Medieval (III)

"I accept your conditions."


The oni warriors listened to their king's wishes. They back away from the raiders and from a large circle in the battlefield, surrounding the two. 

"I should warn you human! I have never lost a fight!"

Sung-ho looks at the oni king like he's a fool. 

"That will change today."

"Kekeke, cocky human!" 

The oni king draws his long crimson blade from it's golden sheath. The blade shimmers in the light of the sun, light mimicking flames shone brightly one the blade. 

The oni king points his blade towards Sung-ho. The blade's point is glowing bright gold. 


The oni king rushes towards Sung-ho and swings the sword towards his neck. Sung-ho catches the tip of the shimmering blade in his hand. 




The oni king gets sent flying into the lines of his troops.

"Damn! What a hit!" 

The oni king stands up and cracks his neck. Blood was flowing from his lip, where he was punched by Sung-ho. The red was flowing down his face to match his armor and blade. 

"You hit hard human!"

Sung-ho reaches into his pocket and takes out a coin. 

The oni king charges towards him again. Sung-ho flicks the coin with enough force to shatter the armor worn by the oni king. 

The coin rams into the oni king's chest and flies through him. 


The oni king falls to his knees as he blood spews from his mouth. 

"Heal... me..." 

A lone oni warrior comes forwards and helps the oni king. Shimmering green lights are webbing through the air around them as the wound on his chest starts to close. 

"One point me, zero points you." 


The oni king recovers from his wounds and stands to face Sung-ho. The oni king is visibly shaking, his knees were trembling from the fear of imminent death. He knew his end was near, but he didn't accept it. 

"I won't lose to you!" 

The oni king tossed his blade to the side and drew his fists towards Sung-ho. 


Sung-ho dashes towards the oni king and launches him into the air. 


The oni king is thrown above the clouds. He begins to fall back to earth when Sung-ho flies through the air under him and lands a devastating blow into the oni king's chest. 

The oni king is launched like a mortar. He starts to fall back to the ground at high speeds. 

Sung-ho blasts off the ground again, this time grabbing the oni king by the collar and blasting him to the ground via a forceful punch. 




The crater left by the impact is large enough to be considered a dig site. 

The oni king is barely clinging to his remaining life force as he reaches towards the sky.

'Is this how I die? To this human!?' I can't, I won't let that happen!' 

"Innate Skill: Limit Break"

A pillar of glowing red light connects with the body of the oni king. 

"I never thought I would have to use this suicidal technique. Good job human! But you have lost, with this skill active... I am unstoppable until my body deteriorates!" 

Sung-ho can sense the impressive amount of power being accumulated. 

The onlookers shiver out of fright from the amount of power being accumulated. 

"It's over... human!" 


A fist is plunged into Sung-ho's face. Sung-ho gets launched into a mountain behind him. 

A black and blue bruise begins to form on Sung-ho's face. 

"That actually kind of hurt." 

The oni king quickly turns from anger to fright. 

"You survived my blow!?" 

Sung-ho gets out of the rubble and stands to face the oni king. 

"This will be fun!" 

The oni king smiles back at Sung-ho who raises a palm to the heavens.

"Indeed it will be." 

The oni king launches a flurry of swings towards Sung-ho. Every swing threw fire towards Sung-ho. There was enough force behind each swing to level a city block. 

"I never needed to use this until now, but... let's try it." 

The battlefield went dark as the sun was blocked out by a massive storm cloud.


Lightning starts striking the palm of Sung-ho's hand. Each strike spreads electricity throughout the entire body. 

Sung-ho points his finger towards the oni king as lightning continues to strike the palm of Sung-ho's hand. 

Sung-ho uses his body as a transmitter for the lightning. Everytime lightning would strike, lightning was flying out of his hand. 




Lightning starts to highlight the oni king. Sung-ho can see every bone being highland by the x-ray. 

'When did I crack his ribs?' 

The oni king continues to take electricity into his body. His body is completely frozen in place, the constant stream of lightning is causing his nerves to stop transmitting. 

Sung-ho stops shocking him. 

"You win! I lose! Please have mercy!" 

Sung-ho turns his back as the oni king charges towards him with the dagger drawn. 

Sung-ho kicks the dagger from his hand. Sung-ho turned around and launched four super quick punches. 

The oni king hits the ground, without any limbs, the body can't function or provide correctly.

"Should have quit while you were ahead." 

The raiders free the slaves and head up the mountain towards the rest of the group. 


Sung-ho and the raiders rescued the hostages and returned back to the destroyed village. 

The hostages thank the raiders and start cleaning up the village. 

They are picking up limbs and throwing them in a handmade campfire. 

'We can't bury just limbs.' 


"Shall we go home everyone?"

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

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