Always Holding On

Friday came by fast, and I was thankful for that small crumb. I was surprised when the counselor didn’t call me down to talk to me during the week. I was thankful to that as well. I’m not sure how well I’d be able to hold my tongue if she said something stupid again.

As I made my way out of the school on Friday, I felt free with the cold air hitting me. School was starting to feel like a prison. The shock must have shown on my face to see Oliver, because when we locked eyes he started laughing. “Hey!” He waved me over to him.

“Hey, what are you doing here? We don’t work today.” I threw in because I didn’t put it past him to forget.

“Yeah, I know. I came to steal you away.” He smiled widely as if proud of himself.

“Oh? Steal me away to go where.”

“You know I can’t say, but if you come with me you can see.”

“One day I’m just going to say no.”