Fast fowarded to the past and future for moment

Chapter 24

“ can you stop drinking!” Alisha says pulling my bottle away

I growl at her, she off all people wouldn’t understand…I had been in love with him since I last remembered, everything in my life has been kept afloat only because of my feelings for him.

“ Aaminah, you’ve been bringing us here every day since that confrontation. We haven’t played poker or partied in a while.” Yusra says frowning towards me

“ yes, every time you meet one of his girlfriends you do this!” Alisha retorts.

“ Can you two shut up or ill make you guys into mincemeat. Don’t forget who takes care of you okay.”

I stood up breaking the bottle on the ground, “ I will never give up!”

“never?” a man in a coat turns around placing his hands into his pockets, “ so you still don’t want to let go.”

“Who are you?” I say walking towards him with my blurred up my friends the heads up to leave, “do you have any idea as to who you're talking to?”

He smiles removing his mask, “take it easy I’m on your side.”

“Go on…”


My phones been buzzing since I woke up, this is why I blocked him in the first place! I groned crawling out of bed, checking how late I was for my meeting this afternoon. After calling In, I leave him an 'I won’t make it' message before getting ready. I was still stuck on the night shift since the woman I usually swapped with was on maternity. I grab a coffee walking into my mother who stood in the living room with her arms folded.

“ Someone decided to get up, at your age…I never missed an appointment.”

“its just wedding stuff, I’m sure they can do without me.”

That’s when I got a piping hot smack laid deliciously onto my face, after cleaning my nosebleed I went out to meet my mother in law who had been waiting out for a while. It’s like these people don’t understand that I don’t sleep at night like them, with me looking like the walking dead I couldn’t help but poke and comment rudely on everything Iyad said. After a while, we went ring shopping, which I hoped would be an anonymous thing…but since we'll be doing different rings for the wedding it didn’t really matter. What annoyed me was the fuss made, Daneen did not have to go through this at all. After Iyad dropped his mother off at my place I could finally sleep even if it was a while in the car. I was seated at the back while he drove us to lunch, I couldn’t tell if I was tired because of being overworked…or tired of how boring and uninteresting my life was. Daneen and Zhareefah we’re going through the most difficult time of their life, one is facing their first difficulty, the other dealing with who she is without what defined her. I on the other hand had nothing to ponder about except the fact that my parents are still missing…but I still appreciated everything my foster mother did for me, no one took care of me emotionally the way she always had…I am extremely indebted to her.