Interview and Medieval (I)

"Hello everyone. I am Yoo Sung-ho. I was recently given SS Rank." 


"Mr. Yoo, Mr. Yoo! Over here!" 

"Yes! You!" 

"What are your plans for the future!?" 

Sung-ho looked at him like he was an absolute fool. 

"What kind of question is that!?" 

The reporter was stunned to receive such backlash from Sung-ho. 

"I just wanted to know what your plans were for your future as a raider.?" 

"I'll tell you all one thing!"

"What is it?" (Several reporters in unison) 

"I'm not going to join a guild! So don't make any offers!" 

One of the female reporters stepped forward with her microphone pointed towards Sung-ho. 

"Why won't you join any guilds?" 

Sung-ho looked down at the reporter who was completely confused. 

"I don't want to be held down by people who don't know what they are doing." 

*Gasp* (All reporters in unison) 

Sung-ho didn't know this at the time, but that statement would land him in the aim of every guild in the nation. 

"Any other questions?" 

"Yes! Here! Right here!" 

"What is your question?" 

"What is your class?" 

Sung-ho rubbed the palm of his hand against his forehead in annoyance. 

"I don't have one currently." 


"Is that actually possible!?" 

"He has to be lying!" 

Sung-ho quietly listens to the restless uneasiness of the crowd. 

"It's true!" 

An Association administrator approaches the crowd to confirm the situation. 

The crowd goes completely silent in bewilderment. 

"No way..." 

"That's impossible..." 

"But... How!?" 

Questions start flying from everyone's mouth. They had no idea it was possible for an awakened to not have a class. 

One of the other female reporters came forwards to ask him a very important question. She was jumping up and down in the air, waving her hand like a maniac. 

"I think this question is on the mind of women everywhere!... Is there a 'Ms. Yoo Sung-ho'?" 

Sung-ho leans into her microphone and declares one word. 



The interview took two full hours to complete due to the amount of questions he was asked. 

"Jeez, I thought that would never end!" 

"Hahaha! Interviews must suck huh!" 

Sung-ho turns to see an older man walking towards him. 

"Who are you?" 

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't introduce myself! My name is Jun-pyo, Association president." 

"What do you need?" 

Jun looked at Sung-ho with a smile. 

"I need you to do something for me!" 

"What is it?" 


Sung-ho walks into a room full A and S Rank raiders. There are a total of forty raiders, sitting in metal foldable chairs. They all face the same direction, towards a podium. 

Sung-ho takes a seat in the very back of the rows of chairs as Jun-pyo walks in and stands behind the podium. 

"I have gathered you all here today to clear a red dungeon in the center of Busan." 

The room was silent as they listened to his thunderous voice. 

"The gate appeared yesterday and was discovered by a passerby. I have called in an SS Rank raider to help you with your mission." 

Jun-pyo points towards Sung-ho. Every raider in the room turns to face Sung-ho. 

"Isn't that Yoo Sung-ho!" 

"It is!" 

"The anomaly!" 

'The anomaly?' 

Sung-ho stands up and waves to the raiders. 

"Hello everyone, I am Yoo Sung-ho and apparently I'll be accompanying you in this raid." 


The briefing ended after half an hour. The raiders headed back to their houses. They had two hours to prepare for the dungeon. 

"Why was I called the anomaly?" 

Jun-pyo looks up from his podium. 

"Because you are. Everyone knows that one out of every nine million people is an SS Rank. But you awakened right after the sixth SS Rank. Therefore, breaking the ratio." 


Sung-ho turned around and started to walk away when he heard Jun call out to him. 

"Please protect them!" 

Sung-ho puts a thumbs up. 

'As long as they don't be idiots, I won't have too.' 


Sung-ho arrived at the red gate, where half of the raiders were already positioned. 

'Where is everyone?' 

"Mr. Yoo! Can I have your autograph!" 

Sung-ho looked at the giddy, wide-eyed, man standing before him. He was wearing bright silver armor and wielding a golden rapier. 

"Why should I give it to you?" 


"I have no reason to give it to someone I don't respect." 

Sung-ho was brutal with his words. He knew that what he said would hurt the man. But he didn't care. 

"If you want my respect, then earn it." 

Sung-ho walked away from the dumbfounded man, who stood in shock at the response. 


All the raiders were standing in attendance. 

"Let's go everyone!" 

The raiders entered the dungeon and were immediately greeted by complete darkness. 

"What's going on!?" 

"Why is it so dark!?" 

"I can't see!" 

The raiders were completely confused about their surroundings. 

*Rustle* (x2)




A magician casted a light spell. The raiders all collectively gasped out of fright. They realized they weren't in just any room, they were inside a dragons den. The squishing sound they heard was them walking on corpses of fallen villagers. 

"Why are there people in this dungeon?"

"I don't know! Aren't dungeons just dens of monsters!?" 

The raiders couldn't understand why they found what looked like medieval-time villagers, riddling the ground. 

"Just where are we!?" 



The dragon had returned to its nest to find the unexpected intruders. 



The dragon launched a huge ball of fire towards the raiders. 

"Take cover!" 

The fireball connected with four of the raiders and disintegrated them immediately. 

"It targeted the healers first!" 

The dragon launched a second fireball at Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho turned towards the fireball and huffed a breath, blowing out the fireball. 

"What! What was that!" 

Sung-ho jumped towards the dragon. The dragon was grabbed by Sung-ho and they both went flying through the roof of the cave.

Sung-ho threw the dragon into the ground outside of the den. 




The dragon shrieked from the pain of having its limbs broken due to the force of the impact. 

"Guess you weren't as strong as I thought." 

Sung-ho slams his fist into the dragon's abdomen, the dragon popped like a hyper-inflated balloon.


Sung-ho returned to the den. 

"Sir Sung-ho! Over here!" 

One of the villagers was still alive and spoke in a very frail voice. 

"Please... help our... village..." 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

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