Do not , tell me, what to do...

Chapter 25

“ Why are you such a difficult person to deal with, is it too much to ask of you not to go there!” he said raising his voice.

I couldn’t understand what was so bad about the place, why was he trying to get me to not go there.

“ fine!” I say handing him the tickets, “ I won’t go…”

I grab my wallet walking out of the office, I hated being told what to do. Of course, I was going to go whether he approved of it or not. Not that I don’t listen to people but this was different, I was being forced not to do something. Speak about a bad temper. After dressing up that afternoon I took out my car driving to the venue, the digital ticket or invitation was still applicable. I arrived parking inside, the VIP room was the destination I had.

I’m glad that I didn’t miss it. After the announcements, we began loitering around the area introducing ourselves to each other. It would’ve been nice to have familiar company. On my way out after presenting to know what I was doing, I had company near my car, it was the same girl who harassed me outside of the clinic. Of course, I was afraid of her, she was way stronger than I was. I tried avoiding her but she pulled me towards her, I felt like a bullied teenager.

“ you thought I’ll let you off the hook until you call off the wedding there won’t be anything of that sort.”

She continued to drag me away from my car. After minutes of trying to fight back, I was at the park nearby. My purse dropped near my car so calling for help wasn’t going to be easy. She left the park after a few men arrived dressed in tuxes, speak about an interesting night. I had nothing to defend myself with neither did it look like they were looking for money. I watched the girl disappear amongst the men, as one brought me to my knees, tonight I was going to meet my maker.

“ tell us where he is!” the men in front of me said.

“What are you talking about?” I ask trying to hide the pain in my voice.

He pulled out a picture, my parents…my parents were on it. What the heck. “ I don’t know those people!”

From behind, men began dropping to the ground. Eventually, they were dealt with as well, with one of my heels broken I dropped it rushing away with the stranger who I hadn't met but could tell that he/she was on my side. i couldn’t help but follow him blindlessly. When we reached my car he shoved me in with my purse telling me to quickly leave the scene. I immediately drove of shaken by his loud voice, thounder1ous…I was already shaking in my skin, I quickly left the scene. Later that night cleaning the tiny wound on my knees, I received a text from Iyad, “ I hope your home safe, and really kept your promise not to go.”

I frowned switching my phone off, there was a ring at the door…fearful I grabbed my pepper spray rushing toward the door. Opening it silently.