Enemy? (III)

"I thought that I smelled a few rats!"


The raiders back away from Sung-ho, shaking and trembling. 

Who wouldn't be scared when you just witnessed your blade shatter against his neck? The fear on the eyes of the raiders was visible, but so was the disdain for Sung-ho. 

"How dare you act so rude in front of our great and merciful leader!"

The two raiders were showing their ire for him. They put all their emotions into their words. 

"Listen. I don't much care for you or your leader. I only want the money I'm getting from this." 

Sung-ho's statement only infuriated the two more. 

"You'll die for that!" 

Sung-ho raised his hand, telling them to stop, to which they obliged. 

"I'm really not in the mood to deal with this right now. I'm tired." 

Sung-ho turns away from the two raiders and continues his voyage down the path. 


The raider with his sword still intact, rushed forwards and swung his blade towards Sung-ho's head. 




The raider lost his head before the other could even blink. 

Sung-ho had used his speed to remove the sword from his hand and disconnect the head from it's spot on the neck. 

There was no blood on the weapon. Sung-ho moved so fast, not even blood would remain on the sword's blade. 

As the head rolls across the floor, the other raider stands, horrified and frozen from the petrified sight he just witnessed. 

"What- How!?"

Sung-ho throws the sword on the ground. 

"I did warn you. I'm too tired to deal with this shit today!" 


Sung-ho walks away from the remaining raider, who is still petrified from the fear he felt. 


Sung-ho continues down the dimly lit cave. Water was dripping from the top of the cave and landing in puddles on the bottom. 



The cave is eerily quiet. Other than the occasional water drop, there is no sound. 

'How deep does this cave go?' 


'Dead end?' 

Sung-ho reached a dead end. There was no more cave, and no monsters for him to fight. 

"Well now what!?" 

Sung-ho was confused about what course of action he should take. 

Should he punch the wall and see what happens, or turn back and choose another path?


Sung-ho hears a scream from echo through the cave. 


He hears the scream again, this time from behind him. There were little cracks in the dead end wall of the cave, the sound was coming from behind it. 


Sung-ho punches the wall open to reveal a chasm of pure darkness. There were six other tunnels, all connecting to the same chasm. 

'Woah! How deep does that go!?' 

The chasm was vast. The bottom of the chasm was masked in pitch black darkness with the occasional scream echoing from below. 

Sung-ho peered over the edge. 

'Maybe I should jump down? It wouldn't hurt me.' 

Sung-ho stands up and casually walks off the edge of the chasm and falls into the darkness below. 


'I've been falling for at least a few minutes now, right?' 

Sung-ho continued to fall. 

'Maybe I'll just take a nap?' 

Sung-ho closes his eyes and falls asleep. 



Sung-ho wakes up when he hits the bottom of the chasm. 


'Man! I needed a nap!'

Sung-ho gets up and looks around at his surroundings. 

The bottom of the chasm was vast and jagged. A dimly lit tunnel was shimmering in the distance. 

Sung-ho begins to travel down the chasm, heading towards the tunnel,  looking around for any other raiders. 

*"He-lp... me...!"*

Sung-ho hears the whimpers of a hurt man in the distance. 

The whimpers slowly fade as Sung-ho hears the sound of a body drop. 

'He's dead.' 


"My liege! There seems to be a survivor from the chasm fall! He is approaching our palace!"

A loud thunderous voice echoes throughout the dark room. 

A large monster sits on top of a throne, looking down at a trembling demon.

"What about his strength? Is he stronger than me?"

Another demon, sitting at the creature's side, spoke up to the thunderous voice. 

"He seems to be quite powerful. My demonic eyes can see power levels but this is unknown."

"Is he more powerful than me?" 

The demon hesitates to speak. 

"I don't believe so, my lord."

The thunderous voice is elated. 

"Let him come! I have been craving a good fight!" 


Sung-ho has been traveling down the tunnel for a half hour now. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight.

'I'm getting pretty bored of walking.' 

Sung-ho can't see ahead of him any more, it's too dark to see anything. 


Sung-ho runs into a metal wall, and leaves a dent. 

Lights flicker on to reveal a large, black, metal door, leading into a palace-esk building. 

'Am I finally at the boss?' 

Sung-ho kicks the metal door in and is immediately greeted by two demons.

The demons are in full plated armor and carrying dual swords. 

"Welcome, human!" 

"Today you die, for our lord's sake!" 

Sung-ho puts his head down in annoyance.

"You don't have to fight me, either way your boss is going to die. With or without you alive." 

The two demons are angry at his words. 

"How dare you!" (In unison)

The demons charge towards Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho claps his hands together and a gust of wind launches the two demons back towards the wall of the palace. 



"Are you dead?" 

The damage from the impact was immense. The two demons get up, covered in blood and gashes. 

"Still alive huh?" 

Sung-ho slams his hand into the ground and rips up two bunches of rock. 

Sung-ho throws the volley of rocks into the demons, leaving golf ball sized holes in each of them. 

"He is strong! This will be fun!" 

The thunderous voice steps off his throne and heads to meet Sung-ho. 


"You must be the boss then?" 

The thunderous voice responds to Sung-ho's question with a simple word. 


(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.)

(You can contact me at: risze1215@gmail.com)

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