HARRY POTTER!" they heard the Headmaster yell.

"You best walk forward, Harry," said Hermione.

Harry nodded and followed what she said. He was already clutching his wand underneath his sleeves.

"Harry, did you enter your name in the goblet?" asked Dumbledore.

"I didn't, sir."

"Perhaps, Harry Potter should join the other champions and we can talk about this," said the Head of DIMC.

"No need. It's just a glitch. We can fix it right here," said Alex walking towards the Goblet of Fire. "If Harry doesn't want to compete, he could just choose to quit."

Harry was relieved after hearing what he said.

Then, someone interrupted them saying, "Potter can't quit. Entering his name in the goblet constitutes a magical contract. Whether he wants it or not, Potter has to compete or lose his magic!"

It was Alastor Moody, a retired Auror, who said it. He was the current DADA professor in Hogwarts. He was standing by the corner the entire time during the feast. The man had a prosthetic leg, a glass eye, and a scarred face. His looks were very frightening.

But, Alex was alarmed for a completely different reason. This Moody was an impostor. Alex's golden ring was telling him so.

"Ah. Alastor, you might be right. But, I think Alexander has a different method he can use," said Dumbledore.

"That's right. As the overseer of the tournament, I can just do this—"

He waved his hand at the Goblet of Fire and the flames had reignited. Then, he took the piece of parchment that Dumbledore was holding and dropped it in the flames which turned green after it had received the parchment.

"There you go, Harry Potter is no longer a contestant in the tournament. So, he won't be competing."

"How can that be!? I've never heard about that!" said Moody.

"It's okay, Mr Moody. As the main facilitator of the tournament, I have some control of the Goblet of Fire. I have read all the rules pertaining to the use of the goblet. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. — Harry, why don't you go back to your seat now. We'll get to the bottom of this mystery."

"Thanks, Alex," said Harry as he walked over to the Gryffindor table and the rest of the students were just as confused.

"Well, if that is done with, I have to go to my office to take care of something," said Moody.

"Of course, we'll handle from here," said Alex watching Moody as he walked away.

Dumbledore was about to guide Alex into the adjacent room where the champions were waiting. But, with Moody's back turned to him, Alex drew his wand and fired a Stupefying Charm at the man. Alex was surprised when Moody had quickly deflected his spell without looking back. It looked like his glass eye was not just for show.

Moody smiled amusingly at Alex. His trick had been seen through, he realized. With a quick flick of his wand, he fired a spell towards the students. He wasn't willing to fight Alex and Dumbledore at once.

Alex and Dumbledore were forced to defend the students. Alex had created a large shield while Dumbledore had quickly transfigured some of the tabled into dust that moved to form a protective barrier between Moody and the students.

While this was happening, Moody wasted no time and had gone airborne by turning into black smoke using the same flying spell that Death Eaters had been known to do. After making a loop in the air, he dived to get at Harry.

Thinking quickly, Alex pulled Harry to him with wandless magic. He succeeded in keeping Harry from Moody's grasps, but not before, the man was able to slash Harry's arm with what looked like a serrated dagger. Harry screamed in pain as he fell down on the floor. Moody used the confusion to escape from Hogwarts through the central window in the Great Hall.

Alex ordered the people who came with him to make chase. They took out a broom from their expanded bag and followed the path of the black smoke out of the window. These men were trained in 'Poros Farm', so Alex knew they were pretty capable. But, he doubted that they could catch up with the fake Moody. However, he still needed to give that order for the assurances of everyone else in the room.

"That was a Death Eater!" they heard a student say. Alex thought he recognized the voice of Draco Malfoy. The students in the Great Hall went into a frenzy.

The chosen champions of the schools had returned to the Great Hall after hearing the commotion with their headmasters. When they entered the room, all they could see was the panic of the students. There was only chaos to be had.

"SILENCE!!!" shouted Dumbledore. "Now, Minerva, could you please take Harry to the infirmary?"

Harry looked at Alex, but, Alex said, "Go with Professor McGonagall, Harry. I will follow you there momentarily."

The Gryffindor Head of House got a move on and went to infirmary with Harry. Hagrid was there to carry the boy and his friends from the Gryffindor table had also followed.

"Now, would you care to explain, Mr Grey?" asked Dumbledore wasting no time. He could care less about what the students might hear at the moment.

