Chapter 6

I gather our things and he follows me back to the house. We get into the kitchen and I grab two sports drinks and hand him one before turning to the refrigerator to gather up some food for me to prepare lunch for everyone. I hear him clear his throat behind me to get my attention. I turn to him, showing him he now has my attention.

"Do you usually run that course with Donya or by yourself?" He asks.

"Both but it is easier with a partner. Donya is good but you were the best partner I have ever had in there, including my dad."

He shakes his head and says," I don't need anyone trying to inflate my ego, this is life and death for me."

I laugh incredulously and respond quickly, "First thing, I do not lie, second thing is I would not even attempt to inflate a mans ego. It only results in men thinking too highly of themselves. Take the genuine compliment and shut up."

He raises his hands in surrender and says, "ok, ok I get it.

I turn back to the lunch I am preparing. I finish and text Donya and Emo to join us. I had assumed they would already be down but they have a tendency to get distracted with each other so I have become use to it. They finally join us and I serve everyone a pita and fresh cut vegetables. Nobody complains except Branton.

"Vegetables instead of fries or chips and a grilled chicken pita?" He asks.

"It is healthier and lighter than chips or fries. We still have a long day ahead of us and there will be a huge dinner served tonight at the Gala. Just trust that I do everything for a reason and just eat it."

"Is this the type of food you will always serve?" He asks, "If so I guess I got to get use to it because I plan on sticking around a long time."

"I only serve healthy food when training. I am the worst about greasy fast food and pizza with lots of cheese when I have down time."

I look over at Donya as she watches the exchange between me and Branton. She has a hint of a smile as she changes the topic to talk about our training course session.

"You know, I have never seen any team work those obstacles as well as you two. I think he is a natural." Don says.

Emo chuckles and adds, "I even threw in a few extra details just to see if he could handle anything I threw at him. The shooter blocking the escape window and the crate placement was me. I couldn't believe the bastard handled that so quick and so easily. Branton, man, be honest. Where did you train before?"

Branton shakes his head and looks confused but answers him defiantly, "Respectfully, I have never had any tactical training at all before today. I didn't even have fight training before I met the Williams family. They discovered me at some old gym and got me into formal fight training and a decent gym."

The table settles into quiet contemplation until I break the uncomfortable silence, "After we eat me and Bran are going to take a shower. Don I want you and Emo the queue up the video so me and Branton can see it. While we watch the video we can discuss the gala."

Donya nods then adds, "We also need to call Jonas and Sam back. They called me earlier, the guests we sent them yesterday have been accommodated perfectly, in true Williams fashion of course."

I laugh, "I wouldn't expect less. I do need to touch base with them anyway. Did you let them know we may need them on this case?"

"Of course and as we assumed they are more than happy to do anything we need. They did say that they needed to discuss a very important matter with you and Branton. He would not elaborate but he made it sound serious, Sam was using that scary intense voice that is only used in serious situations."

"I have no idea what it could be but we will find out soon first comes shower." I pick up my dishes and put them in the sink. "Come on Branton quick shower then we will meet back in the media room."

"We get to shower together?" He asked, hopefully.

I rolled my eyes at him, " Yes, together, as in at the same time, in our separate showers. Keep dreaming."

He raises an eyebrow and smiles, "Oh I will keep dreaming until my dream comes true. It is not an if it is a when , baby."

"You sure are cocky for someone that has a death threat hanging over them." I snap back at him.

We hear Emo let out a loud genuine laugh and we turn our attention to him, "You two have so much sexual tension rolling off of you that I need a cigarette. You need to stash your flirtatious arguments and get past all the crap we are going to deal with today."

Me and Branton glance at each other then both wordlessly turn to head to our rooms. I jump in the shower and quickly wash so I can get down to the media room. Donya and Emo is right we have a lot to do today starting with reviewing the video then talking to Sam. The gala is nothing. Me and Donya attend these things a lot and neither of us take long to get ready, to us it is just putting on another costume for a job.

I get to the media room finding that I am last to arrive. I take my seat and watch the replay of the three training sessions quietly. The last one ends and Donya speaks up first.

