Narrator's P.O.V:
Grey sky, cold breeze, dry leaves and orange trees are the indication that the Autumn was on full bloom and soon winter would be coming as well and it would be snowing soon enough too covering everything in white.
Just like his beautiful sliver hairs. His features were truly unique. Those jade eyes and soft porcelain skin compliment his hairs. He look truly beautiful when in white, like as if it's his color.
It was few weeks since the incident and he was being really careful with his approach as he was keeping his distance with everyone in school. He really hated conflicts especially when they would involve him. He would always get scared of them, they were more of trauma for him.
He was still lost in thoughts as he was walking towards the school though he was really early but it was of no surprise as he would be alone at home since his father and brothers already left for their destinations.