"That was not the real Alastor Moody. He must be using Polyjuice for such a convincing disguise. Even his deformities were copied."

"Wha— Then, the real Alastor must be nearby," said Dumbledore.

The Headmaster must have a lot of question for him, but, he decided to check on the real Moody first. He marched out of the room to go to the DADA professor's office.

Professor Flitwick and the others were doing their best to calm down the students. Severus Snape was having the most challenging task out of them all. Draco Malfoy was having a panic attack. It was a good thing that Snape had a Calming Drought on his person. Alex realized that he was responsible for this trauma that Draco had developed.

But, there was still the matter of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He decided to say something to everyone in the Great Hall.

He stepped up in front of the head table and everyone looked onto him naturally.

"Everyone," he said with an amplified voice. "That was indeed a Death Eater who tried to attack the students. He succeeded in wounding Harry Potter and he was the person who entered Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire. As the Undersecretary of the Minister for Magic, I implore you not to give in to your fears. The Ministry is stronger than ever and it will deal with this threat from the Death Eaters with all its power.

"What happened here tonight could be happening in some other places as well. But, what should we do in the face of such a threat? We have to make a stand to protect our way of life, our dreams, and the things that we love. And, I will never let people like the Death Eaters dictate what we can and cannot do.

"So, this is what I'm saying. The Tri-Wizard Tournament will go on! It is more important than ever that we hold this friendly contest between our three schools. It is an important event that aims to promote international cooperation between the nations of the wizarding world. And, these people who would rather make us cower in fear will never succeed in stopping from making progress.

"Champions," he called, "step forward, please."

Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, and Victor Krum stepped forward to line up in front of Alex. Every other student were watching them. Their role as champions for their schools had become more important than ever.

"I can remove your names from the Goblet of Fire," said Alex. "You only need to tell me now. I can even cancel the tournament altogether. So, I want you to give me an answer. Are you still willing and determined to represent your school in the Tri-Wizard Tournament?"

"I will go on! I will not step back when I'm chosen to represent Hogwarts," said Cedric showing his courage and determination.

"Beauxbatons es ze school of ze brave, I will also compete," said Fleur calmly.

"Durmstrang vill stand proud, I vill not be deterred," said Victor.

Alex nodded and proclaimed, "Everyone, I present to you, the Tri-Wizards Champions!"

The students applauded all the champions. Now, the tournament was more than just about school pride. It was also about the tenacity of the wizarding world in the face of evil.

There would be some people that would criticize Alex's choice of continuing with the tournament with the presence of Death Eaters being confirmed. But in his mind, too many people had already sacrificed too much in the battle against Voldemort and his followers. He was no longer willing to yield anything to them.

So, he would carry out the tournament and do it successfully. He would have to assign some permanent security in Hogwarts after this day. Hopefully, Dumbledore would be cooperative.

Ch.74 - To Do What is Best

When Alex arrived in the infirmary, he saw that there were more than one patients there. One, of course, was Harry Potter. The other one was the real Alastor Moody.

Alex decided to see Harry first. Ron, Hermione, and Neville were there, haunched over Harry's bed.

"How is he?" asked Alex as he approached.

"He is healing just fine, Mr Grey," said Hermione. "He was given a dose of Dreamless Sleep Potion — to let him heal better according to Madam Pomfrey."

"That is as good as we can hope," said Alex sadly.

"Who was it, then?" asked Ron. "They say that that man over there was the real Alastor Moody, and the Moody that we knew was an impostor."

Ron was looking intently at the unconscious man on the other side of the infirmary. Neville was worried just as much.

"We still don't know, Ron," said Alex. "However, I suspect we will know soon enough."

"Was he the one who entered Harry's name in the goblet?" asked Neville.

"Yes, I believe so."

"Why would he do that?"

"Ron, what do you think? Why would anyone want Harry to be in the tournament?"

Ron frowned as he thought about the reason.

"Maybe, they want to endanger Harry in the tournament?" answered Ron. "It has been known to be dangerous."

"Perhaps, the person didn't care about Harry's safety, but participating in the tournament wouldn't guarantee being hurt. What other reasons can you think of?"

Ron thought about it again. Hermione and Neville just remained silent. Alex was using his teaching voice, so he must have something he wanted to teach Ron.

