
The golem throws a punch towards Denila. Just before the punch could land, Benjamin the halfling landed in between them and used his sword as a shield to block the punch. The stone fist breaks through the sword punching Benjamin, knocking him and Denila back.

Both Benjamin and Denila groan from getting knocked back.

“Benjamin?!” Adelgeld reacts surprised

“Yep, I’m fine. No need to worry” Benjamin replies

Adelgeld runs to their side then notices Cilian and Azgore approaching them. The two golems also close in on them, but moving faster than usual this time. Benjamin gets up and engages with the golems. Fortunately, his small size allowed him to evade attacks easier. Being half the size of the humanoid golems, he was able to go under them and mess around to stall them for a few seconds. Cilian helps Denila up.

“Are you okay? Denila” Cilian asks

“I’m fine, those things are strong” she answers

Azgore takes his great axe and swings it towards the nearest golem in front of him. The axe abruptly stops right when the blade makes contact with the neck of the stone golem, then he leaps back keeping his distance.

“These things are hard Azgore! You’d need to swing stronger than that!” Benjamin says as he rolls under the golem to Azgore’s side

“They’re tough ones” Azgore remarks

“By the way, I noticed that the statues around us aren’t attacking. What’s up?” Benjamin asks

“Adelgeld is doing something that instantly makes them crumble when they get close” Denila answers

“I’m not even aware!” Adelgeld exclaims

“Ignore him, focus on the golems! Let him handle the statues” Denila says

The two golems continue moving forward towards Azgore and Benjamin. They throw out punches and slams, at Benjamin. Benjamin was able to evade most of the attacks, but the last one hit him and he knocked back a bit. Azgore retaliates swinging his axe at full strength. The golem blocks it with its arm, but the swing left a dent on the golem’s arm. The golem counter attacked with a punch, but Azgore’s armor protected him from taking on full damage. He staggers a bit but doesn’t fall and keeps his ground. Azgore attacks the golem once again with his axe, missing but he uses the momentum he placed on the axe to move away avoiding any further attacks from the golem. Benjamin gets back up and this time decides to help Azgore in the offensive. Using the broken blade, he stabs the golem in the arm, but the attack doesn’t pierce through it’s rock body. Azgore attacks the same golem swinging his axe at the head of the golem, but the second golem takes the hit instead, leaving a dent on it’s shoulder. The first golem slams its fist on Benjamin’s chest as he tries to move away.

“Wait I got something!” Adelgeld says out

“Okay, make sure it’s a good one. I’ll cover you” Denila says

“I got my staff!” Adelgeld exclaims

“Denila! Heal Benjamin! He took a strong blow to the chest” Azgore exclaims as he takes on another hit from the golems, yet still keeping his stand.

“My staff is wonderful though!” Adelgeld says

Cilian ignores Adelgeld and goes over to Azgore, with an ice armor forming over his arm, which he uses to block an incoming attack from the golem.

“Thanks Cilian” Azgore says

Azgore moves back a bit creating space from the golem. Denila begins to chant a prayer and her hands glow bright a bit. She touches the chest of Benjamin and magical energy begins to seep in glowing green. Benjamin sits up feeling better.

“Thanks, Denila. Your magic worked” Benjamin says

Denila gets up and holds her staff then runs over to Azgore’s side

“Got a plan Denila?” Azgore asks

“You attack, I defend? How does that sound?” she replies

“Pretty flawed seeing as how my attacks did nothing, and your defense gets broken through” Azgore answers

Cilian gets a hold on the golem, but the armor is slowly breaking as more attacks the golem give out, as Cilian’s ice sword doesn’t do much in dealing damage to the golems. An outburst of white glow happens and the golems immediately crumble to dust followed by the surrounding statues in the area. They all look back at Adelgeld, where the glow came from.

“I’m telling you! I had something! My staff with the dispel stone!” Adelgeld says

“Why didn’t you do that earlier?!” Benjamin asks

“Finally, that staff of yours is very cool, Adelgeld” Denila comments

“Yes, yes. Thank you” Adelgeld smiles

“We should be safe now” Benjamin says

“Yeah, we were lucky enough to avoid some fights the best we could on the way here, so we’ve mostly been exploring this area and the part of the tower. So far, it seems like there’s something here that someone is keeping protected from others” Denila informs

“Indeed, since we now have more man power. I think we should go check what’s upstairs together” Adelgeld suggests

“Hold on, shouldn’t we look for Gunvil and Jonathan?” Benjamin asks

“GUNVIL AND JOHNATHAN GET RIGHT HERE! WE WILL WAIT FOR YOU IN THE TOWER" Azgore shouts out enhancing his volume with magic

“I guess that’ll do” Adelgeld says

“Right, let’s move now. I have a feeling this is all we need” Azgore shows a picture of Anthony that he took from the cottage then informs both Adelgeld and Denila who he is.

“He’s some guy who deserves the worst and nothing but the worst. He’s the one behind the statues here and killing the scouts. He’s probably the one who also set up those golems” Benjamin adds

Adelgeld begins walking to the tower and enters the door followed by the others. A lot of dust appears in the hallway as they walk.

“Seems your dispel magic was strong enough to reach all the way here” Cilian says

“That’s Adelgeld for you. Seems like he’s a really powerful mage afterall” Benjamin compliments

“Awwww thanks thanks, but it was nothing really. If they’re physically too strong, it’s common sense to just resort to magic” Adelgeld replies

The team walks up to the second floor and find themselves in a spacious room with a humanoid statue. He moves forward clearly unaffected by the dispel stone on Adelgeld’s staff.

“Why…. Why… have you come here..” a voice can be heard echoing in the room