Pan turned around to the voice that broke through the dark, met with the man of the hour. "What are you doing here Hook?" Pan took his weapon out as Hook took a few steps forward, coming into the light. Hook smiled, his arms out to his side as he looked Pan up and down. He hadn't seen Pan in the longest time, at least not this close.
Hook looked rather worn down, he'd started to grow stubble and not only his face but his arms were covered in scars. His hair was quite long though Hook wore it in a low pony and he had braids going along both sides of his head. The strong scent of tobacco and metal wafted off Hook as he grew close, standing a few feet in front of Pan.
Hook shook his head, placing his hands in his pockets, he looked calm and relaxed. "Well, look at you...weapons out and at the ready huh?" Pan looked Hook up and down, seeing no weapons he lowered his own. Pan crossed his arms across his chest as he gave Hook a scan. "I came here to speak with you..."