Hook smiled softly as he stretched, leaning back against the walls of the crow's nest. He watched as the clouds rolled by, listening to his men hum songs as they worked. The clacking of the metal against the rock as all the prisoners broke at the walls of the caves that went on throughout the cavern.
Everything was going as planned, they had mined much of the ore that was in Mermaid Lagoon. It was the only thing that would help him destroy Neverland, for good. Hook looked down towards his pocket, pulling out an old tattered photo of him and the lost boys. Pan was mid-jump, about to hug attack Hook, it was one of their better days together.
As he looked at the picture the energy around Mermaid Lagoon changed, shifted. A powerful entity was nearby, Hook had felt this energy before. He placed the photo back into his pocket as he looked around, looking towards the mountains. A glimmer from the horns of the Pisu as Pan picked the animal up.