

The Healer still walked around in Pan's memories, seeing Pan as a child when he first came to Neverland. She had never seen anything like it and it was interesting to see things that Pan had never told anyone. Pan warped through the wall into a world of beauty, seemingly both quiet and loud.

When the world finally became visible, he noticed the man in front of him. He was frightened as he pushed himself back, hitting a tree. The man put his hands up as he looked at Pan, a smile on his face. "Hello Peter, my names James, a pleasure to meet you."

He offered a hand to Pan, bending over as he helped Peter off the ground. Peter stayed quiet and looked around as he stood up, taking in more of the terrain. James smiled softly and looked behind him, sighing softly. "Welcome to Neverland"

Peter had heard stories about Neverland from his mother, a place where you don't grow up and where everyone is content. Peter looked around before looking up towards James, speaking for the first time. "Am I dead?" He looked up towards James confused as James stifled back a laugh.

"No silly! You're in Neverland, the place where kids come to never grow up!" Jame smiled softly as he led Peter to the edge of a cliff, looking over to the beautiful landscape below. Peter looked out at the scenery amazed, it was like he was in a dream.

James looked down towards Peter, a soft smile on his face. "You see, I bring kids here, like yourself who are unloved or hurting. I bring them here to Neverland so that they'll be free from the weight of the Earth." Peter's smile faded as he looked up towards James, tears welled up in his eyes.

Peter tugged on James shirt, trying to get his attention. "Are you alright mister?" James blinked softly, the tears in his eyes slowly falling down his face. James smiled softly, squatting down to Peter's level and patting his head. "I'm doing great"

He bounced back up, a bright smile on his face now. "Especially now that you're here Peter! I cannot wait for you to meet everyone on the island!" James looked down the cliff, that looked over the mermaid lagoon. James placed his hands on his hips as he turned around to face Peter.

"Are you ready for an adventure?" Peter looked at the man for a second before looking towards the ground. While Peter had his own questions, he wanted to explore the stories his mother had told him. Peter looked up towards James determined and nodded.

James smiled softly, taking Peters hand and bringing him close. James took a running start with Peter before jumping off the cliff, flying off. Peter yelped as he buried his head in James' chest, James smiled softly and landed on the top of a tree. "Peter, you've got to look around, it's quite beautiful..."

He said as he pushed off once, again, heading towards the Indian camp. Peter sat with his head in James' chest for a while, after what seemed to be forever James stopped moving. There was a quiet grunting sound that came from a distance. Peter looked up to see a large deer-like creature. It was white with red patterns all along its body. Its neck was much larger than his body.

The creature almost looked wise as it slowly grazed on the fresh grass. Its long horns extended in front of its face, which made the creature seem mysterious to Peter. He wanted to extend his hand out and pet it, mesmerised as he slowly climbed out of James' hands.

James watched Peter inquisitively as Peter slowly walked up to the creature. As Peter grew close the creature raised its head, looking Peter up and down. Peter placed his hand on the snout of the creature, James watched to make sure the creature wouldn't hurt Peter.

Peter stood in front of the creature and slowly raised his hand to the snout of the creature. The creature seemed to back its head up a little before pushing its head into his hand.

James looked at Peter amazed, this creature was usually a brute and to push its head into a child's hand, into a humans hand was bewildering. Was this that stupid prophecy the clan spoke of?

James smiled softly, watching this go down for about ten minutes. A roar in the distance scared the creature off, Peter bringing his hand close to his body as he looked around. James ran over to Peter, grasping his shoulders and facing him. "Son that was amazing! No one has ever been able to get that close to that creature before" James chuckled softly, amazed as he stood up straight, running his hands through his hair.

Peter stood there nervously, he couldn't describe what had just happened at the moment with the creature. Peter could feel the creatures emotions and hear the creatures thoughts.

It was like the creature and he were taken to a different place, surrounded in a glimmering light where no one else could enter. James looked down towards Peter curiously, who was examining his hands.

James chuckled softly, patting Peter on the back. "I have some friends I'd like for you to meet..." Pan looked at James confused, was he in trouble? James took Peters hand and led him to the Natives camp.

After Peter met Tiger Lily, she called him Mun, which was Pan in the L'Aura Redieuse's language. Though the elders called him Pan, the prince of Neverland. They had discovered that Peter held immense power inside of him, one of a truly broken child.

Though that is how the prophecy foretold the saviour of Neverland, the human who came from broken home to save Neverland. James and Pan played pirates with each other every day. They grew close as Peter became more comfortable in Neverland. He became the talk of the island as he grew as the Prince of Neverland and as Mun.

Though as Pan grew older and James grew older they grew apart. One afternoon while they were playing near the Western Ocean, a crocodile swam around their ship. James had always been terrified of reptiles, wanting to turn back Peter swung his sword.

A thunk as something hit the deck, Peter looked down appalled as James left hand, lay limp on the boat's deck. Peter screamed for help as he ran back to the village with James.

The memories flashed again as it was taken to a later battle between Pan and James. "You'll pay for what you did to me that day Peter!" Pan blocked James swings as he fought the defensive. Pan hopped back, he was cut up all over his abdomen and arms.

Hook had done a number on him. Hook laughed as he looked at Pan. "To think that silly prophecy of theirs speaks of someone as weak as you!!" These words softly echoed as the healer was kicked out of Pan's memories.

She sighed softly, placing her hand on her head as she collected herself. Pan sat there, in visible pain, a soft teal light pulsing from Pan. The healer walked a bit closer to examine the light, it was almost like Pan was holding back. As she placed her hand on Pan's abdomen the flight burst off of him, flowing out of the tent like a cloud of smoke as Pan slowly started to stir awake.