Medieval (II)

"Please... help our... village!" 


"I know we agreed to help but why is the village so dirty!" 

The village was only two kilometers away from the den. The village was small in comparison to modern towns and cities. A large wooden wall made of log pikes, surrounded the village with spear points positioned on the tips of each pike. 

"These walls are pretty useless against dragons." 

Sung-ho stated the obvious. 

"It's like they asked to be food. Only one way in, and one way out."

The raiders were uneasy around Sung-ho. He had only been critical of everything up until now. They were scared to mess up around him.

"What did the villager ask us to do again?" 

"He asked us to avenge his village. Since the dungeon hasn't closed yet, I bet the boss is still out there." 

Red dungeons don't close unless the boss monster is destroyed. It could take a raider months, or even years to accomplish the goal. 

The raiders were well aware that they might be here for a few days. 

"What do you think the boss monster is?"

"Do you think it's a stronger dragon... or maybe... the demon lord!?" 

The questions were echoing from the mouths of the raiders. 

The raiders walked into the village and immediately looked around at the destruction. Houses and buildings were toppled over, blood covered the ground like patches on a leopard,  severed limbs were positioned on the ground in various shapes. 

"What the hell happened here!?" 

Sung-ho examines the severed limbs and responds to the question asked.

"It's a map."

"How can you tell!? To me it just looks like a bunch of severed limbs!" 

On the back palm of each hand, there was a patch of skin missing. Sung-ho used his intelligence to solve every possible combination. 

"Look at the hands. Skin is missing." 

Sung-ho launched himself into the air using a vertical jump. Sung-ho compared the surrounding terrain to the map he just created. He matched mountains with mountains, streams with streams, and lakes with lakes. 

'The star on the map leads over there.' 

The map gave him a location for the boss room. 

Sung-ho landed on the ground, causing shockwaves to etch throughout the valley. 

"Follow me. I found the boss." 

The raiders looked at Sung-ho with disbelief. They knew he was serious. 

"Okay!" (In unison)


The raiders followed Sung-ho to the best of their ability. He was merely jogging but they had to sprint at full speed to be remotely close to him. 

"Just what is he!?" 

"This is torture!" 

Sung-ho turns around to see the staggering raiders, trying their best to keep up with him. Several of them have already collapsed from the exhaustion of sprinting at full speed for so long. 

"Let's go! Come on!" 

'Ahh, dammit!' 

Sung-ho jumps back to them, jolting them upright from the sheer impact of his landing. 

"If you're too tired to continue then stay here. Everyone else, keep up!" 

Three quarters of the raiders chose to stay behind. Only the most elite combat raiders followed Sung-ho. 

The wide-eyed man followed close behind Sung-ho, he truly admired him. 


Sung-ho leads the remaining raiders to the top of a mountain, where they look down at the final boss' valley. 

"Oni warriors!" 

The wide-eyed raider tried to hide his fear but couldn't. 

Oni warriors were the most elite of monsters, right under ancient dragons. One oni warrior could kill an entire team of B Rank raiders if it pleased. 

"If you're scared then stay behind. I don't want nor need cowards." 

The wide-eyed man didn't want to upset Sung-ho. He wanted his respect. 


The oni warriors had human women and children hostage in their camp. They had them in Iron cages with holes big enough for food and water only. 

"Alright. Let's do this." 

Sung-ho sprung himself into the air over the valley, preparing to make a grand entrance. 

Sung-ho fell down to the ground and pierced it with his fist, causing massive sinkholes and crevices to form around him. 



Oni warriors started to fall into the crevices and sinkholes. 

Sung-ho got up to face the incoming onslaught of oni warriors. 

The warriors were wearing bright red samurai armor and wielding extended katanas, designed for keeping your opponent at long range. 

Sung-ho swung his fist into the crowd of warriors, over and over again. Each swing caused a devastating amount of damage to the warriors numbers. 

The remaining raiders charge into the battlefield, itching to join Sung-ho in combat. 

They drew their swords and spears and began to ravage the front lines of oni warriors. The wide-eyed raider jumped over the horde of oni warriors and landed near Sung-ho. 

'So close!' 

Oni warriors swung their blades towards him, he began to glide around the blades, as if he was a leaf being guided by wind. 

He continued to plunge his sword into oni warrior necks, causing floods of blood to leave the wounds. 

Sung-ho picked up two katanas from the fallen oni warriors and began to spin around like a fan. Heads would tumble to the floor every time he moved from his location. 








The sound of banging metal filled the air as the fight began to intensify. The raiders were being pushed back up the mountain while Sung-ho and the wide-eyed raider pushed further into the onslaught of oni warriors.


A thunderous voice echoed through the battlefield as the fighting came to an abrupt stop. 

"I have had enough of the blood shed! Let me fight your strongest warrior! If you win, I return the humans and never bother them again, but if I win, you all join them in the cages!" 

Sung-ho steps us to the front of the throne, the king was prepared to fight for his people. 

"I accept your terms." 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

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