If only she knew ...

Chapter 26

I opened the door, you wouldn’t guess who was standing there at this hour, After screaming in his face and attacking him by mistake…I was embarrassed seated on the couch opposite him.

“what the heck are you doing here!” I say trying to help him wipe his eyes

“ waaliyah, for the sake of Allah. Can you use the security camera to check next time?”

“I’m really sorry, but why the jahanum are you here at this hour?”

“ your mother called me telling me that someone wasn’t home.”

“ typical.”

“what did you say?” Mother said walking in, “ do you have any idea…I was worried beyond worrying about you!”

I smile nervously rushing towards her, “ I meant.”

“no buts, did you tell Iyad that you got hurt on your way home?”

“Hurt?” he says standing, his eyes still as red as a tomato

“It’s nothing, my shoe got tangled in something and I toppled over.”

He shook his head, “ sure, aunty I’m leaving now.”

We watched him leave before I got a smack on my head. If only I wasn’t treated like I child...


“How’s the mission going?” he asks holding onto the edges of his bubble cell

“Have I ever failed on a mission before?” I say leaning forward, “or is it because you don’t trust me?”

“its nothing like that, I just have to be extra careful since she’s my daughter.”

“You have two, why are they trying to kill her only I don’t know.”

“thats cause she’s the biological kid of Nayla.”

“you mean your wife, the one who’s been missing with whatever you're seated here for, you have to know where she is…since we lost her there’s been such an imbalance.”

“i had no idea that she was working for the other side…” he says with pleading eyes, "for all those years..."

“that’s why we don’t have mistresses, dear Ridwaan.”

“ whatever, by the way, what’s this about you marrying my daughter?”

“can't a guy have a little fun on his mission, I’m using it as cover.”

“don’t you dare break her heart if you do I’ll!”

“you'll what, steal something from me. Besides she’s not into me so you can rest assured that is won’t go any further. She’s already been in one messed up relationship. Oh wait, you wouldn’t know.”

I left the area dressing up, nothing special about me. Your basic analyst with the highest-ranking operator on board. I don’t do any of the dirty work, or at least not anymore…unless it’s the big guns like this 15 year plus old of a case.

My current identity as Iyad…living a basic policeman life. My target, Waaliyah…I don’t do any of the dirty works that require Braun, my brain is my biggest muscle, if you exclude my gorgeous, smile under these current braces of course. I work for a private organisation, not that you needed to know that…but who cares I enjoy boasting about how fortunate I am and if you ask me if marrying Waaliyah was part of the plan. Then I’ll tell you no, how am I going to deal with it? I have no idea. I have never been in so much shock and panic since she unexpectedly agreed, I still have nightmares about the whole thing.

I mean just imagine me as a family man, you can’t right? Neither can I! Not to think about how she’s about to marry my undercover identity which I don’t plan on living as for too long.