After a moment, Ron finally said, "Being a Tri-Wizard champion would mean being alone for a lot of times to prepare for the tasks. Teachers would also not be able to watch over Harry to avoid being accused of helping Harry in the tournament... So, he would be alone and unsupervised for a good part of the year. They are trying to snatch him!"

"That is right, Ron," Alex said with approval. "Someone is trying to take Harry from Hogwarts, from the protection of Dumbledore. Most importantly, they almost succeeded. Remember what I said to you guys before: things are not always as they appear."

They were all worried about Harry. Alex could tell that they genuinely cared.

"Then, we must protect Harry!" said Neville.

Ron and Hermione agreed.

"There is something you can do for Harry. I want you to keep a watch on him without letting him know and don't act too worried about him. He doesn't want to worry you."

Alex took out a glass communicator from his bag and handed it to Hermione.

"You can use this to contact me anytime. If you think something suspicious is happening, give me a call."

"But, Mr Grey, we are not allowed to keep things like this in Hogwarts," said Hermione.

Alex smiled at her and said, "You wouldn't be the only one. I'm sure there are other students there who have their own glass communicator. Besides, you will only use it when you need to. I will also be in Hogwarts during the events of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. So, you can also talk to me at those times. Regardless, I want you to keep this for emergencies. The enemy thinks that only Dumbledore can protect Harry from him — and we'll let him think that way — but, we are also protecting Harry in our own way. Do you understand?"


After Alex's talk with the children, the Aurors finally arrived. Auror Captain Bailey was leading the response team. She had come specifically to answer Alex's summon.

"Auror Bailey, it is good that you were assigned with this case," said Alex as he greeted the Aurors. "Let us go to the infirmary."

Alex guided them towards the infirmary. Alex asked Ron and his friends to step out of the room for a moment. Then, they put up a privacy ward around the bed where Moody was laid.

"This is the real Alastor Moody," said Alex. "The suspected Death Eater was disguised as him. They found him being kept inside an expanded trunk. As you can see, he is not in great shape. I'm told that he hasn't woken up."

"He must have seen his jailor. Can we wake him up, even for a moment?" asked Bailey.

"That is what I was hoping you would do."

"Yes. We have just the thing."

Bailey signalled one of her Aurors who then administer a potion to Moody through his mouth.

Moody started moving his eyes. When he woke up, he was shouting as he struggled to be free. Bailey was only able to calm him down after speaking some peculiar phrases to him. Alex assumed it was some Auror code.

Even after calming down, it was obvious that Moody was still in tremendous pain. They would have to be quick about their questioning, so they could allow Moody to get back to sleep.

"Moody, I am Undersecretary Alexander Grey. I need you to answer my questions. Firstly, who was it that captured you and masqueraded as you?"

"It was Bartemius Crouch Jr., the son of the Minister," said Moody under great strain. "He's not dead as we believed! He was also working with Crabbe, Goyle, and a woman."

Alex was shocked, to say the least. Barty Crouch Jr. was probably the person that Jorkins was talking about adding in their ranks. How was it possible for him to be alive? He was sent to Azkaban by his own father, then he passed away inside the prison. However, they could not linger with that question.

"When did they attack you?" asked Alex.

"They ambushed me just before the Hogwarts term began."

Voldemort and his people must have known about his appointment as the new DADA professor.

"Thank you for your cooperation, we'll let you recover now. Give him a Potion for Dreamless Sleep."

One of the Aurors did as he instructed immediately. Moody was finally able to sleep peacefully.

Then, Alex stepped closer to Auror Bailey and told her in a low voice, "Keep Moody asleep for a couple of days. He doesn't talk to anyone in the meantime. And, transfer him to Saint Mungo's Hospital when you can. He will stay there during his recovery under a full-time guard."

"By your command," said Bailey. "We'll handle it from here."

Alex said, "In thirty minutes, I want you to meet me in my office in the Ministry HQ."

Then, he left them on their own while he headed towards the Headmaster's office.


When he arrived at Dumbledore's office, he found the three headmasters of the three schools in the middle of an argument. Professor McGonagall was also there.

"I don't understand why we cannot cancel ze tournament, Dumbly-dorr," said Madame Maxime, the half-giant headmistress of Beauxbatons. "Zis is a domestic affair! Why should I let my students be involved?"

It was understandable that the Beauxbatons Headmistress would be very concerned. Karkakoff, on the other hand, was very silent about the incident.

