
"Happy Birthday!!"

Today is my 8th birthday and they were congratulating me with big smiles on their faces.

"Thank you"

"Come on blow the candle and make a wish."

I then stepped forward, closed my eyes, smiled happily, and thought,

["I wish for a happy, healthy life for our family."]



"You are 8 years old now congratulations.", said Dad.

"Thanks.", I replied.

Mom asked, "So, what did you wish for?"

"It's a Secret", I answered.

"That's not fair."

Mom pouted cutely with a tsundere aura surrounding her.

Mom had a cute face with light yellow hair with red eyes. I once asked her if she dyed her hair or maybe she came from another country and she said it was naturally there since she was born.

Dad was different. He has dark messy hair with dark eyes. The only difference was he had well-built muscles all over his body. That was because he was an ex-soldier and a researcher at the same time.

If I would describe myself, I'm more of my dad than mom because I have black messy hair and dark eyes too.

Their personalities were the best. They were the best parents if I say so.

If I were to explain what made me think of that, it would take a long time, right? I'm sure you guys will be bored if you listen to all of these compliments.

Part 2

Let me tell you about my life before a tragedy happened.

Our life was just normal. Nothing weird is happening and we were having fun with our daily lives.

Sometimes, we go to other places like Kyoto and Nagasaki.

But most of the time, I was just at school doing fine.

In school, I'm a kid who's slightly over average with a mindset of always thinking logically.

Now. We go back to where we left off earlier.

Dad questioned me about where to go on my birthday then mom answered,

"How about we go to the mall for your birthday?"

Hm... the mall huh? I haven't been to the mall in a long time. So it might be a good nostalgia trip.

"Yes!", I answered.

"So where do you want to go?", dad asked.


Yes. It's McDonald's. McDonald's has the best burgers of all the restaurants here. Well, I don't know about their chickens and nuggets because I haven't eaten their version before. Then we decided that we go to McDonald's once we get to the mall.

I changed my clothes then we left the house to go to the mall.

We were talking about what to order while we were walking in the mall to go to McDonald's.

When all of the sudden, a portal showed up.

I was a little puzzled.

I thought the portal was a decoration knowing the advanced technology of Japan. But it wasn't. There was a guy that came out of the portal. The guy had white hair with a white uniform.

"Tenshin, I've come to hunt you down."

Dad's face looked like seeing someone rise from the dead.

Mom was looking like that too.

I've never seen them this terrified before.

"Yuuki run!"

I had a terrified expression. I looked at the guy that came out of the portal and I noticed that the guy had a sword.

This guy had a sword but didn't use it. Instead, was pointing one of his arms out then the guy was murmuring words I have never heard before. It doesn't feel and sound likes a dialect from this world.

After the guy said those words, flakes of light gathered in his hands. When it charged long enough, it blasted a beam of light that pierced dad's stomach.


"Just run! I'll catch up to you later!"

"Stay down. I didn't come for you, I came for the kid. In the future, he will become a God. I need to stop him."

Part 3

I ran in the opposite direction just like what dad said.

I passed by a security guard with a shotgun.

The mage blasted a beam at the guard putting a hole in his chest instantly killing it.

The mage pointed his hand to me and wore a satisfied face as if he was about to achieve victory.

The guy shot a beam at me but mom put some kind of barrier to protect me.

"You little-"

I was still confused about how mom was able to do that.

But it was too late...

Mom put up a barrier for me and because of that, the mage managed to shoot a beam towards mom.

The mage shot mom's heart...

I ran up to mom and cried because I know even though I'm still 8 years old, she will die and has no chance of surviving.

I looked at the mage and the mage looked like he was grieving. I didn't understand him.

Even though he was the one who killed her, he still looked like he was grieving my mom's death.

And when he looked at me in the eyes, his eyes were full of bloodlust and anger. I felt it too.

It felt like he has something to do with me or maybe I did something to him.

When I was looking straight at the mage's eyes with a fearful face, I saw dad pick up the shotgun.

Dad shot the shotgun and put a hole in the guy's chest

The guy was on his knees. Blood was gushing on his chest and mouth.

But he was murmuring words that I don't recognize.

Moments after, the hole in his chest healed with the speed that even max-level healers in games would be ashamed of themselves.

"I will hunt you down to the ends of hell because of what you did to me!"

...What? I did something to him...? What did I do to him?

I don't even know him. I never saw him my entire life.

"Even if I did something to you, why did you kill mom?!"

"Shut up! You don't know anything!"

I noticed that there was only one bullet in the shotgun and dad was taking a long time looking for another bullet.

Dad found the other bullet in the guard's corpse.

When he was reloading his shotgun, it made a clicking sound.

The guy noticed the sound.

He turned around and is about to shoot.


My eyes shrank with a scared expression on my face.

Time stopped and I can see drops of blood in the air.

The blood was slowly falling to the ground.

The guy shot a beam at dad's chest...

I was just looking at dad with empty, hollow eyes while dad was smiling at me.

Looking at his eyes, I can tell that dad's eyes were saying, "It's going to be fine. You're going to be alright. Don't worry about me."

The guy was at the portal and was about to enter but turned around and looked at me with a pale face and said,

"This... isn't over... I'm going to come back and I'm going to kill you and chop off your limbs one by one so that you can suffer more than I did.

He entered the portal while walking backward with a furious face looking at me.

I pulled mom and dad together.

Dad was still breathing and conscious while mom was not breathing and was not conscious.

While trying to stop the bleeding, tears started to run down my eyes and my nose was starting to clog.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening right?"

Dad was looking at me and his eyes were still saying the same thing.

"Don't... worry about us. Were just going there earlier than you.

"I promise you that we're going to come back so before we see each other again. Just promise me that you'll stay strong and be happy."

"Yeah, I promise. *Sniff*"

"Don't forget my gift for you. It's at the top of the shelf. I was planning to give it to you on your 10th birthday but I guess I'm going to give it to you earlier, huh?"

"Okay. I won't forget It.*sniff*"

A few seconds later, my dad lost his consciousness and I started crying again. Loudly.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrives and takes them away to treat them.

But it was too late they were not breathing and didn't have pulses anymore.

I can see them shaking their head as if it was too late.

"My dad was just talking to me a minutes ago and you're telling me it's already too late?!"

After that, the police took me to custody and I remained there until my aunt arrived.

After that, the police sent me home.

I sulked in my room for 4 days with my aunt offering me food.

I couldn't stand up in the first few days because it felt like my energy was being sucked from my body.

All I did was sleep, wake up, sit, wait for the food, eat, wait to digest, and sleep. Then the cycle repeats.

After 4 days of sulking in my room, my auntie came to pick me up.

When I was packing my stuff, I remembered my promise to dad and looked for the gift. I noticed dad's gift on the table and opened it.

It was a smartphone.

After I turned the phone on, a wire popped out and inserted in my nerves and then the news popped out of the phone.

The news was about the death of mom and dad.

As tears were about to drop from my eyes, the smartphone asked,

"Do you want to transfer your consciousness to the smartphone? Yes / No? "

At first, I was hesitating but I trusted it because it was a gift from dad.


And from that point on, my whole life changed.