Chapter 26

While Philip is making Mikhael come back to him, Enya suddenly jumped with Israel's bat

"Ah!!" Enya shouted and hit Philip with the bat, but it didn't do anything to him and remained unharmed

"What the fuck will we do?!" Hideo shouted and because of panic, made a lot of swords as a weapon

"No, Hideo!" Phoebe shouted, because of Philip's intimidating look, Hideo panicked and stood up to attack Philip with 2 swords

"AHHH!!!" Hideo shouted, like the previous result, the swords remained unharming to him

"Ugh!!" Hideo shouted again after being threw by Philip

Mikhael remained watching while Israel's in his arms.

Hideo stood up with a smile reaching his ears, making knives and prepared to attack Philip

"Zach.." Phoebe said. Zach looks at Phoebe and winks at her, "I'm back, dog" he says referring to Phoebe

Zach runs towards Philip while giggling and threw a knife, afterwards he jumped to attack Philip with another knife

Philip grunts and dodged Zach's attack and barely dodged the knife Zach threw, making his cheek bleed

"You damn shit.." Philip shouted and grabs Zach's neck that made Zach drop the knives, "what will you do now??" Philip asks while choking Zach

But instead of coughing, Zach pulled a knife from his top uniform and attacked Philip's face with a knife

Philip grunts again after barely dodging the attack and his nose bleed next

Zach giggled and says, "I'm a little dirty cat with a lot of surprise"

Philip looks serious and hit Zach to the wall over and over again, to make sure he'll never stood up

"Zach!!" Phoebe shouted and grabbed the fire extinguisher and hit Philip's head

"What are you doing, girl?" Philip asks and let go of Zach with his head bleeding. Philip was about to grab Phoebe's hand but Phoebe's head dodge because of the incoming bullet from Enya

"That did nothing!" Philip shouted and looks at Enya, while the target is not paying attention, Phoebe kicks Philip at the stomach and uses it to jump high and hit his head

"How about that?!" Phoebe shouted and landed perfectly, Philip was unable to move for seconds and started to move again

In the midst of fighting, Mikhael is just looking at Philip

"I'm like nature?" I asked while looking at Philip that's blushing


"What are you then?" I asked again with a smile, and saw him fidgets his fingerts

"I feel like I'm a volcano, the one who ruins the nature" Philip replied and chuckled

"That's not true!" I shouted at him and looked at his eyes, "your orange eyes represents the vivid sunsets, your brown hair represents soil, where the nature grew" I said.

I looked at him as my face turn completely red

"You don't ruin me, you complete me" I finished and looked away because of embarassment

"Why did you chose this lab over me? Philip" all of the fightings stopped after Mikhael shouted with a cracked voice because of crying

"Don't cry" Philip said and gets closer to Mikhael, starts to wipe his tears

"Should we use this..?" Phoebe asks Enya but Enya just shakes her head

"I want to make you happy, to buy all of the things you want" Philip said with a smile

"I don't want those, I want you, I want to be feel loved by you. The things you bought for me are nothings compared to the sweet words you said" says Mikhael

"Look, I'm with my friends now, so how about let's stop this, leave this hell and never come back? Outside this lab is freedom. We will do whatever we want to" Mikhael said with a smile and started to letting go of Israel's hand

"Earlier I told you what I told you turned to lies, but that's also obviously a lie. You know how much you completed me, how much you gave me hope to live and became my source of happiness when I'm feeling like I want to die" Mikhael said while holding Philip's cheek

"Let's get out of here together, shall we?" Mikhael asked him with a smile

Philip looks at Mikhael before kissing the boy's lips.

To Philip and Mikhael, they're each other's favorite person.

Each other's special lover

Each other's home

Each other's light

Each other's reason to live

After seconds their lips separated, "No matter where you are, I'll always love you. I promise to find you in every universe, I will love you and only you" Philip said while getting something from his pocket.

Mikhael's moment of happiness became moment of pain. After the bomb from Philip's stomach blew up.

"Noo!!!" Mikhael shouted and left Israel to catch Philip's body

"Philip..Philip!!! My love.." Mikhael called the boy's name many times and the boy never woke up