Two former Death Eaters in Hogwarts! What a mess, Alex thought.

Snape had already chosen his side when he had publically protected Draco Malfoy from the other students in the Slytherin House. Karkakoff, however, was a straight-up traitor who saved himself at the expense of other Death Eaters.

"I assure you, Madame Maxime," said Dumbledore. "that the British Ministry is handling the matter. This incident will not involve Hogwarts or the students within her grounds."

"Headmaster Dumbledore is right," interjected Alex. "This incident had little to do with the school or the tournament."

"Thank you for joining us, Alexander," said Dumbledore.

"Of course, Headmaster," said Alex. "Madame Maxime, Mister Karkakoff the Ministry and its Aurors are handling the matters regarding the person who disguised himself as Alastor Moody. This incident has been determined as an attempt to kidnap a student, Harry Potter... And due to this, the Ministry will be placing some security personnel in Hogwarts to make sure that such a thing does not happen again. They will also make sure the tournament and the champions will be protected from further interference."

Madame Maxime seemed to calm down a bit. However, Karkakoff was not so easily convinced.

"Has the Aurors determined the identity of Mister Potter's would-be kidnapper?" asked Professor McGonagall. She was worried about one of her Gryffindors. It was the only reason she was present during the discussion.

"They have a lead that they are chasing. It is all under investigation as of now."

"That is reassuring, Mr Grey," said Dumbledore, "But I wonder, where will these people that you mention be lodging if they are staying around the school?"

"They will be staying in some tents outside the castle. I have also arranged for some representatives from my own department to stay with them. Don't worry Headmaster, they will not interfere with the operations of the school. — Which reminds me, Madame Maxime, Mister Karkakoff, how did you find your accommodations?"

"They are adequate," said Karkakoff.

Alex grinned slightly as he looked at the man. Karkakoff would find it hard to sleep in the future. Ironically, he must be the most relieved of all at the promised presence of Aurors in Hogwarts.

"Yes, thank you, Meester Grey," said Madame Maxime. "I am especially grateful for ze study area zat you provided. I was worried zat my students would find it 'ard to continue zeir lessons."

"I am glad to hear it," said Alex. "Now, let us talk about the matter that I came here to discuss, the Tri-Wizard Tournament. This tournament is designed to celebrate the best qualities of wizards and witches in the current age. For the first task, the champions will be tested in their quick thinking and resourcefulness. They are allowed only their wands and no other devices or tools. They will be wearing a normal set of uniform of their corresponding school. Further details will only be revealed on the day of the first task, the 24th of November."

"What about the second and third tasks?" asked Karkakoff.

"Details about the second task will be given in February next year, and the third task will be revealed on the same day that it will be held. Is everything clear so far?"

"You 'ave 'ardly said anything," said Madame Maxime, "but it is a competition after all. So, it will be up to our champions 'ow zey will perform."


Auror Captain Bailey and four other Aurors arrived at the Office of the Undersecretary in the MoM HQ. There, they found Alex sitting on his chair, examining a vial filled with a dark-blue liquid by the light.

"You are right on time, Bailey," said Alex. "Let us go to the Minister's house. I feel like we might have a very important discussion to have."

"Yes, sir!" said Bailey promptly. "Do we need more people, sir?"

"No, I think we have just the right number of people."

When they arrived in front of the Crouch residence, they were stopped by the guards around the house. These people were assigned to the Minister from the ranks of the Hit-Wizards.

"I need to talk with the Minister," said Alex. "It is about a very urgent matter."

"Sir, we have to inform the Minister first," said the leader of the guards.

"No need. Just let me through."

"Very well, sir."

The Minister had requested this protection shortly after the Quidditch World Cup. Alex thought that the Minister was just being prudent due to the upcoming trials in the Wizengamot, but Alex realized now that there must be some other reason.

It was just about the same time when Harry had the vision that showed them Bertha Jorkins being possessed by Voldemort. She talked about getting an additional helper. That helper, Alex deduced, was Bartemius Crouch Jr. who was supposed to be dead.

Alex decided to enter the house by himself. The guards showed him in without alerting the wards. He was stopped again after he had opened the door. This time, it was from a house-elf.

"You is trespassing the house of the Crouch family!" said the elf. "Please be leaving now! Or Winky will call the Aurors!"

