Aziza the flight attendant

I made Aziza in a bar waiting for her Floyd but she was not drinking alcoholic drinks in or was I at the time I was just waiting for mirror to go off shift. When I was talking to her it seemed innocent enough at first until she asked me if I was a lesbian and I asked said yes why? She then asked me if I was one of the many lovers of mirror. I told her yes I was but she started to the other women other than me. It was starting to go downhill and then she said that she'll like me. I asked Aziza if she was still cheating on me or still going after other women in her job and Aziza serious she just was accosted by her annual proposition with sex instead of a fine. It hurt me to hear this that my beloved mirror would be still screwing around on me. It was hard to think but then again I thought this woman was trying get between me and Mira I don't know why she had anything against Mira but she did but then she started to get flirty with me and flirtatious.

She crawled her hand up my leg and into my skirt telling me she wanted to make out with me in the bathroom. I was so angry at Mira at this time that I took the chance to do so. I asked her first where she came from originally she said she came from Iran I told her I was from Saudi Arabia originally she said that we make we do it better than white girls like Mira. So I followed her to the bathroom hand-in-hand she went into a stall and I followed her in the stall we kissed and made out. Her breath was sweet and what is sweeter than that of HER. Her turtle is gentle enough to rival that of mirrors as well. We do not do any caressing but we didn't touch one another she said that she liked me again and love me for me to be happy. And then I wasn't gonna be happy with mirror. I was in disbelief at this point but I was too busy kissing her. She said let's go to my hotel room later and she gave me your phone number if she ever thought that I wanted it talk dirty. Her porcelain white skin was very beautiful with her red lips almost as if they were lipstick but they were not and she was just a pitta me of beauty. I was taken by her right away. I told her I wanted her number if I wanted to talk dirty with her if I felt alone. I said that I would her call to my room.

She told me that she would call me to her room whenever she was ready that I didn't have to go to great Lengths hide relationship with her. Because she thought that Mira was a pile of scum.

Aziz I laughed and I ponder the reason why Mira was infatuated with me other than the fact that we had similarities will you not have very much similarities I was a criminal and she was an authority figure who abuse their power to get what she wanted womanly wise.

So I got my phone out and dailed up Aziza's number.

"Aziza do you have any chance that you might have any time for me tonight," I asked. I then turned my head around to see her smiling at me yesterday her for me to come with me. It was she held my hand and we left the airport if she left her problems she was a little odd but she was beautiful I'd have to admit that. How old are you sure actually smiling at each other as we looked at each other when we were in the cab to go to her hotel.

Right there in the cab we made love practically and then we teased each other. This seems more natural to me than being with Mira Mira was a bitch to me compare Aziza who was compassionate and caring to begin with.

On the way to the room we did everything imaginable before we went to the room with her clothes on. Then she open the door to the room. She said I'll make you smile and I'll make you love me as well you are regret it she kissed me and then we won another room. The room was semi-dark and kind of romantic in nature. She wants to skip off her clothing and then sorry kissing on me and then unbuttoning my blouse and unbuttoning my jeans she want to make love to me or always stood up. He said it would be better if we were in bed making love. I told her yes that's true.

Aziza kiss me in such a way that it was very deep but very passionate and tender at the same time as she was massaging my breasts. She knew how to make a girl really feel good and It's was freeing for me. She ran her mouth along my breast outlining my breast with her mouth circling me as she did so as well as licking me between the breast she said that I had wonderful breast.

And she said that why can't Iranians and Arabs were each other without having some white bitch involved. I agreed with her she crash me in places I thought or never crossbow not even by Mira's standards. For once I actually fell in love without having to talk to someone and it just happened. She told me she wanted to be with me and wanted me to be your wife even though she can't do that and I ran she was going to go back to Canada for me. Then ended up making love to me again instead of on the brass she made love to me in my Warren heard her tongue was long and very hard as if it was a way of making love to me new different way the old fashion way. It's hard to explain.