Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One

Two days later Penny took a taxi to Harley Street and walked into the waiting room of the woman gynecologist who had attended her aunt Ann when it was thought that she might have cancer.

Penny had found Dr Rachel Greene's phone number and decided to take her courage in both hands and make an appointment.

Penny felt horribly nervous and was unable to read any of the magazines lying around the waiting room. Instead, she watched the other patients sitting with her, wondering what was wrong with them, who they were, whether any of them had come like herself to find out if they were going to have a baby.

"Mrs Hampson"

She jumped to her feet, hurriedly dropping the magazine she was holding, and followed the nurse into the passage outside. She was led down a corridor and into a large comfortable consulting room.

"Good morning, Mrs Hampson" said Doctor Greene, coming forward to meet her. "I hope you haven't been kept waiting for too long"