"Winky, is it?" said Alex. "Please tell Minister Crouch that Alexander Grey has come for an official Ministry business."

The house-elf looked as if it did not believe him. Then, it disappeared leaving Alex alone by the front door.

After a short time, The Minister had arrived to see him.

"Alexander, what are you doing here?" asked Crouch surprised. "How did you get in?"

"I told your guards that I needed to talk to you urgently, and I do. Is there a place where we can talk privately. I'm afraid I did not come here with good news, Minister."

"They just let you in, did they? Who can I count on around here? — Fine, follow me. We can talk in my study."

The house-elf asked them if they would like to have a drink, but Alex requested that they be given some privacy instead.

"Allow me to put up some privacy wards first," said Alex.

Crouch gave his permission. After the wards were set, he spoke not hiding his irritation about the situation.

No one was there to listen except for the house-elf. Alex did not want it to overhear their conversation.

"Now, what is it that you came here to tell me that couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

"I'll speak as plainly as I can," said Alex. "Earlier tonight, the champions for the Tri-Wizard Tournament were selected in Hogwarts. Unexpectedly, a fourth name came out from the goblet. It was Harry Potter, a fourteen-year-old boy, who should have been ineligible to enter the tournament. We learned that he was entered by Alastor Moody who was serving as the DADA professor in Hogwarts. When I confronted him, it was revealed the man was actually in disguise the whole time he was in Hogwarts. It was your son, Bartemius Crouch Junior."

"Oh... I - I don't know anything about that. How could that be?"

"Don't lie to me, Crouch. Your son has revealed it all to us. He was in the Great Hall of Hogwarts when he announced his allegiance to the Dark Lord. Then, he tried to kidnap Harry Potter. Everyone will know this by tomorrow."

Alex was lying about the events in Hogwarts. But, it wasn't that far off from the truth.

"We'll stop them from printing the news! Anything!"

"The world has changed, Crouch. There is no way you can stop this. Your son was disguised using Polyjuice as Alastor Moody. The potion allowed him to parade around as Moody for two months. Even Moody's injuries were accurately copied. That means, the potions made your son lose a leg and an eye while it was in effect. I could only imagine how painful it could be to undergo such a change. Your son has suffered through the pain for two whole months! He surely is dedicated to his cause."

Crouch was shaken by what he heard. It was to much for him. He was slumped on his chair as if he had lost all energy within him.

"You must understand, I was very hard on my son as a father. But Barty, he is not normal... He is a fanatic follower of the Dark Lord. I should have killed him personally! But, I - I promised my wife when she died! — It's over for me... What did you come here for!?"

"I came here to protect the Ministry. The Death Eaters have returned, there is no denying it any longer. Your son is one of the instigators."

"What have l done? Everything is ruined!" said Crouch.

"For the Ministry to survive this scandal with you and your son, I came here to get your confession and resignation."

Alex summoned some blank parchment, an ink jar, and a quill. He placed them in front of the Minister. Crouch was surprised with Alex's casual use of wandless magic. However, he would be even more surprised soon.

Then, Alex took out a vial from inside his robe. He placed it on the desk as well. Crouch looked at him with a confused look.

"This vial contains half-ounce of concentrated Nightshade extract. Consider this as the last thing you can do as the Minister for Magic. I believe you will choose what is best for the Ministry, for the British Wizarding World."

Crouch was in disbelief after what he heard from his Undersecretary. He could only watch the man silently as he walked out of the room.

When Alex exited the house, he said to the guards, "Crouch doesn't leave the house. No visitors, No letters, No contact. Restrain the elf if you have to. Then, check on Crouch tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Archon," said the guards. They were working for the Order all along.

Ch.75 - Surprising News

The morning of the following day, Alexander Grey, the Undersecretary of the Minister for Magic, called an emergency press conference at the Atrium of the Ministry HQ.

"Good morning, to the people of the press and to every other citizen," Alex began. "Last night, our country has suffered a terrible loss in addition to the revelation of some troubling matters. And to inform our citizens of these events, I made a prepared statement. Please ask your questions after the end."

He started telling a summary of what happened during the selection of the champions for the Tri-Wizard Tournament in Hogwarts. Then, he talked about the attempted abduction of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, by a suspected Death Eater who was disguised as a professor in the school.

