Chapter 5

We get Branton packed up, collect my security equipment and guns then leave. Donya and Emo follow us halfway and turn off toward her house as me and Branton made our way to my home. We get in side and I turn off my alarm as Branton looks around wide eyed.

"Wow I wasn't expecting all this. You are obviously successful at what you do." Says Branton in awe.

I raise my head, looking around nostalgically and sigh softly before answering "It was my childhood home. I have made changes here and there but it is my castle and it makes me feel as if my dad is still here."

I shake off the soft feelings and return my game face before speaking again.

"Anyway, It is very late and we have a great deal of activity happening tomorrow. Donya informed me of a gala you and I must attend. She has been informed of the Bowen brothers expected attendance. We are going, it is time to see if we can feel them out. I need you to understand to be ready for anything. Do you think you can handle facing them? We will have high security and I wont leave your side."

Branton looks and me in silent contemplation and nods his head. "I know our team has got each others backs. I am not concerned at all, if anything I am more than ready. This chapter of my life is far past over I need to turn the page and start my future."

I smile at him quickly as his new determination gives me hope but I do not want to dwell on it so I drop my smile into dormancy and return to business at hand. "First, thank for calling it our team. Tonight proved that you are an asset. Now, your bedroom is right next to mine. Take your luggage and follow me. I had my housekeeper freshen everything and stock your adjoining bathroom with any toiletries you might have forgotten."

"I have my own bathroom?" He asks.

"Yes our rooms are the only ones on this floor both have adjoining, full bathrooms. There are four guest rooms downstairs that share the 2 downstairs bathrooms and a guest house out back."

"I thought you never had guests?"

" I occasionally have Donya and Emo over also Jonas, Sam or both have stayed occasionally for business purposes."

"I see. Thank you. You have been kind. I thought my house was too dangerous because of the forest out back. it seems that you have one too, what makes yours so much more secure?"

"The forest behind my house actually hides a cliff. this house is built on a high cliff, along the edge of the cliff are electric razor wire. The forest also hides my training grounds that are as fortified as my house. I own the entire plot of land on this cliffside and my entire land is enforced with high tech fencing. No one will sneak up on us here. We are also surrounded by cameras, alarms, motion sensors, and random booby traps around the perimeter fences."

" Ok, well I am heading to bed. I will see you in the morning. I am sure I will sleep better than i have in a long time. I feel safe here. Thank you. Good night." He said as he heads into the room that I directed him to as I go into my own.

The next morning I get dressed in workout clothes, throw my hair up in a messy bun and open my door to go downstairs to start breakfast I run into a very hard chest of Branton .

" Geez Branton, I have hit walls softer. Are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

He looked down at me with an unreadable look on his face before he finally responds, "You are sexy as hell."

I look up at him and scrunch my eyebrows then look down at my clothes, " You are blind or delusional. I am literally dressed in the least sexy things I own, I didn't bother to put on makeup and I barely fixed my hair. You are right I am clearly runway ready." I say rolling my eyes.

He smirks and replies without hesitation, "Maybe, between your tattoos and gorgeous eyes, you carry this whole mix of naturally beautiful and I could kick your ass wearing a tutu. It could become a fashion trend, own it it hot as fuck."

"Yeah, I'll get right on that. Anyway lets go get breakfast. We are going to start your training today." I say nonchalantly.

I know he is going to have questions because we have not spoken about him training and does not have any clue as to what training with me means. I want to see what he is capable of. I am slowly starting to see him as a fellow team member on this assignment instead of the client. I want to see if my faith in him is founded.

He looks up at me and starts asking the awaited questions

"What do you mean by training? Where are we training at? What kind of training?"

I turn and walk down stairs and into the kitchen. I do not employ cooks, only housekeepers. I see no reason for a cook when I am barely here and I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. I start preparing light protein breakfast and start explaining.

"I have a large shooting range, a sparring ring then my favorite is a interactive booby trapped escape room and obstacle course that can be changed based on skill level. You will be taken through all three levels with me as you partner."

He suddenly looks tense and says, " um, that sounds intense. Is all that neccessary for my protection?"

"No, not for your protection, to be honest, it is for me. I want to know if you are all I think that you are or can be. I honestly do not know why but I feel this will turn out to be something we both need to know, so are you in?"

His eyes meets mine and he starts to nod slowly as he says, "yeah, I am in."

I nod my head, serve breakfast then call Donya and Emo to come to man the course control room and record our sessions.

We are just finishing the breakfast clean up as Donya and Emo arrive.

Donya comes in and looks at Branton and asks, "Are you ready for this? This is like nothing you have ever done before. You need to go put on lightweight workout clothes. This course tests everything you got. You need to be mentally prepared for worse case scenarios."

He flinched then nodded in understanding before going up stairs to change.

After he goes upstairs Donya turns his attention to me, "I dont think he could possibly be ready for that course. What are you thinking, Lex?"

"For some reason, I think he might suprise us."

Donya thinks for a moment seeming to contemplate her next words before finally speaking again, " I think maybe it is possible that all this is fate."

"Don, I do not believe in fate although I have to say something is different and the need for the conclusion of this case is strong, like there is something important waiting to be revealed. I don't know we need to do this but fate might be pushing the limitations of my beliefs."

" exactly, this case feels different, it is the Bowens, the men that changed you. The change was for the better but I think you ending them might be your swan song."

I looked at her and scrunched my face indicating that I don't understand so she finishes, "I think this case is The Guardian Escort's grand finale."

I looked at her thoughtfully before I could answer Branton came down and joined us.

"So the course, what does it entail?" He asks.

