Spidrid (I)



Droplets of red liquid trickles down limbs and off the tips of fingers as pools of blood intercept them. A mountain of corpses, filled with dismembered bodies and various innards strung about. 

A dozen raiders, covered in sores and cuts, were standing before a pitch black mantis. Spines stuck out from all sides and shimmered in the little light the cave offered. 

*Huff huff*


"It's over! He's just too strong! E-everyone is dead!" 

"Pull yourself together Carlos! We need your support!" 

Carlos Marino looked down at his destroyed shield. 

'How am I supposed to help? I'm only a tank.' 



A lone raider falls to the ground as he desperately gasps for air. Sridrid had plunged his mandible into the raiders lungs. 


Carlos swaddles his dying friend as he cries. 

"Diego! I-I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I have failed you, my friend!" 

"It... it's okay brother... I had fun fighting alongside you..." 

The last bit of air leaves his lungs as his heart stops beating. Carlos felt the change in his comrade, he couldn't help but to cry. 


Diego's hand falls to the earth below as Carlos holds the limp and lifeless corpse of his friend. Tears are streaming down his 

"Now is not the time to mourn the loss of your friend! Get your ass up and fight!" (Lucas Howe)

Carlos understood what must be done, he knew the team needed his help if they were going to survive this. 



The head of a raider tumbles and rolls towards the feet of Carlos. The fear stricken in it's eyes chills Carlos to the bones. 



Mark's body smashes against the wall leaving a massive crater. Shockwaves from the impact shake the whole cave as Mark coughs up blood. 

"I need heals!" 

Adia Furaha launches a healing spell towards Mark. Green light engulfs his wounds and repairs broken tissue as he climbs off the wall. 




Xin Wuyang slams his fist into Spidrid's abdomen. 

"What! No damage!" 



Xin is launched into the air and slams into the ceiling. 



Lucas Howe jumps into the air to catch the falling Xin. 

"Look out! Alice!..." 



*Cough cough* 

"Kekeke! You were attached to this human weren't you! Good! Wallow in anguish as I tear her limb from limb!" 





"DAMN YOU~~~~~!" 

An astronomically large blast of fire is launched from the hands of Mark Smith. Peter Cromwell slides under Spidrid and swings his sword, removing two of his legs. 

The blast of fire connects with Spidrid and singe's his exoskeleton. 

"Gahk! Hot!" 


Suddenly, the back two of Spidrid's legs fly through the air as Peter blurs behind him. 

"Damn! I need to get out of here!... That mage is a problem! He needs to die!" 


Spidrid launches one of his spines towards Mark. 




Carlos uses his half broken shield to block the projectile. The spine pierces the shield and lodges itself in his forearm. 



Mark launches another blast of fire followed by a flurry of lightning and plasma. 

'Shit! I'm not strong enough to fight them right now! I need to finish this later!'


Mark snaps back to reality to see Sung-ho pointing his finger towards Spidrid. 

"You're dead!" 

"Kekeke, I like your attitude! Prepare to die, puny human!" 

Mark couldn't move, a mix of trauma and fear prevented him from intervening. 

'We definitely killed him back then! H-how is he here!? How is he alive!?" 

"Just run... you can't handle this monster... he'll slaughter everyone here!" 

Sung-ho smiled as he out stretched his hand, to tell Mark to stay put. 

"It's okay. I'll be fine." 

Mark pleads with Sung-ho as he attempts to climb to his shaky feet. He isn't able to stand. He falls back onto his knees as tears roll down his cheek. 

"You'll die!... Y-you can't win this!..." 

Spidrid laughs hysterically as he watches Mark wallow in his own anguish. More tears begin to stream down Mark's face as Sung-ho starts casually walking towards Spidrid. 

"I already told you, human! You have no chance, and yet, you walk towards me with no fear in your eyes!? I will make you despair!" 

Spidrid's heart begins to beat rapidly as an overpowering sense of dread manifests itself. Every instinct was telling him to flee.

'I'm way stronger than back then. I could easily kill everyone in here, but why... Why do I feel a sense of dread? Why do I feel like this is the end of my life? Why am I scared?' 

Sung-ho blurs out of vision as an intense deadly pressure forms behind Spidrid. 


Spidrid's head is slammed into the ground with enough force to cause an earthquake. Everyone was shocked by the force of the impact. Gasps of awe and shock form on the faces of every raider. 

Spidrid whips his claw around towards Sung-ho. The outstretched hand of Sung-ho blocks the blow, sending out a gust of wind in all directions. 

'What! W-what is this human!'


A kick connects with the abdomen of Spidrid. 


Spidrid slams into the ceiling sending stalactites hurtling towards the group of raiders. 


Tanks form shield barriers while mages blast the stalactites out of the air. 

"Damn humans!" 

*Ptoo ptoo ptoo* 

A blizzard of spines pierce the shields of tanks and the armor of raiders. Many bodies hit the floor as fountains of blood escape from gaping holes in their chests.

'Yes! This is what I'll do! If I can't kill him then I will kill all the rest!' 



Sung-ho slaps Spidrid into the ground. A horde of raiders charge towards the downed Spidrid in an attempt to eliminate him. 



A tornado of attacks rip apart the bodies and armor of the advancing raiders. 

"He just slaughtered dozens of us! W-what is he!" 


Sung-ho slams on the ground and catches the spine right before it strikes Woo-bin. 

"You okay?" 

"Y-yes! Thank you!" 

An uncontrollable blush forms on her face as she looks away from her savior. Feelings of romantic interest well up in her heart as the pace of beating intensifies. 

'No no no no no no no! I can't be interested in him! I only just met him!... Of course I'd be interested in him! He did save my life!' 

"God sis! I can practically hear your thoughts!" 

She blushes again as she covers her face in embarrassment. 


Sung-ho throws the spine back towards Spidrid, pinning him to the wall. 

"Are you going to answer my questions? Or would you rather die?" 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

(You can contact me at: risze1215@gmail.com) 

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