A lot of the people from the papers and the WWN were raising their hands to ask their questions. However, Alex had reminded them to keep their questions for the end. There were still a lot of things that he needed to cover.

Continuing his story, he told the people how he and the Aurors questioned the real Alastor Moody. He revealed, then, that the perpetrator was Bartemius Crouch Junior who was known to be dead.

Once again, the people in the Atrium were restless. And once again, Alex insisted they remain quiet for the moment.

They were probably asking themselves, how can there be more after that? A Death Eater who was thought to have died in Azkaban was just revealed to be alive and wandering about. What possible news could follow that?

Then, Alex told them that he had personally informed the Minister in his residence about what happened in Hogwarts and the revelation that his son was still alive. And even after that, his story was still not through.

"Early this morning, the guards around the residence of Minister Crouch had checked inside the house after the Minister had failed to come out at the usual time. They found the Minister in his study, dead by poisoning.

"It was determined by the Aurors who responded to the call of the guards that Minister Bartemius Crouch had committed suicide by drinking poison. The vial of the poison was found on the Minister's personal desk along with several pieces of parchment with his written suicide note."

"The first parchment was the Minister's written resignation and that has already recorded in the documents of the Office of the Minister. The rest had the written confession by the Minister about his involvement in his son's escape from Azkaban and his regret at what his actions had led to."

Then, Alex proceeded to read the note left behind by the Minister. The story was very tragic and convoluted. The people who were listening there and through the radio didn't know whether to feel pity about the deceased Minister or to be angry at him.

Crouch had indeed sent his son to Azkaban. This had resulted in an unmendable strain in his relationship with his wife. While Crouch was always strict and demanding on his son, his wife was always very kind and protective.

She was willing to exchange her life just so they could take their son out of Azkaban. She forced Crouch to allow her to take their son's place in the wizarding prison.

Mrs Crouch died in Azkaban shortly after, while Crouch had their son locked up inside their own house. He had used his authority as the former head of the DMLE to cover everything up.

About two months ago, Crouch Junior had escaped from their house. The Minister should have informed the Aurors immediately, but he was afraid of losing his position and possibly going to Azkaban himself. When the events in Hogwarts was revealed to him, he couldn't take the guilt of being partially responsible for the return of the Death Eaters. And so, he killed himself.

In his final note, he apologized to the whole British wizarding community and to Harry Potter personally.

After that, Alex finally opened the floor for questions. The journalist fought over who would be the one to ask the first question. They were sure to have plenty of them. The entire questions and answers portion of the press conference had taken around half of an hour.

The first questions were about the location of Barty Crouch Junior at the moment, to which Alex had to answer that the Aurors didn't know as of yet.

When asked who the culprit was working with, he said that Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr. along with Betha Jorkins were suspected of helping Crouch Junior. All three people were missing for a considerable amount of time.

Alex didn't mind saying as much if it would make it harder for Voldemort and his gang to move around. However, he couldn't give anything that couldn't be explained as coming from the result of the Aurors' work.

There were also questions about who would be the new Minister. All Alex could refer to was the Ministry protocol in such an event. The Wizengamot will deliberate on an Interim Minister for Magic, and a full election will be scheduled when things have settled down.

One reporter from the Observer asked Alex about how he felt about what Minister Crouch had done.

He answered, "Our good deeds cannot erase our sins. The same can be said the other way around. I will remember his contributions to the Ministry of Magic, but I will also not overlook these recent revelations. I hope the history books will remember him the same way. We do not live in a world where people can be clearly divided between good and evil. Life is more complicated than that. Speaking personally, I will always try to do what is right. And should the time that my integrity would be tested, I hope that I would not fail as Crouch had failed."

Before ending the press conference, Alex wanted to give a closing speech for all the ordinary wizards and witches that would hear him.

"There are some dark times ahead of us. I won't lie to you. The Death Eaters that have plagued our nation once have returned to terrorize us again. However, even after this scandal, even after this betrayal, The Ministry remains strong. We at the Ministry are ready to put our lives on the line to stop anyone or any group that aims to oppress us.

"I joined the Ministry as a young man, and I am young still. Despite that, I am someone who is willing to fight for what the Ministry of Magic is supposed to stand for. We cannot let the mistakes of the past generations burden us from doing what is right. Our future, as always, is on our hands, and no one else's.

