Registration (III)

"Please party with us!" (In unison)

Sung-ho didn't expect this request. He knew what it was because his sister told him about it. 

"Why me?" 

"You're strong! Really strong!" 

Chae-rin saw for herself just how deep his power went. Kim-lee only had the examples from the test. 

"That doesn't explain why you would want to party with me." 

Sung-ho was smart when it came to people. He knew what they wanted. 

"We want to work with someone strong!" 

Sung-ho didn't buy it. He wasn't a big people person. He actually preferred to be alone. For him, it was better to be one than to put up with people's stupidity. 

"I'm not partying with you unless you can prove yourself to me." 

Chae-rin's head shot up and met eyes with Sung-ho. 

"What do I need to do!?" 

Sung-ho looked at the siblings and came up with an answer. 

"You two, versus me. If you win, you can join." 

"And what if you win?" 

"I don't know. I'll think of something." 


Sung-ho looks up at the conference room from the ground. The very top room. 

'What's taking them so long?' 

Sung-ho leads them into a gymnasium where a team of raiders are practicing. The raiders hear the door open and look over in Sung-ho's direction.

"This gymnasium is taken. What do you need?" 

"Oh! Sorry! I was just going to duel these two."

The raiders look at each other. They started to speak amongst themselves. 

"We're almost done here. When we finish up, you can have the gymnasium." 

The gymnasium had a built in holographic arena. Holographic monsters would spawn and raiders would take them down. 

These raiders were fighting orcs. The holograms don't actually mimic the strength or defense of the monsters. It only mimics the movements.  

The raiders were teaching themselves how to avoid blows from orcs. The weapons they were using were training weapons, designed to kill the hologram. 

"Wow! They're pretty good!"

Kim-lee seemed to admire the team of raiders. Sung-ho wasn't very fond of their mobility. 

'They're very sloppy. If this was an actual dungeon then they might be wounded or dead already.' 

Sung-ho had plenty of experience with orcs. He killed tons of them during his stay in the red dungeon. 

"You're sloppy!" 

The raiders stopped moving and collectively stared at Sung-ho. They were annoyed with the statement he just said. 

"If you can do better then do it!" 

One of the raiders throws a trading sword to Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho walked up to the orc who had been paused. 

"Unpause it." 

The orc swung his axe towards Sung-ho who ducked under the first swing. The orc swung his axe towards Sung-ho again as he swerved around the bladed edge. 

Sung-ho had jumped over the axe and landed behind the orc where he shoved the sword into the hologram, ending the simulation. 

The raiders fell silent as they stood in awe and amazement, staring at Sung-ho who was twirling the sword around his finger. 

"You lack the mobility to handle orcs. If this was a dungeon then you would be wounded or dead."

The leader of the group of raiders stepped forwards. 

He was a young man, probably in his teens. He carried two swords, one in each hand. 

"How did you dodge all those swings and even jump over the orc!?" 

Sung-ho handed the sword back to the raider and turned to the leader. 

"I fought. For a long time." 

The raiders look at each other in confusion. 

"How long have you been fighting? You look no older than our guildmaster, who awakened just a month ago." 

Sung-ho looked at them in contempt. 

'Should I tell them the truth or ignore the question?' 

He chose the latter. 

"Long enough." 


"Are you two ready for our duel?" 

Sung-ho turns around to look at Chae-rin and Kim-lee. 


"I guess..." 

Kim-lee wasn't as amused with the idea of a duel but he wanted to party with Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho picks a corner of the gymnasium and the siblings pick another. 

"Come at me!" 

Chae-rin dashes forwards and swings her blade towards Sung-ho's head. Sung-ho vanishes from her view, leaving only an after image. 


Chae-rin turns around to look for Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho was fighting Kim-lee. He swings his blade towards Sung-ho. The blade shattered against Sung-ho's face. 





Sung-ho smacks Kim-lee into the wall. 

Chae-rin swung her sword towards Sung-ho again. Bright orange fire shot from her blade towards him. 


Sung-ho blew a gust of wind into Chae-rin, flinging her back across the gymnasium. 



"Are you guys okay?" 

No one answered. 

'Did I overdo it!?' 

Chae-rin and Kim-lee were knocked out clean. 


The administrator came back to speak with Sung-ho regarding his rank. He walked into the gymnasium to see Sung-ho working a broom. 

"What are you doing?" 


The administrator was perplexed. 


Sung-ho pointed to the wall. There was a crater in the cement wall. 


"I had a duel with Chae-rin and Kim-lee." 

"Oh. No, wait a minute!" 

Sung-ho ignored him. 

"What did you need me for?"

"Oh yeah! After discussing you with my superiors, we decided to give you SS Rank for now. My superiors haven't seen your power." 


Chae-rin and Kim-lee got moved to the infirmary soon after the administrator left. Their wounds were pretty severe. 

The administrator is currently talking to his wife on the phone. 

"I met an extraordinary young man today! He is easily the strongest raider I have ever seen!" 

"Is he stronger than Tae Min-seok?"


"He's going to turn this world upside down!" 


Sung-ho is walking back to his house after a long day of standing around. 

He was hungry and wanted dinner. He had skipped lunch to complete the registration exam. 

He walked by a team of raiders preparing to entire a blue dungeon. 

"Hey! Are you an awakened!?" 

"Yeah why?" 

"Would you like to earn some extra money? We need a porter!" 

"Yeah, Sure." 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

(You can contact me at: if you have any concept ideas or questions.) 

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