I look at him and start to explain, "You will be given an electronic gun that disarms the targets. The targets will be moving and shooting at you with rubber bullets and will react to your movement. They will appear randomly and from all sides. You must point and shoot the targets to disarm them. We will run through on the lowest setting first. Do not hesitate, the bullets may be rubber but they hurt like a son of a bitch and will leave deep bruises. Good luck, I will be right beside you we have to work together as a team and watch each others backs to be successful. Are you ready?"

He looks at me with a new determined look and nods his head once. I have never seen him fight before but this has to be the face he wears for his opponents in the ring. It is a face of sheer determination and focus. I think it might be the hottest thing I have ever laid eyes on. I quickly shake it off and nod.

Donya makes her way to the control room and I go out the back door with Branton following close. We get to the door we get to the door and I signal for Donya to release the door lock and we here it open as Donya yells "GO" through the intercom.

We burst through the door and I hear him yell "behind you" I duck and turn as I see the target disengage. I look up at Branton and see another target swinging in his direction so I take it out, returning his previous favor. We continue through both of us avoiding getting shot finally making out the door finishing round one of the course.

He let's out a long breath, "That was intense."

I answer slowly after slowing my breath, that was the lowest setting. The next part of the course is stealth and darkness. The lighting only being through small holes and cracks in the walls. You must watch where you are going, obstacles are everywhere. This obstacle is activated by noise. Any noise you make will be detected and you will be fired upon. The course rearranges itself after each use so I have no advantage. We have to still work as a team. Upon entering do not hesitate to allow your eyes to adjust the course is set to attack any and all noise so even entering the room, you will be fired upon. Use all your senses, move slowly but methodically. There will be random things to trip over or bump so be aware. Stay in tune with your partner, feel my presence and keep it near at all times. The only way out successfully is together."

He nods his head, "ok."

I motion to Donya and she announces the training room has been reset and ready for level 2.

I look at Bran and he nods that he is ready I signal and she unlocks the door and yells "GO"

We make our way into the room staying low to avoid the ambush waiting. He takes on one threat quickly as I take out another 2. We stay low and still for another split second before moving forward in a defensive crouched position. Our eyes have began to adjust in the low light and begin to slowly rise to a standing but stooped position. We make it almost to the door just as Branton nudges an obstacle, making a almost inaudible noise but enough to engage an attack. Branton anticipated its movement and managed to shoot the target before it was able to get a shot aimed and we burst through the exit door both unscathed yet again.

I look at him to gauge his feelings and I meet his eyes and all he says is, "Now THAT, was cool!"

"HA, well I wasn't expecting that, but then again I have to say you are the first person that I can say might just be a natural for this line of work." I commented sincerely.

He looks back at me and smiles shyly, "I dont think it was as much me being a natural, as it is just luck and a good partnership."

"A good partnership only works if two separate people can work as equals working toward a common goal. The key word is equals, you can not work as equals unless you are in fact equals."

He nods in unsurety but acceptance but asks, " You said three stages. Let's get it completed. If I am not mistaken we have a Gala to attend."

"Yes, you are right but we will discuss the gala after. Ok. The last and final challeng is a combination of the last 2 rooms with an escape room twist. It will be dark, it will have obstacles and there is no door only different but difficult means of escape. This time there is no pattern to the targets shooting at us. There will only be a small click that sounds like a cocking sound before it fires at you.

Remember all the rules of the previous rooms and above all trust and rely on your partner but keep in mind in real life situations you might not have one so dont fully depend on them to get you out. You both have to work for it.

I give the signal to Donya and nod to Branton. We hear the lock disengage and we here Donya's "GO" call. We crouch low and ease into the door in case of sudden ambush, as we get inside the door heavy metal doors slam down blocking the doors.

We get inside and we start to hear the clicks of weapons being engaged and we immediately start following sounds shooting and disengaging targets. He ends up taking out three pointing at me and 5 pointing at himself. I take out 8 pointing at him and 3 pointing at myself. I see him hit the floor and roll just beneath a target shooting it before knocking it away and sliding behind it to kick a large box under the nearby window.

He motions for me to come over cupping his hands gesturing for me to use it to climb onto the box. I put my foot into his hand and he effortlessly lifted me up enough so I could silently climb on easily. I reach down to help Branton, as he was clambering up it caused the wooden box to ever so slightly creak. The noise caused a weapon to engage. Branton releases one hand from the box, mid climb, and shot the engaging target as the target shoots.

Branton was already anticipating the coming shot. He swung his body upward landing next to me just missing the rubber bullet as it crashes into the box where he was milliseconds earier.

We didnt hesitate another second. I scamper over to the window and kick it open. Branton, covering me, as we knew the noise would trigger another attack. I hear ia target engage behind me but immediately hear the sound low beeps emitted when it has been taken out.

I slide out the window and hook them outside for leverage as I assist Branto through. He is sliding on his stomach over the box and through the window to prevent from making sounds in his vulnerable position.

We both make it safely outside and without any words spoken we both roll away fro the window preventing possibility of further shots.

Wr both stood and put our weapons down before I spoke.

" No one has ever made it through their first time without any injury."

He looked at me surprised before saying, "It was the teamwork. I didn't do it by myself."

"Yes it was teamwork but you took control. You made our escape route, we followed each others cues without words and moved through it like we had choreographed it. You are ready. We are ready, for whatever is coming."

We looked at each other for a few more moments before turning and going in. I only have one thing on my mind.

Where is this all going, I may not believe in fate but I do believe in my gut. My gut tells me right now that there is something big happening, though I have no control over it, I know we are already ready for it.

Come what may.