"So, I implore everyone listening — do not succumb to fear. Do not let these cowardly people determine your lives. Let us help one another to get us through during this time. And, please cooperate with those whose job it is to protect you.

"Let the Ministry prove to you that it can be dependable once again, that it can be fair as promised, and that it can be strong to protect its people. Thank you."

After that, Alex stepped away from the podium and left the people there to do what they want with his words. In the meantime, there were plenty of movements that were happening behind the public's view.

The Ministry officials were scrambling to cover up the scandal that Alex had revealed to the public. However, there was very little that they could actually do. They could only follow Alex's lead and own up to the situation. The only way they could protect the Ministry now was to show their integrity by acknowledging what Minister Crouch had done.

To make matters harder for them, they couldn't really blame it all on Crouch. The man killed himself in a symbolic gesture to atone for his sins. Talking badly about him unnecessarily would be viewed as distasteful.

The members of the Wizengamot had been called for an emergency session that will be held before the end of the day. And, the Wizengamot Administration Office was making all the preparations for the upcoming voting. They were also making sure that every member of the Wizengamot was informed about the recent events and about the way that the Ministry was handling them.

The Order was also moving behind the scenes as always. They were making the preparations for every likely scenario.

Alex feared that Voldemort might retaliate due to his statement. He might feel that he needed to remind the British wizarding community of his might. So, there were multiple layers of security surrounding Alex and the other leaders of the Order.

Alex was partially wishing for Voldemort to make a move and reveal himself. He realized that he had just started the second wizarding war about 2 or 3 years earlier than when it happened in the previous timeline. But, he couldn't give the other side the time to gather their strength.

Perhaps at this time, Voldemort had finally returned to his former power. The way that Crouch Junior had attacked Harry with a dagger looked too intentional. He suspected that the man was successful in getting what he wanted.

It was a scary thought. Voldemort was very powerful in his restored form. But, this was always meant to happen. To kill him completely, he had to return to his former power.

He had to find the Horcruxes as soon as possible. He knew where one of them was located now. And, he couldn't waste too much time to get it.

However, extreme discretion was required. He couldn't let it be known that he had gone to the Lestranges' vault. If for some reason that Voldemort found out, he might realize that the secret of how he avoided death was known to Alex and Dumbledore.


When the Wizengamot session was called, three people were immediately nominated for the position of the Interim Minister.

One was Albus Dumbledore. There were still a lot of people that were putting their trust at the man.

The second one was Amelia Bones, the Head of the DMLE. She has presided over many important cases in the Wizengamot in recent times.

The third one was Alexander Grey, the current Undersecretary.

Some people had brought up his association with Crouch. However, they were also reminded that Alex was the one that exposed the crimes of the former Minister. Those same people, then, questioned his careless methods.

"Would you prefer that I lied?" asked Alex.

"Of course not, but the situation could have been handled better," said one from Bones' camp.

"I don't intend to handle any situation, as you say. And I think that the public is sick of the Ministry always trying to handle the situation. If I am chosen as the Interim Minister, I will never put my reputation ahead of what I ought to do in my position!"

Alex spoke very passionately. He knew that him being chosen as the Interim Minister was not certain.

Amelia Bones appealed to the conservatives. Dumbledore was the favourite of those who rather not worry about the problems in their communities. And, Alex was the one who represented change most of all.

He was practically promising that he'd tear apart the Ministry if trusted with the responsibility to lead them. That still appealed to the other members of the Wizengamot who was tired of the same old Ministry.

Mr Tonks and Mrs Dewey and their supporters were, of course, voting for Alex. Madam Longbottom was also for Alex. It seemed, for a moment, that they would have a three-way tie.

Then, Dumbledore spoke out and withdrew his candidacy, saying that the administration of Hogwarts was enough to keep an old man like himself occupied. He said that, perhaps, it was time for them to entrust the future to the younger generation.

He didn't need to say it frankly, but everyone knew who was Dumbledore supporting. He was only attending because he was invited. He didn't have a seat in the Wizengamot anymore after he resigned as Chief Warlock.

At the end of the emergency Wizengamot session, Alexander Grey was voted to be the Interim Minister for Magic. It might be a temporary position, but it was practically equivalent to being elected as the Minister. If he managed to stay alive until the next election, he would be expected to win should he choose to run.


Late at night, he received a call from the communicator that he left behind with Hermione. Did something happen in Hogwarts? It was sooner than he expected, he thought.

