
We were able to go home because of the mana that Specter has been collecting for the past 15 years.

["If you don't know who Specter is, that means you haven't read the 2nd chapter yet. So go read it."]

["Hey Specter, as soon as you got back, the smartphone started to talk about you and something about a chapter."], I said.

["That hasn't happened to me in the past 15 years. Huh, strange..."], Specter replied.


We came back to the village after an hour and a half of the flight. But the mana capacity of the body didn't even decrease 2%. The amount of mana in this body is incredible.

We entered the chief's mansion and were warmly welcomed.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back~!"

Mom said that as she opened her arms wide and grabbed me at my back and hugged me.

("Honestly, it felt good but I can't... breathe... That humongous oppai she got is suffocating me!")

Author Message: For people who don't know what oppai is, oppai is boobs in Japanese.

"I... can't breathe"

"Ah. Sorry~.", she said that as she let go of me.

"Puha! I thought I finally was going to die..."

"It takes more than that to kill you.", mom said.

"By the way... why is your hair like that?", mom said as she pointed at my overly swayed back hair.

"Ah. There were some really strong winds."

"But I sensed no strong winds enough to do that to your hair..."

"There were some strong winds because I was in the sky..."

"You were in the sky?!"

"Yeah, I was in the sky."

"Why were you in the sky?? Are you hurt?? Did some monster hit you??", she said as she examined my body.

"No. I wasn't hit or anything. I just learned how to fly."

"Oh that's a good thing you weren't hurt, wait... Fly??"


I then activated the Wind Waves on my hands and lifted myself off the ground.


She had a really shocked and surprised face.

But she suddenly wore a smile. She turned back and shouted,

"Dear~! Your son finally knows how to fly~!", she said as she waved her hand.

Dad then popped out of the hallway from his office.

"Wait what?!"

"Geh- ("He saw me flying. This will be troublesome...")"

"Geh? What do you mean geh? You're flying right now. No secrets between our family, right?"

"Right. But don't spread this. I trust you because you're my parents."

"Right. I promise."

"You should eat your lunch. It's going to get cold."

"Yes, I will."

I entered the dining area.

I could see both of my brothers sitting at the table.

The firstborn is named Ashton Dragoncrest. He is now 22 years old and is the heir of the Village. He is a wise man with high leadership skills and is really linguistic. He likes to take the peaceful path where he uses negotiation to stop conflicts.

The second born is named Cedric Dragoncrest. He is 19 years old. He is a smart man with high leadership skills just like Cedric but he doesn't rely on negotiations because he's a hot-blooded punk. Instead, he takes it head-on with flawlessly planned battles and loud shouts.

"Ah- Welcome back. What took you so long?", Ashton asked.

"I practiced my magic in the forest, brother.", I answered.

Dad quickly got to Ashton's side and whispered something.

"What?!", Ashton shouted.

"Father, what did you tell him...?", I asked.

"I told him that you could fly.", Dad answered.

["Necros's parents are definitely NOT trustworthy. They couldn't even keep a secret for a few minutes."], I said as Necros is facepalms in the background.

"Well... I can only fly for a little bit...", I said.

I then activated the Wind Waves in front of Necros's parents AGAIN.

"Woah~. So you could fly. Congrats on your achievement.", Ashton said.

"Thank you, brother. I could make you fly if you want me to."

"Ah... No thank-"

"Really??", Cedric asked while suddenly standing up.

"Yeah. Just don't move too much so that you won't fall, brother."

"Nice!", he shouted.

He stood away from the table in case if things go wrong and I activated the Wind Waves to his hands.

He then slowly flew while having a really exciting expression.

"Woah!", Cedric shouted.

"It's a little unstable but it should be fine."

"How do you move while flying??", he asked.

"If you move your hands a little bit on your back, your body will move forward. And if you move your hands a little bit forward, the body will move backward.", I explained.

"Oh ok."

He soon got used to it and flew around the dining area.

["Not bad. I thought he couldn't do it because he was a complete airhead when he does normal things. His brain is only made for battles and wars."]

["My brothers don't know what I've been through while flying with onii-chan... I thought I was going to die..."], Necros said.

"That's not fair. I want to fly too.", Ashton said.

"I thought you didn't want to fly, brother?", I asked.

"I changed my mind. I first thought it was dangerous but now I think it is fun!", he explained.

