Chapter One Hundred and Ninety

Jeremy looked at her thoughtfully, but he did not tell her what was passing through his mind. Penny was too contented to want to probe. But she could not help wondering why he had given her that strange look or what it signified.

Much later, holding her tightly in his arms in the darkness he said : "Everything all right, Penny"

And she answered sleepily. "Everything's perfect Jeremy"

It was not until the moment before she fell asleep that she wondered if there were any deeper meaning behind that question. But she was too tired, too near sleep, to think it out. She snuggled a little closer to him and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, it was to see his handsome boyish face bending above her and to feel the passion of his lips against hers and the feverish, urgency of his caressing hands.

"Penny... Penny... My love" he whispered.

She caught fire from him and reached up for his kiss... On fire with love... With torment... With delight..