He got out of bed and walked out of the room before answering the call.

"Harry?" he asked surprised that it wasn't Hermione calling him. "Did anything happened?"

"Nothing as much, but there is something I thought you ought to know," said Harry.

"Are you alone?"


"Okay, go on then."

"I had another vision, Alex. When I was sleeping in the infirmary, I had a vision of 'him'."

Harry seemed very alarmed.

"Just tell me what you saw, Harry. We'll deal with it the best way we can."

"Okay. I saw them performing some kind of profane ritual. There was this big cauldron in the same room. The Crabbe Sr. and Goyle Sr. were there like before. Then, there was another man. It was Barty Crouch Jr., the man you talked about on the radio. Jorkins or the Dark Lord called him as such.

She jumped inside the cauldron. Then, Crouch Jr. performed the ritual as the others watch."

Harry went on to describe the ritual. Alex has never heard of such a ritual, but the words and sacrifices were indeed powerful from what he knew about rituals.

Bones of the father, unknowingly given. The bone must belong to Tom Riddle's father.

Flesh of the servant, willingly given. In Crouch Junior's insanity, he cut off his own hand over the cauldron.

Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken. The blood was from Harry. Crouch Jr. had stolen it by attacking Harry in the Great Hall.

When all three were added in the cauldron, sparks came out from it and it exploded into white mist. Everything was seen by Harry through the eyes of the snake, so it wasn't very clear what happened. And, Harry didn't understand much.

However, he couldn't mistake what or who came out of the cauldron. It was a tall, skinny, pale-skinned, bald man according to Harry. It was Voldemort restored to his own body. Just as Alex suspected, he had returned to his old power.

Harry's vision ended there. He was very scared about what he had seen.

"I will increase the guards around Hogwarts, Harry," said Alex. He didn't know how to assure the boy any further. "Tomorrow after class, you will be summoned by the Headmaster. I want you to tell him that you have to show him something using a 'Pensive.' That is a tool that will allow you to him your memories. Show him this vision and let him know that the Dark Lord has returned. You got that?"

"Yes. After class, Pensive. Got it."

"How are your Occlumency meditations going?"

"I'm doing it every night."

"Good. Keep it up, Harry. I don't know when the Dark Lord will realize this connection that you have with his snake familiar. So, do not be rash about it. You did the right thing by calling me. I will return to Hogwarts on the 13th of November. Perhaps, we can have some time together for a spar or something."

"Really? That would be great! Can I bring the others?"

"Sure. Find the twins and tell them to prepare an abandoned room for us on that day. They will know what to do."

"The twins? Why them?"

"Don't you know? They're my henchmen."

Harry laughed at his joke. "Yeah, they really act like your henchmen. They are your self-appointed apostles, you know?"

"Yes. They like to joke around. Why don't you go to bed now? It's pretty late."


Alex walked back into the room after his conversation with Harry.

"Who was it? Work?" asked Katie who was lying on the bed.

"Something like that. Don't worry about it," he said as he joined her.

Ever since Alex started working regularly in the Ministry and Katie in Saint Mungo's Hospital, the two of them had been living together. They still maintained their own residences in Hogsmeade where people could visit them. However, Alex was more comfortable if they were staying in his home in Norwich.

"When will it end, Alex?" she asked. "I'm always worried that you might never come home. I understand what you are doing is very important, but what would I do should that day come?"

Alex wanted to tell her that everything was going to be fine, but even he couldn't promise that.

"Should that ever happen, I know that you will be alright. You are the woman that I love after all," he said softly as he spooned her moving his hand around her and over her belly. "You will do what's best for our child. I can only go on like I do if I know that I can count on you."

They had recently discovered that Katie was two-months pregnant. Normally, they would have announced the news to their friends. However, Alex decided that they would be keeping it a secret in the meantime.

Now that he was the Interim Minister, he knew that it was the right decision to make.

"That is not at all what I wanted to hear," complained Katie. "You need to comfort me as much as you can..."

"No, I don't. What I need to do is this!" Alex kissed her on the back of her neck where he knew she liked to be kissed.

Katie had never been a woman that needed to be assured all the time. She understood the dangers of what Alex was doing from the very first night they spent together. She had made sacrifices as well to make their relationship work. And, Alex was determined to let her know how much he appreciated her for the second time that night.