
Still shook up from talking about my brother and his death and we're near death experience I was only able to kiss her timidly and loving. She took me By my hair grabbing it not forcefully were just enough for me to notice and she kissed me right on the mouth as if passionately. She then made her physical presence known by teasing my nipples with hers as we kissed.She made love to my mouth with her mouth licking my lips and planting her tongue in the more mouth it felt good to have a such a passionate lover. She then told me I was beautiful.

She made love to my breasts Licking and teasing them with her mouth as if she never saw a pair of breasts before and then she lick between my cleavage While fingering me. I told her she had to continue on I liked what she was doing in the first place and then I just laid there while she went to work not literally I meant pleasure wise.

I asked her what her last name was just for interest check if we were going to be lovers.

"Macron" She said trying to force my legs open and get in between my legs. She went and kissed me Deeply with passion and love while she rubbed my womanhood. I told her I wanted to be friends again or at least wanded in my womanhood.

She said that I was thinking more on the lines of CATSA instead of CBSA.

"We use our hands only for search and pat downs, I told you my last name"

"Ahmed" i said.

" that a handsome last name, " she said winking.

"Not as handsome as yours" I giggled. "So did you break up with with whomever?"

"Yes," Mira said. " just for you"

She kissed me on the cheek and then on the lips as a sign of affection she said that she wanted me to be her wife as well as her companion and lover. I was no longer her concubine but her public lover as well. She's left a nice little ring on my finger and said that she wanted to marry me ASAP. I told her that I would love that very much so since we were on it over our grievances. I never thought I would see a broken soul in her world guess that she was psychopath but she was more than that she was a human being and a broken soul. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her because I was also broken so much more than she was.

"Yes" I said "I do want to be with you as a lover and companion."

"I hope I don't lose you like I lost my father in any way"

Part of me wanted to cry knowing that she held me in the same esteem as her father. That's how much she loved me I guess I don't know but I was with joy and I want to be with her all my life from that wall and on. We kissed tenderly and passionately for hours on end almost our face hurt. When that happened she decided she was going to lay down with me and just talk while kissing my shoulder. We talked about many different things like politics and other stuff that she was interested and I told her that I was interested in what she did for a living or something similar because of what happened to me as a kid. Mira was impressed that I was interested in her line of work. She was still kissing my shoulder as if it was a bubble delicate enough ready to break.

I asked her if I wanted my passport back she said she was keeping it So she can see my beautiful face as she pleasures her self. I was flattered and that she said that she would get me another one or at least help me get another one. She didn't want from my shoulder to my mouth kissing it again as if it was a delicate bubble.

Our cases just got heavier from then on I was there for freezers weren't hurting enough from kissing four hours she got between my legs and started to pleasure me like she never did before. He kissed my neck and then all the way down to my womanhood where she massaged it and penetrate it with her tongue.

I bet my lap and played her stroke your hair and held onto the bad one with one hand you have her with you other telling her she was a really good lover and that I wanted to be loved by her like this all the time. She kept kissing my womanhood deeper.

Then my nectar my essence came full force. She as she was eating me, loving me was also drinking essence.

"I love the way you taste and your love uses I want more," she said she came up to kiss me. " I want you to taste what I tasted it was so beautiful and so refreshing I want you to taste it as well." She kissed me on the mouth with my ass is still on her I licked every bit of it off her lips and told her it was a beautiful taste said I never tasted my own essence.

" I want to taste your essence is from your remaining flour Mira," I said.

"Maybe I might let that pretty face to love me."

I giggled saying that I would to taste her. She said that she might sit on my face or do something of that matter so I can actually taste her. She said maybe some other day I'll be able to taste her nectar. We laid in bed holding hands he was again nibbling on my shoulder and kissing it. I told her that I wanted to go to sleep she said I want to know if you wanted to soothe me to sleep. I told her she was very loving and very beautiful. We both drifted off to sleep hand in hand.