"As you all can see, Branton has natural instincts. You can understand why we question his lack of training."

"I do have to agree. I guess some people are born naturals. I did not find anything in our initial background check that would explain. You said that Jonas and Sam discovered you at a gym?"

"Yeah, they changed my life for the better, it was my fuck up that landed me knocking at deaths door." He said quietly.

"Ok, well lets table this discussion for later. The gala needs to be discussed. Donya, what are the security measures in place?"

"We have all of our personal and staff guards, they all will be in and around the venue and Jonas is sending a large security crew with a few top enforcers. Emo has infiltrated their security cameras then found and filled the blind spots with our own equipment. We all will be wearing body cams as well as earpieces and microphones. The Bowens have RSVP'd so they are expected to attend. We need to discuss identity for you. Are you ready to let them know who you are or do you want to wait"

"I think on paper tonight I will be Brenton's plus one but I think I will go with my first false identity, Brione Starr. Its my natural look and my own personality. Just update the picture and info." I say

Branton looks over at me and asks, " So what does Brione do for a living?"

"She is a dance fitness instructor. She combines dance with a great cardio workout."

Branton perks up and asks, "Does she actually know how to dance?"

Donya answers for me proudly, "Actually Lex is an amazing dancer, ballroom, hip hop and even contemporary. She is really good."

He looks perplexed then asks," How does an assassin slash bodyguard find time to learn to dance?"

I smiled and explained, "My dad had me in dance classes from age 3 to 14. It was part of my assumed identity at the time. He said it would improve my balance in fighting as well as helping us blend into our environment."

Donya quips in, "She has kept up with new trends and moves using internet videos during her downtime. It is her way of letting off steam."

I turn to Branton," So can you dance?"

He answers slightly sheepishly, "Yeah, well, ballroom anyway?"

It was now my turn to raise an eyebrow," Ok well, how does an MMA fighter know how to ballroom dance?"

He chuckles a little before answering, "Well I started taking lessons because I lost a bet when I was a teenager. I found out that I enjoyed it so I down low continued lessons for a few years."

Donya claps her hands loudly," OOOHHH, I can't wait till tonight. Lex has never had a partner at one of these events that can help her show off her skills."

"Ok, I am going to call Sam and touch base with him. Everyone one else go get dressed for the Gala." I say as I grab my phone.

We split up, Emo and Donya leave to go to her house and me and Branton split up to go to our separate rooms.

*****phone call*****

SAM: "Hey Lex"

ME: "Hey old man. I heard you used your serious voice on Don. What is going on?"

SAM: "There are some things happening and it is time to let you know a few truths about us, your family and even Branton. Branton has no idea about any of this either. I will explain more tomorrow. I need you, Branton, Donya and Emo here tomorrow."

ME: "Of course, but are you going to give me any clue? Do I need to raise my threat matrix for tonight?"

SAM: "No not for tonight but after we talk you might need to make changes. I will let you decide that for yourself when you know everything. For now enjoy tonight. I will see you tomorrow unless you happen to need me tonight."

ME: " Ok then, I will see you tomorrow then. I will let you know if anything happens tonight. Love you old man. Bye"

SAM: "Bye young lady. I love you too."

*****end of phone call*****

I lay down my phone, go to my closet and grab the dress I am planning on wearing tonight. I fix my hair and makeup, going with a minimalist style then slide on my dress and shoes. I leave my room and make my way downstairs and see Branton waiting in a blackout tuxedo matching my sleek black knee length cocktail dress adorned with a floor length lace train and completed the look with black stiletto heels.

Branton looks up at me and his face seems to light up, "Oh, baby, you look hot s hell but where exactly are you hiding your guns?"

"Wouldn't you like to know. Lets go the limo is out front."

He looks surprised and said, "Go big or go home I guess."

I giggle and shove him toward the limo. Once we get inside I put his earpiece in and attach the small camera and microphone to his tie. It is designed to look like a fancy ornate tie pin.

