True love?!

As she sobbed in greif about her father i kneeled on the bed behind her And hugged her and brainstorm as if you were something that was actually delicate instead of my tormentor who used me for her pleasure. She wasn't a psychopath or sociopaths but I thought she was she was every human being I was tormented like I was. I want to hug her from behind she didn't flinch or anything except cry I kiss your neck and wrap my arms around her chest is out to say everything was gonna be OK. But there was no talking to her at that point she was in greif mode and I was trying to calm her down I was able to calm her down a little while just by holding onto her holding her kissing her neck as if she were to kiss my neck. She I stopped crying and kissed my arms and then up to my face turned around and tackled me on the bed.

"I was adopted by a mother who is the Taliban sympathizer and a calligrapher of Islamic art...she said that she ba'hai'

But she was not anything of muslima or ba'hai she as a taliban sympathetic and would torture me and my brother. When my brother refused to pray five times a day she got enraged pulled his earlobes until the fell off Telling him that he better pray and if he did he was going to suffer a man's pain and death. She went through a phase where are you in though he did pray. she wants for us to to send him to the basement where he lived out his final days where he was tortured and then murdered by her mother. She wanted for us to tell me not to tell anyone or that I would end up in Guantánamo.

"She then took me to the basement when my brother died at her hands sliced me up as if I was a piece of meat left me there exsanguinate or die. But I didn't know I was too stubborn to die though I wish I did. That was my family dynamic and I am sorry for your father's death Mira, I said. " when I snuck off to tell the police he followed me and threaten to kill me right in front of them she said that they will go and torture me I said no they won and they want as far as to arrester and to please her on charge and I said put it on charge on terrorism as well for she is a sympathizer to the Taliban. I have been seeing disturbing images of my brothers death and my near death since that day and she still haunts me I can still see the Violent Arabic calligraphy that she did and pictures of bin Laden."

I started doing drugs to drown out his voice when I was 13 years old and started up with walking the streets when I was 18 but that wasn't enough to stop the voices or help with money to support my habit, so smuggled drugs to and from Columbia."

"And your bitch of a mother." Mira asked.

"Last I heard she was being shipped to gitmo but what she did will have a lasting effect on me."

Same with what happened with my father!" She said

Mira one and caress me one more time and I crashed early around noon brace crying with each other along with each other with our pain. This is the first time I ever bonded anyone with my pain or actually told anyone about the source of my pain. She put her hand on my cheek and stroke my cheek and then my neck and then she massage my breast still teary-eyed she kissed me.

" I love you Kayla" she said "you're more than a concubine to me you're my lover and my soulmate."

It was at that moment that I just saw it I was going to stay clean and not support any drug lords or any stupidity by any means. She was happy to hear that but she was still saddened to her father's death. And I don't blame her because I feel the same way for my brother I had a special bond with him until he passed away on timely. Every time I close my eyes I still remember seeing the calligraphy and the runaround Islamic poems and the horrible pictures of bin Laden in every room. How my child home was the shrine to these evil people.

Come to think of it when I close my eyes I also see in the basement a girl outside of the basement window looking and see a friend who should've helped us. But I didn't blame her at the time this was during a nightmare but she was not able to help us with our problems because she didn't understand at the time. This little girl I still wonder what happened to her or what became of her or if she wanted to get help from my brothers problems and death.

I woke up screaming from the nightmare as usual and I was hearing my brothers voice who died at age 6 and never made it past kindergarten or grade one because he refused to pray and I still remember hearing his voice after a nightmare begging him for me to help him. I went into the bathroom to cry mirror in the fall me and said are you OK. I told her I was having a really bad nightmare because of my childhood.

Sure I understand with what you had to put up with I would've been going through the same thing too. She went into the room got me out she kissed me told me it was OK that everything was fine I was just a part of the past bullshit. I told her the bullshit smelled really bad and that I couldn't stand it anymore nor the voices of my brother.

"come let me make love to you."Mira suggestive.

She held my hand and I walked to the bed to make love. She told me instead of thinking of the past she should think about her and my future and the love that we share.

Is this true love?!