
2 years later, Necros's mana crystal materialized. He now knows manners and etiquette but the only thing that made me sad in all those years is that... Necros now has a perverted mind... I didn't expect it to happen but it really happened and now I can't even undo it...

Now he has learned Advanced Rank Spells while I have learned Imperial Rank Spells.

We were walking in the forest, looking for a spot to train.

We were talking inside the consciousness about what place should be the perfect place to train when suddenly, a girl can be seen in the distance.

She smiled at Necros. She turned around and ran deeper into the forest.

Necros ran deeper into the forest. He ran with incredible speed. His eyes aren't blinking and his eyes were wide open. I can feel the concentration in his legs. The breathing is in the right pattern, using the most minimal stamina possible and his muscles are being used just right to not overstretch it. All the things I've taught in running are being used but unfortunately... It was used for perverted reasons...

But I think he was focusing too much on his legs and feet. He didn't see the cliff due to the light blocking the body's sight.

["Necros! The cliff!"]



When the body was falling outside the consciousness, we were also falling inside the consciousness.

["Grab my hand!"]

We reached out to each other while falling.

I can feel the air flowing from my back and the body's clothes getting blown.

I then grabbed his hand and at the moment our hands touched, the color of my eyes change from black to gold.


I moved my hand and the body's hand moved too.


I used explosion magic to soften the fall.

I landed on the ground and was shocked that I was able to do that.

["I haven't even tried it yet but I was able to pull it off. Yahoo!

Now, let's try it again, now with the lowest mana consumption."], I said.

I charged up the explosion magic on my hands and feet. I charged it up until the grass was starting to burn and my hands and feet are getting redder and redder.

["Ouch! That's hot, you know? How can you resist that?!"], Necros asked.


["Like hell it's experience. Do you think there will be a chance of you being burned?"]

["Probably now... Stop chatting for a second, the explosion has been charged.

Because that worked, explosion magic will probably boost the speed."]

["It's your fault if I die..."]

["Yeah, yeah."]

["You said it really half-heartedly! That's cruel!"]

["The first step."]

The first step launched me forward for 10 meters from the original spot.

Then I ran rapidly. With each step being powered by explosion magic. The body's speed increases as the second goes.

["Watch out for the roots!"]

I inserted mana into my brain and eyes and I saw a scene from the past.

Time slowed down.

["You think I can get hit by that?"]

I can see the trees that I hit with my hand slowly falling. The explosion from my footsteps, get bigger as the slow time passed by.

I then jumped and evaded every single one of the roots

["This is no fun. Let's fly."]


I charged the explosion in my feet then I kneeled and jumped.

Moments after getting through the leaves of the trees, we were at the sky, seeing a beautiful view.

Blue sky, white puffy clouds, and the village of Dragoncrest can be seen in the distance.

Our eyes shined as we looked at the view.

The body then fell backward and the body was falling at a really terrifying speed.

["Hey, Onii-san! Do something about this! We're about to die!"], Necros shouted.

["No worries, I can do something about this. If this plan doesn't work, then I guess I'll die."], I said while shrugging.


I put my hands up and I started to charge up the wind magic on my hand.

I released the charge and we flew up again.

I then continuously made strong wind waves using the most minimum mana possible.

It shouldn't be a problem because Necros trained his mana core.

I see circular waves of transparent, white, and thick wind on my hands.

Let's call these "Wind waves"

I put one continuous wind wave on my hands and feet. I could do one big continuous wind wave on my whole body but that would take much more mana than the small ones on each limb.

["I don't like heights but damn this feels good."], said Necros.

["Oh really?"], I asked.


I put one big ring of wind around my body.

["No, no, no, noo!"], Necros shouted.

I launched the Gigantic Ring Of Wind and we broke the freaking sound barrier.

Author Message: Feel free to search the sound barrier for the people who don't know what it is.

["I really regret saying "This feels good."!"], Necros shouted again.

["Woohoo!"] I shouted while having a rather excited smile on my face.

("Have I been this excited my whole life?? I think not. This is so damn exciting that I can feel my adrenaline overflowing!")

After 2 hours of continuous flight, we finally used were below half of the body's mana capacity while wearing a smile in those two hours.

["Phew! That was exciting. I got the hang of flying using wind and we almost crossed another country's border.

("My mouth is so hurt because of smiling that much...")

Let's take a break in the forest. According to the books, there are no monsters here. Only rabbits, deers, and insects. This should be the perfect place to take a break.

Part 2

*Necros's POV*

We were walking in the forest in silence with Onii-san controlling the body.

Suddenly, I heard a faint scream from the distance. It's a scream of a girl.

["Hey, Onii-san? Do you hear that?"], I asked.

["Hear what?"], Onii-san said.

["I hear a man's screaming."]

["In what direction is it coming from?"], Onii-san asked.

["I think it was north..."]

Then we heard the guy's voice at the north.




He used Explosion Magic to boost his speed. He made the explosion big enough to boost my body's speed and ran towards the guy's scream which onii-san calls Specter.

Up ahead, I saw a cave. Then the girl that onii-san calls Specter's voice got clearer.

We went inside the cave then we felt immense mana coming from deep inside... All those mana were coming from a thin black rectangular prism-shaped object.

It emitted incredible amounts of mana that would take decades for me to collect...

Onii-san touched the thin black rectangular prism-shaped object and a thick string with a pointy end was inserted through my body's veins. I felt great mana going inside my body... It was too many that the body's core can't handle. I got to do something before the body's mana core shatters.

["Onii-san, the mana core might shatter!"]

["Yes! I know!"]

Onii-san closed his eyes and focused his mind. I can feel the mana changing trajectory in my body and onii-san made the mana solid to make a mana core. He kept doing this for 3 hours then 12 cores were added to the body.

After all the mana moved into the body, He merged all the mana cores into one.

Then after a few minutes, a blue transparent light appeared in front of onii-san the black room was turned into a room that I've never seen, and then, in the end, a guy that I suspect is Specter appeared.

*Yuuki's POV*

["'Welcome back, Sir..."]

["Yeah, I'm back"]

After that, he explained everything to us. It seems that Goddess-sama advised Specter to collect as much mana as possible then store it in the smartphone.

["Sorry... It took me so long to find you..."]

["No it's fine, Sir. It is my duty to help you in your journey but I couldn't find you because the Smartphone can't move..."]

I put my hands on the front to make a handshake.

["Welcome back."]

At first, he was a little surprised about why I did that but in the end, he smiled and we shook hands.

And thus, we were reunited.