"Yeah, sure."
"Our porter couldn't show up today."
Sung-ho nodded his head and walked over to the raiders.
Anyone could kill monsters but only awakened had the ability to enter dungeons. If it wasn't for the awakened, monsters would escape dungeons and kill civilians.
There were a total of seven raiders. Two tanks, three damage dealers, one magician, and one healer.
"My name is Seung-won. I am a spearman."
Seung-won turns to face the raiders and starts to introduce them to Sung-ho.
"This is Hyeon-su, swordsman. This is Do-hun, one of our team's tanks. These two guys are Ji-wan, swordsman, and Yong-jun, second tank."
He turns to the remaining two members.
"These two lovely ladies are So-hui and Soo-bin. Our healer and magician."
All of the raiders were around Sung-ho's age.
"Nice to meet you all. I am Sung-ho."
"Nice to meet you Sung-ho!" (In unison)
Seong-won hands Sung-ho a large backpack. The bag was full of spare weapons and armor.
"Let enter!"
Seong-won leads everyone into the dungeon.
The interior of the dungeon was mountainous. Dark grey mountains with snowy peaks, stretched out for kilometers without end.
"Everyone! Mountains are lizardmen territory! Be careful!"
Seong-won was knowledgeable when it came to dungeons. He knew every monster that lived in every region.
Lizardmen were indigenous to mountainous regions. They set traps along the sides and tops of mountains that would send their prey tumbling down the edge.
"Yes sir!" (In unison)
Sung-ho was excited to visit dungeons that weren't forests.
'Any dungeon that doesn't lead to a forest is fine by me!'
"Walk single file! Stay right behind me!"
Soung-won continued to bounce the edge of his blade off the ground to check for any possible traps.
"Go around the pitfall!"
The pitfall was full of metal rods that could easily skewer someone.
'I wonder if those rods could damage me?'
Sung-ho continued to follow the group. The raiders were mimicking the steps of Seong-won to avoid setting off any traps he missed.
An arrow flew into Seong-won's neck at high speeds.
Lizardmen surrounded the group with bows drawn and blades pointed.
"Kkiick oockki huuekai."
No one could understand the lizardman's words, but they understood the motion. He was telling the raiders to follow him using his hand.
They reluctantly followed.
They arrived at the nought of a cave after a few minutes of traveling.
Armored guards were standing around the entrance to the cave.
Sung-ho looked around to see the despair on the faces of the remaining raiders. The girls were uncontrollably trembling.
"W-we're d-doomed!"
Soo-bin's voice was shaking as she spoke.
"Without Seong... We're doomed!"
So-hui spoke to herself under her breath.
Sung-ho was perfectly calm. He didn't feel threatened by the lizardmen at all.
"It's okay! We can do this!"
Ji-wan tries to comfort the raiders. But he couldn't hide his own fear. He was trembling inside.
"Kiikeck kooocok!"
A lizardman swings his axe into Ji-wan's back.
Blood launches out like a fountain from him as he falls to the ground, twitching.
"Ji-wan oppa!"
The healer, So-hui, dashes over to him and tries to heal him. The lizardman grabs her and starts to drag her away.
'Okay. I've had enough of this.'
Sung-ho walks up to the lizardman and taps on his shoulder.
He turns around as Sung-ho's fist flies into his face, shattering his head.
The lizardmen start to charge towards Sung-ho.
Sung-ho stomped on the ground, shaking the whole mountain.
The cave started to collapse. Rocks fell from the top of the mountain and landed all around Sung-hi while he broke the ones aimed towards the Raiders.
"Get back to Seong! Take Ji-wan's body with you."
The raiders nod and run away, back towards Seong's location.
'Now we begin.'
Sung-ho punched a lizardman into the cave. Lizardmen were fleeing from the cave as it collapsed. Many of which were carrying children as they fled.
Sung-ho was waiting for them. Lizardmen fled past Sung-ho. He was waiting for the warriors.
'I don't want to kill the children unless I absolutely have too!'
The warriors helped all the women and children flee. After they helped the last one, they turned to face Sung-ho.
There were thirty warriors, wielding a variety of weapons, from swords to axes.
The lizardmen charge towards Sung-ho. Sung-ho crouches down and flicks the ground, causing it to shake.
The lizardmen stumble back and forth as they try to stagger to their feet.
Sung-ho chuckles to himself while he watched them dance around.
The earth stops shaking and the lizardmen continue their advance towards Sung-ho.
The lizardman's axe shatters against Sung-ho's finger, as he flicks the weapon.
The lizardman stumbles backwards in fear.
The others don't. They start to attack Sung-ho.
They swing towards him and he blurs, and then vanishes.
Sung-ho moves behind them and picks up a rock. He crushes the rock in his hand and throws the pellets of rocks into the lizardmen.
Each pellet pierced and traveled through the lizardmen, leaving holes in them. Like a shotgun.
The lizardmen fall down onto the ground. Sung-ho walks up to the lizardmen's bodies and takes all of their weapons and armor.
He crushed all the equipment into a ball of pure iron.
'I can sell this to blacksmiths.'
Sung-ho casually walks back to the rest of the party.
Soo-bin rushes over to him and hugs him tightly.
"Thank you! Thank you for saving us!"
Sung-ho comforts her as he pushes her away so he can inspect Seong.
"Healer, heal him!"
"It won't matter! I used all my mana to heal Ji-wan and besides... H-he's already dead!"
Sung-ho grabbed her hand.
"Use my mana."
So-hui nods as she tries to heal Seong.
So-hui continued to heal Seong for six minutes. He continued to improve and eventually woke up.
"Ah shit! What happened!? My neck hurts like hell!"
Everyone rushes towards Seong to embrace him as they cry.
"Thank you Sung-ho!"
Jo-hui embraced him again as she cried into his chest.
Sung-ho patted her on the back and beckoned to the group.
"Shall we head back home?"
(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.)
(You can contact me at: risze1215@gmail.com)
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