Enemy? (II)

"I'll kill him!" 


"Please follow me, dear guest!"

Kim Jong-un was being friendly with Sung-ho. He wanted to start a good relationship with him.

"Where are you taking me?" 

Kim was smiling as he led Sung-ho away. 


Kim led Sung-ho to a large room filled with raiders and high ranking military officials. Everyone in the room was shining from the armor and medals they're wearing. 


Sung-ho is led to a chair in the front of the room and takes a seat. 

A golden podium is set on a stage, overlooking the room of raiders and military officials. 

Kim walks behind the podium and the room falls completely silent. 

Everyone in the room is sitting in perfect posture in their chairs except for one person. Sung-ho is slouched against the back of his chair. His posture is offending everyone in the room. Glares of hatred and ire are filling the room. 

"How dare he act so rude in front of our Supreme leader!" 

"How dare he be so rude!" 

"What scum!"

Sung-ho ignores the rude comments towards him. He didn't really care about their opinions. 

"Everyone be quiet in front of our Supreme and merciful leader!" 

The room follows the orders of the soldier and goes into complete and utter silence. 

"A red dungeon opened in the center of Pyongyang and I have requested help from South Korea's newest SS Rank Raider." 

Kim Jong-un points to Sung-ho who is utterly confused. 

"If you needed an SS Rank then why did you not use any of the ones here?" 

Kim Jong-un stops speaking and puts his head down. 

"Most of the ones that awakened are dead. We only have six left until more awaken." 

'They died that fast!?' 

Sung-ho was amazed and confused. 

"I understand." 

Kim Jong-un picks his head up and continues to speak to the crowd. 

The rest of the briefing went without any interruptions from Sung-ho or any one else. 


Sung-ho is led to a nice hotel and given a key to the VIP penthouse suite. 

'This place isn't bad. Different from home but I don't hate it.'

The hotel was much different than normal hotels. There was no internet, television, or technology of most kinds. 

Normally the North Korean government would take any cell phones from raiders when they visit, but since Sung-ho didn't have one, they didn't need to take it. 

Sung-ho had full access to any food or woman of his choosing, at all times of day. He was being treated as the most important guest. 

'If I wasn't in North Korea then I would enjoy this a lot more.'

Sung-ho was on edge. He was away from home, in a country they have been at war with for decades. He knew he could handle anything that came his way but he didn't want to be responsible for another war. 

'I'm kind of hungry, what do we have to eat?' 

Sung-ho looks over the menu handed to him by the hotel receptionist. He reads through all the options available. 

'No way! They have bibimbap!' (Basically South Korean Ramen)

Sung-ho liked bibimbap. It was one of his favorite foods from back home. 

'I'll order that.' 

Sung-ho pushed a button on the wall of his room. 


"How may I help you?" 

"Can you bring me a dish of bibimbap?" 

"Yes! Right away!" 

Sung-ho decides to run a bath while he waits for his food to arrive. 

'Wow the bath in the suite gets to the perfect temperature instantly!' 

Sung-ho changes into just a towel for his bath. 



'My food!' 

Sung-ho answers the door in just his bath towel. 

"Ahhh! S-sorry for disturbing your bath! H-h-here's your food!" 

The receptionist is as red as a strawberry. She is trying to look away from Sung-ho's muscular body. 

Sung-ho was very muscular and fit because of his stats. 

"Thank you!" 

Sung-ho took his food and scarfed it down while taking a bath. 


Sung-ho was led to the dungeon in the morning. 

The raid team was already there when Sung-ho arrived. They waited for him to wake up before they started the raid. 

"Welcome Mr. Yoo."


Sung-ho was greeted by one of the high ranking military generals. 

Kim Jong-un was already waiting at the dungeon for Sung-ho. He called him over to him. 

"Mr. Sung-ho! When you go in there can you bring me back a body part from the boss monster?" 

"Uhhh... Sure." 

Kim liked to collect a souvenir from each major dungeon raid. His collection housed many rare relics and body parts from various bosses. 

His favorite was the scale of a dragon. 

Sung-ho was a bit weirded out by this request but decided not to think about it too much. 

"Okay everyone! Prepare to enter the dungeon!" 

All the raiders readied their weapons and adjusted their armor. 

Sung-ho doesn't use armor. He just enters in his street clothes when he goes to dungeons. He only occasionally uses weapons. 

'Guess it's time to enter the dungeon then.' 


Sung-ho enters the dungeon with the other raiders. 

The dungeon was a cave. The damp atmosphere messed with his eyes for a second until he adjusted to the surroundings. 

The cave was large compared to any known caves in Korea. Massive stalagmites and stalactites protruded from the surfaces of the cave. 

'This brings back a sense of nostalgia.' 

The cave was very similar to the one in the white dungeon, only this one felt much more ominous and sinister. 

There were seven paths to go down. 

"Let's split up!" 

Sung-ho tried to go alone but was stopped by two battle hardened and scarred raiders. Both swordsmen and easily S Rank. 

"Let us go with you!" 


Sung-ho was hesitant but inevitably allowed them to travel with him. 


They set off down the fifth pathway as a trio. 



A blade is swung towards Sung-ho's neck. 


The blade shatters against his skin. 

Sung-ho turns to confront the two raiders.

"I thought I smelled a few rats!" 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

(You can contact me at: risze1215@gmail.com) 

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