I finish attaching his devices then move to make eye contact as I give him his instructions. " Do not leave my side. We get drinks together, we only dance with each other we even go to the bathroom together. Well not together but we walk together and wait outside for the other. The sound and audio equipment attached to our clothes will allow each other as well as our teams to see and hear everything going on. If you want to piss without everyone seeing your dick I suggest you don't lean forward or else we will all get to know what you have to offer. There will be allies as well as enemies in the crowd. Now are you ready?"

He just nods and takes a deep breath as I tap the window to signal the driver to open the door. He steps out of the limo and turns to offer me his hand. I graciously accept his hand and allow him to lead me out. We start walking in and get t the ballroom doors. We step in and we go to the Bar where Emo and Donya are standing. I order us both a sealed bottle of sparkling water. We are handed our drinks and start to walk over to Donya but I notice the brothers so I stop suddenly flashing a sign to Donya to follow my line of sight as I move my eyes to my left, her eyes follow as we set our gaze onto the Bowen brothers that have yet to notice us.

I look up at Branton, "Bran, we have spotted the brothers."

I look back at the brothers and Branton's eyes follow. The brothers then lock their eyes on us. I speak softly so only me and Branton along with our team can hear. "Everyone they have seen us and will be moving toward us soon. Make sure all your eyes are on us."

We hear several voices answer through our ear pieces, "proceed on, all eyes on you."

"Do not move in unless you hear the go phrase."

Branton lowers his head and asks softly, "What is the go phrase?"

We hear Emo come over our speaker, "Paint the walls." he says calmly.

Branton scrunches his face and straightens up then puts on an amused smile, "You realize you all are freaks, right?"

I look over at him and smile back, "And yet you seem to fit in just fine."

"Yeah, well I never said I wasn't a freak. If you want to ditch all this I can show you how much of a freak I am." He says with a distinct cockiness.

We hear Donya in our ear, "Hey, um, guys we can still hear you and the brothers are almost in front of you. Stay on point now, fuck later shall we. mk, now down to business."

We look up and the brothers are now in front of us.

David sneers at Branton then speaks, "Hey BJ, we have been looking for you. I heard you and your little lady had a few problems last night. I didn't catch your little whores name though." He turns his attention to me. "What is your name kitten?"

I look at him with disdain before responding, "I know your not expecting me to respond. I do not speak to trash and I am quite sure you define it."

Rocco snickers before adding, "OOH look his kitten has claws. Hey kitten, you look familiar. Do I know you?"

I look at him indignantly before answering, "You do not know me, but I know you. I have been to a few of these. I like to dance. Men occasionally invite me as their date. I show up get free food and drinks along with getting all glammed up. I get to meet powerful people. The men get to show up with an attractive date that can out dance anyone on the dance floor. We have fun then part ways at the end of the evening. I don't fuck them and I am not a whore. I am a lady when I need to be but if either one of you call me outside my name again you will find out quickly that being a lady doesn't mean weak."

David narrows his eyes at me and asks, "What is your name?"

I answer quickly, "I do not feel as if you are worthy enough to carry my name on your tongues. You have to earn that and neither one of you have even a remote chance of earning that privilege. Anyway, I am beyond bored with the two of you and your lack of original conversational skills so, excuse us."

We start to walk away but Rocco grabs my wrist and turns me back to face him. "I was not done talking to you two."

I looked down at his hand wrapped around my wrist then back up into his eyes then said, "I don't ask for permission to do shit and I sure am not going to start by listening to someone that doesn't even deserve the right to breathe. You may not know who I am now but you will soon and if you don't take your hand off me I am going to cut it off and beat your brother to death with it." I jerk my hand away from him as he stands there trying to size me up. I straighten my back and decide it is time to shake things up.

I square up and gently step in front of Branton ready to give them a glimpse of what's coming for them. " Understand me now, ROCCO, if you and David continue to harass Branton I will take it solely upon myself to personally rip out your intestines and force feed them to your brother while he screams as I skin him alive. Now maybe you should digest that information before you dare to ask my name or lay your disgusting hands on me again. I am walking away now and you should do the same. Next time we meet may have a different outcome."

I step back and loop my arm through Branton's and we walk away without any further interference, toward the dance floor. Just as we turn we hear Donya through our earpieces.

She says,