Enemy? (I)

"Shall we go home everyone?"




The raiders exit the dungeon to find a flurry of reporters waiting for them. 




"Over here! Over here!... What was the dungeon like!?" 

'Great...! I can't stand reporters!' 

Sung-ho wasn't pleased to leave the dungeon and get bombarded with microphones and camera flashes. 

Sung-ho vanishes into a blur and reappears behind the crowd of reporters. 

'Now to leave.' 

Sung-ho quietly walks down the road, heading away from the dungeon. 

"Hey, you! Wait! Mr. Yoo!" 

Sung-ho stops walking and turns around to see a middle-aged man running towards him. The man is wearing a tuxedo and carrying a briefcase. 

"What do you need?" 

The man stops in front of Sung-ho and opens his briefcase, revealing a notebook. 

"Hi! I'm a reporter with KBS! I would like to take a statement from you!" 

Sung-ho turns around. Completely avoiding the reporter. 

"Where are you going!?" 

"My bad. I thought you were someone important!" 

The reporter drops his jaw to the floor. The sheer shock of Sung-ho's statement made him lose all trains of thought. He was utterly confused at the situation. 

Sung-ho blurs away from the confused reporter.


The news of the Busan red dungeon being conquered in record time spread through the news networks, like fire through dry bushes. 

[That was insanely fast!]

[Is Sung-ho really that strong!?]

[I heard that he blew off the head reporter of KBS!...LOL]

The media was filled with stories, either false or true, telling of Sung-ho and his actions in the red dungeon. 

'All this popularity is going to cause me problems.'

Sung-ho wasn't a fan of constantly being bombarded with reporters and interviewers. He much preferred to be left alone. 

'This is going to be a serious pain!' 

"Sung-ho oppa!" 

He turns around to see his sister making a giddy expression on her face as she walks towards him. 

"One of my friends is coming over." 


Sung-ho turns away from his sister and begins to read more news articles about him on his mothers laptop. 

'Ahh! Here's the one written by the KBS guy I ignored.' 

[Yoo Sung-ho is an incredibly rude raider. He does not deserve the rank he was given and he should have never awakened!] 

'Hahaha! That's fantastic! I knew I pissed him off but, this is hilarious!' 

Sung-ho couldn't help containing his laughter. His sister heard him chuckling to himself. 

"What are you laughing at?" 

"Oh, nothing. Just laughing at this bad review." 



"Oh! My friend is here!" 

Sung-ho's sister rockets towards the front door to greet her friend. 


Sung-ho recognized her immediately. He knew the familiar face from a dungeon he had entered not too long ago. 


Soo-bin looks behind Ha-yeon to see Sung-ho looking at her. 

"Mr. Yoo!" 

Sung-ho waves to Soo-bin.

"Hey Soo-bin." 


Soo-bin stayed at Sung-ho's house until dark, Sung-ho offered to take her home, much to his dismay. 

"I was surprised to see you come over. I wasn't expecting you to be my sister's friend." 

"I wasn't expecting to see you there either! I remember she told me her brother was a raider but I didn't know it was you!" 

Sung-ho handed Soo-bin a dragon scale from his pocket. 

"I got this during my time in the red dungeon. I heard magicians can use these to increase their MP." 

Soo-bin gladly accepted the scale. 

"Thank you so much!" 

Sung-ho stops walking and turns to face a pile of ants on the sidewalk. 

"I never asked you, what level are you Soo-bin?" 

"Huh? What do you mean level?" 

Sung-ho was caught off guard by her confusion. 



Sung-ho escorts Soo-bin the rest of the way home. 


Sung-ho returns to his house to find a letter posted on the door. 

[Yoo Sung-ho, I know your secret!] 

'Huh? What does this mean? I'll figure it out later.'

Sung-ho crumbles up the letter and heads inside. 

"Hey Sung-ho oppa!" 

Sung-ho sits down at the table, next to his sister. 

"I really don't see why you insisted that I take her home. She's a raider, she can protect herself." 

Ha-yeon sighs and rolls her eyes towards Sung-ho. 

'That idiot really is dense isn't he!'


Sung-ho wakes up in the morning and heads to the Association.

An angry receptionist calls out to him. 

"Yoo Sung-ho! Do you know how much trouble you caused us! Every news agency was trying to reach you!" 

The room falls silent as eyes shoot in Sung-ho's direction. 

"Is that really Yoo Sung-ho!?" 

"Yeah! I think so!"

"No way! He looks so much younger in person!" 

"Yeah! I know!" 

Sung-ho walks up to reception. 

"Are there any dungeons I can enter for some quick money?" 

The receptionist digs through a drawer in her desk, in search of a certain piece of paper. 

"There was a request from the north. They need support in clearing a red dungeon." 

'Another red dungeon!?' 

Sung-ho rubs his forehead. 

"How much is it paying?" 

"Ten billion won." 

Sung-ho's jaw drops. He had never held that amount of money before. 

"How long will I be gone?" 

"One week most." 

Sung-ho thinks to himself for a minute. 

"I'll take it." 





A car door opens and Sung-ho steps out. The car he rode in was a black unmarked police car. Designed for transportation across the DMZ. 

'So this is North Korea huh!?' 

Sung-ho is led into a building by a security guard. The building was rather large compared to the Raider's Association. 

"Welcome, Mr. Yoo Sung-ho!" 

Sung-ho was unaware of who was addressing him. He didn't recognize the face of Kim Jong-un. 

"Yes. Thank you." 


"So that is Yoo Sung-ho, the newest SS Rank of South Korea!? How dare he not bow to our great leader!" 

"Yes, true scum!" 

"I'll kill him!" 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

(You can contact me at: risze1215@gmail.com) 

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