
7 years later.

I was listening to music while walking down the street with a blank expression.

But deep inside my consciousness is me working on controlling the body while listening to the music using headphones with intractable hologram screens all around me and my butler organizing the files.

If you're wondering why I have a butler in my consciousness, you should ask the smartphone instead.

[The butler is named Specter. Specter has been with Master Yuuki Tenshin for a year now. Master Yuuki Tenshin is mostly the one doing the work on controlling the body, exercising, studying, and cooking while Specter is the one doing the organizing works. He organizes important files, daily records, pictures, videos into file folders but sometimes when Master Yuuki Tenshin works on something else, Specter is the one controlling the body.]

I taped the headphone and the music stopped.

["Why is the PC acting this way again? Right now, it's talking about us."], I asked.

["Ah...It's typing by itself again. I'll just put the message into the Recycle Bin, Sir?"], Specter asked.

["Yes, please."], I answered.

Author Message: The symbols " " are used when they talk outside the consciousness. The symbol [] is used when they are talking inside the consciousness. When the text is italicized, then the phone or something that is not human is speaking.

["Thank you for putting it in the recycle bin."]

["No worries, Sir."]

I tapped the headphones again and the music started playing again.

["Hey specter, someone is following us. He's moving pretty suspiciously."]

("Ah-. Here's an alley that leads to a dead end.")

I suddenly turned to the right and ran.

("Ah, here's the dead-end.")

I pressed space to jump and started to click the wall to hang into it.

["Good thing I played OSU. My clicking speed is now faster."]

["Of all things, why did OSU help you in this situation...?"]

Specter said that while putting his hands on his chin.

["I could use BCI to climb this wall but that's no fun, right?"]

["It's up to you, Sir."]

Author Message: BCI or Brain-Computer Interface is used to send brain signals to the computer and the computer will recognize the brain signal and will carry out the instruction sent by the brain signals.

["Ah also Specter, hack some CCTVs in the area to know who's the guy following us."]

["Yes sir."]

A hologram then appeared at the corner of my eye. It was the footage of the man that was following me.

The mysterious guy following me looked like he was buffed up.

He was a tall man. He was about 6'6. He was tanned, and his arms were wider than his head.

It's my first time seeing him. He looks dangerous. He has the eyes of those that are ready to kill anytime.

["Hah... Am I getting into a fight?"]

["Most likely, Sir."]

["Ok... Let's play a little game."]

I put my hands into the controller position and a controller popped out of thin air.

The guy then arrived and was looking for me.

("Pfft. What a slowpoke.")

I tapped the headphones so that the music would stop.

"Hey over here!", I shouted.


"Yuuki Tenshin, you're here... They put a big bounty on your head. I'm gonna get some very sweet cash if I bring your head to "him". So just let me kill you. I'll kill you immediately so you won't suffer."

"Hey big guy, are you somehow affiliated to the guy that killed my parents or not?"

"What if I said I am!"

("You should've been quiet, bastard.")

I put on my headphones and tapped it two times then the music played again.

I pressed a button and my body jumped.

He smiled and started to charge at me.

("BCI Command: Follow my actions")

I clenched my fist into a paw and punched the air to my right with extreme speed and power that pushed me to the left to evade his charge mid-air.

I then slowly moved one of the joysticks into a clockwise direction and my body started to turn clockwise.

The turn gave me momentum to my kick.

I was already behind him when I was ready to kick.

I pressed a button and kicked him with my full power, hitting his cheek and launching him into the air, crashing into the wall.

I scanned his body composition after the kick and I was surprised that his jaw still isn't crushed after all of that.

A portal then appeared behind the big guy.

A hand pulled him in and the portal was starting to close.

("Shit...! I need to get in there 'cause if not, I may not get another chance to face that white-haired bastard...!")

I let go of the controller and the controller disappeared out of thin air.

I pressed the Shift + Up button to sprint at full speed but another portal showed up and someone put its hand out the portal.

Right at that moment, an alert hologram screen showed up.

["Your body's heart stopped beating"]


Part 2

Time stopped completely.

My body is now outside of consciousness. More specifically, my soul was out of consciousness.

