Chapter 07: The Start Of Her Journey

"Be safe, dear. Don't get in to any trouble."

"Uncle Theo, I'm sure Rose can manage and besides, Ara and Jefferson is with her." Prince Azu said, giving Rose a side hug. He smiled charmingly at Rose's father, his green with gold lining outfit fits the season, spring.

"I sure do hope so. This girl keeps on running into trouble, alright." Theo sighed, rubbing his temples. He doesn't want to let her dear then daughter go but have no choice, it's her decision to go on a long journey not his. He will surely miss his only daughter and his heart is put to rest when he got the news of Jeff going with Rose, and his son is in Kingdom Of Serene for a while now.

"Give David my warmest regards." Mari stated, embracing a large brown book in her arms. "And I'll make sure the hospital and the people are treated well."

Rose's face lit up and gave everyone a warm smile, she's not ready to go yet but she must not keep the poisoned prince of Serene keep waiting for her arrival.

"It's a relief to see you not leaving yet." A voice from behind said, all heads turned to where the voice came from, standing with elegance the Queen made her way with such grace to Rose, cupping her cheeks, Queen Rhea kissed her at the top of her head.

"Don't let a skank get in your way." Queen Rhea said giving her apprentice a cunning smile with a glint in her eyes. She took a step back and held Rose's hands tightly, "if one must embarrass another for gain then they must suffer the same."

"But isn't that called revenge?" Rose muttered, with furrowed eyebrows, she looked at the Queen.

"Is it though?" Queen Rhea replied, "Dear, do not stress it, I said embarrass, social standings in Serene is–"

"We could careless about social standings Your Majesty, Rose is going to find a cure for the prince while Ara assists her and me to protect the two of them." Lieutenant Jefferson said while helping the servants on carrying the luggages and baskets to the carriage, "and then done. We come back home with no worries."

"Do not be so relaxed about it Lieutenant, all must face challenges in life and this is one of them, there will be much more challenges with difficulties ahead once you step your foot in Serene." Queen Rhea stated turning her head to the lieutenant who is standing with pride. Al

Prince Azu clicked his tongue, "be sure to protect my sister Rose, Lieutenant."

Jeff raised a brow at Azu who just smirked at him, this son of a gun.

"And you better take care of Mari while I'm gone or I'll be the one who is going to kick your ass, stupid idiot."

"Throwing insults now, are we horse face?"

"Oh bring it on, brainless jerk."

And so the both pf them continued in throwing insults against each other making the people present sweatdrop.

"Will the both of you shut it?" Mari snapped but none of the men heard her. Looking irritated she marched her way on to the two bickering men like children, holding the book firmly in her hands, she slammed it to their heads.

Pain rushed through their heads, clutching their heads as they howled in pain. Both men groaned, standing up back again to bicker but noticed the young girl's aura surging through them. They gulped as they turned to look at the blonde staring at them with angry eyes.

"Are you deaf or just too dumb to understand what 'shut it' means?" Mari questioned, placing a hand on her hips.

"Mari, sweetheart, we didn't mean to–"

"Do you really need to ask that? Of course it's clear that both of them are dumb, well more than dumb. Their dumbest of the dumbs." Rose commented, shrugging at them. She wants to join the fun and they will never get to spend their times together since their going on a mission.

Jeff and Azu looked at Rose in disbelief, they thought that she could at least try to help them but she just commented about them being greater than dumb.

"This situation got worse." Jeff sighed, ready to run for his life.

"And shouldn't you be helping us?" Azu asked Rose who just smirked in return.

"But insulted us instead." Jeff finished.

"3, 2, 1–" Theo counted.

"Ow!" Both men cried as they were given another slam of a book in the head once again.

This time it was Queen Rhea who slammed the book, she's already have enough of his son's childlike manners and for the lieutenant to behave the same, she must do something about it. So, she took the book from Mari's hold and smacked it hard to their heads that it'll give them a headache.

The servants who were around sighed at their silliness, it's only the four of them and yet it's already chaotic, if David were present, the group will be much more chaotic than this. David Izamae, son of Doctor Theo Izamae, is Eclair's Great Young General. He is assigned to live in Serene along with his family as a peace treaty to both kingdoms.

Theo sighed in relief as the two man was silenced, if it wasn't for Queen Rhea, both men would bicker all day long, getting Rose behind schedule.

"Are you both fucking girls?" The Queen asked making the two winced while the people around them gaped at her, their mouths wide open that they could catch a fly. Never in their life have they heard their Queen spout such obscene words.

"Answer me." She said in a stern manner with dark eyes.

"N-no, Your Majesty–" They both stuttered.

"Then stop bickering like two little girls fighting for a single toy, both of you are men, act like one." Queen Rhea said as she placed her hand to their shoulders and squeezed it. Her aura getting darker by every word.

Azu and Jeff gulped as the pressure pressed them down to the floor.

"A Prince and soon to be the Father of this Kingdom, when are you going to act like a man?" She turned her head to look at his son who is trembling in fear, this has happened a few times but never did it in front of other people, he have never been so embarrassed ever in his life.

"And you, a lieutenant, you told my King Husband that you want to be a general in the future, when are you going to act like a real soldier that you are in the barracks?"

Jeff's throat dried, like Azu, he is speechless. Both of them stood there with fear in their eyes, none of them wants to talk back for they don't want to get into more trouble.

"Very well." She turned to Rose's direction, raising a brow at the giggling doctor. "Do you want to cancel your plans?"

"No!" Rose replied and hurriedly went to her stallion, Gin.

"Be careful with that stallion, dear. Even if it's well trained, it's still dangerous to ride it."

"It's alright father," Rose said as she hopped on Gin, "besides, Jeff is here to help."

Rose calmed her heart down, this is it, she's finally going. She looked at her father, Mari and Queen Rhea and gave them a huge smile.

It's a relief to see her smile like that, it's a sign that she's not afraid of things that may come her way.

The three of them smiled back, "are you all ready to go?"

The three Royal guards with them along with Jeff nodded, Queen Rhea told her that Royal guards will accompany them until the mission is complete, she doesn't want Rose to be in danger when she's out, she's aware of the dangers Serene holds for she had experienced it when she was still a princess.

"Let's go!" Jeff said as he went ahead, followed by the others.