My hand was transparent and I was flying.

I looked back and I saw my face wearing the same expression.

I also see Specter looking at his body with a really confused face.

I looked at the portal with the hand and the hand was moving normally.

I then wore a really puzzled face and the hand went back into the portal.

As soon as the hand went back to the portal, time went back to the way it was.

I saw the portal where the big guy was, close up and disappear.

I was curious about what the portal was... I slowly put my hand out, reaching into the portal.

But when my hand was about to touch the portal, I stopped.

Then the portal suddenly sucked the both of us in with such force that we can't even fly backward.

We were forced to go in and we arrived at a completely white room. No textures, no shapes. It was just a white room with light with no source.

I then saw a lady in a white dress in the distance.

"Hey Specter, should we approach her?", I asked

Yes, we should approach her. She's the only one here with us and we could probably get information from her.

We approached her and she looked at me as if she knew that I was going to be here.

"Welcome, lost souls... I am the Creator of Worlds."

The moment she spoke, I then felt a godly aura around her.

This kind of aura is the strongest one I've ever seen. As if she lived for thousands of years. Battling and training for hundreds of years. It was just her aura. Her body doesn't resemble those hardships the aura was telling me.

But I still decided to speak to her with manners and respect.

"So... With all due respect, why did you sent me here, Creator of Worlds?", I said.

"I needed you to save this world and at the same time, find out the one who killed your parents."


"How do you know about my parents' death?"

"I am a Goddess. I know everything even something out of this world."

"I am sorry if I am doubting you but... even though you're a Goddess, why do you not know how to save the world and know who killed my parents?"

"For the first question, the one who killed your parents is a rather troublesome person... He is from another future. He sent Grigas to complete a trap set for you to go inside the portal where more than 100 S-rank adventurers are willing to gang up on you and you have no chance of surviving no matter how hard you try and I had to suck your soul for you to transfer to this world."

"Who is Grigas?", I asked

"He was the one that you knocked out just now"

"What about the second question?"

"I can't save the world right now because I am sealed at the moment and right now, you are in the place where I am sealed."

"Then why were you sealed?"

"I was sealed because I was framed by the Onir, God of Misfortune, and Thamdos, God of Tricks. Kheaos, God of the Insane also joined in with no reason whatsoever. And even Notyx, God Of Hell joined in because he was craving for souls. According to them... I was interfering with their plan. They planned to make monsters and spread them to the entire world and bring war, destruction, conflicts, and chaos into the world that I have created...

Their only reason was that this world has become too peaceful.

In the end, I was still the one punished because of Onir, God Of Misfortune, and Thamdos, God Of Tricks' dirty lies. Even though I am the one who created him....! How dare he betray me...!"

"Calm down Goddess.

So... What's the plan?"

"I will send you the information by sending it to your Smartphone. Whether you want to follow this information or not is up to you. I will always spectate you from here. Do you have any problems?"

"Yes, I have multiple requests in fact. First, you will not spectate me if not permitted by Specter.

Specter was nodding in the background when I said that.

Secondly, you will only give me the important details about the information."

"Why? Don't you want your work to be efficient?"

"Yes, I want it to be efficient but it's no fun if you keep slapping me with information and that I can't research anymore. You know, to feed my curiosity. But you can send me all the full information if needed."

"Haha. You really are an interesting fellow.", she said.

"So... Tell me my situation after this."

"After this, you will be sent to the body of Necros the son of the village chief of the village called Dragoncrest, and the chief has 3 sons."

"Let me guess about your world, It a world of swords and magic, where monsters are hunted and there is a Demon Lord on the other continent. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right, but how did you know?"

"It's probably because of watching and reading too many isekai animes and mangas."

The goddess tilted her head while having a confused face.

"Well, no matter. I won't get any kind of benefit anyways.

Just remember that you and your Smartphone will be separated for a while but I know fate will do something about that. You will need to learn the language, swordsmanship, and magic of this world without the help of your smartphone. "

After she said that, I started to crumble.

"It seems that we are running out of time."

The goddess started to chant... then my consciousness started to crumble too.

"May the God of your path guide you..."