"Me too!"

"Me too!", said Necros's dad and mom at the same time while suddenly raising their hands.

"Alright...", I said with a sigh.

("I wanted to test the mana core's capacity anyways...")

I slowly raised my hands to my hips and summoned all the Wind Waves to all of their hands and feet.

They soon levitated and flew. Because they heard my instructions, they already know how to move so they moved around the dining hall for about 5 minutes.

My mana was decreased by 5 percent.

("The mana reduction probably multiplied 4 times because I'm using it 4 of these Wind Waves to 4 different people.")

I heard my stomach growl and I suddenly got hungry.

I then sat down on my chair and started to eat while controlling the Wind Waves.

["Specter, here. You haven't eaten, right?"], I asked.

I gave him the miso soup, rice, and steak that I was eating.

["Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it."]

After we've eaten, I asked my parents and brother to stop flying because I was going to do something. And they let me stop it and I entered the library where things are quiet and peaceful.

Inside the consciousness, we celebrated Specter's return.

We drank wine and talked about what happened in those 15 years we were apart. We talked about sad things, amazing things, and even happy things.

The body automatically fell asleep in the library as soon as it got to midnight but inside the consciousness, we chatted until morning and I also explained to Necros how the PC works along the way.

While explaining things, a video call arrived. It was from an unknown account.

["Ah. It's from the Goddess."], Specter said.

["Goddess?"], Necros asked.

["It's the Goddess of Creation."]

["Goddess of Creation?!

["Yeah"], I said.

["I thought she has sealed it 50 years ago?! Wasn't she the one that created the monsters?!"]

["No, she's not the one who created the monsters. She was framed by a certain god but I will not tell you their names because they might hunt you down if you know their schemes. Gods are known for knowing everything. They might know that you know their schemes."], I explained.

["Right now, I am expected to fight 4 gods. I need to get stronger to defeat them..."], I added.

The Goddess suddenly answered,

["Yes, that is true."]

["I have one question Goddess... Why did you create them?"]

["Yes... I question that myself sometimes. I think I created them because I was getting tired and I needed entertainment. I needed advice from other gods too but they said create another god. The bad thing is, I asked the One of the Evil Elder Gods.

I can't say its name because it will kill you the moment you hear its name. But continuing, I followed them because I was still immature then..."], Goddess said.

["When was that?"], Necros asked.

["Maybe about 700 years ago."], she answered immediately.

["700 years?!"], Necros shouted.

["Hey, Necros don't shout like that. You know she's a Goddess, right?"], I said.

["Well yeah... but 700 is a bit too much."]

["Oh, by the way, Goddess-sama, how old are you?"], I asked while wearing a slightly curious face.

["Oh, how rude.~ Questioning a girl their age?~"], she said with a very visible smirk.


Elder gods, I can smack her right?"], I asked.

A message arrived from an unknown account... The message was "Yes. Yes, you can."

I tried my best to hold my laugh but I left a little "Pfft"

["They said I can but not right now I can't reach her yet because this isn't the real her.

The elder gods don't like you huh? Goddess-sama"]

She just looked at her right and said, ["Yes they do."] then pouted a little.

["I may be hated but I'm trustworthy you know?"], she bragged while shrugging.

["Trustworthy? How?"], I asked while having a really puzzled face.

["I'm giving you information what else? Oh. Speaking of information, go register on the Adventurer guild after Necros's 16th birthday and gather all of the S-rankers there to help you defeat those gods.



Hahaha. She remembered our deal. I guess she is a little trustworthy."], I said while wearing a slight smile.

Part 2

After that, we trained our magic and swordsmanship every day.

We never sleep in our consciousness but the real body is sleeping at night to restore the lost mana that we used.

I will start at the start of the day, at 1:00, Necros will train his mana control and I will study Imperial Spells. Today, I learned and trained two spells the whole morning and didn't even reduce 15% of my mana. This is because Specter was gathering magic for 15 years for me. I'll thank him later.

After I've trained my spells, I will help Necros master mana and magic manipulation.

At 5:00, Lynn-san will prepare a tea for me. We'll talk about things that happened and things that will happen.

I changed the consciousness' environment into a mountain with a warm breeze and a shade made by a tree for us to rest at.

["Ah... I just remembered. Thank you for gathering all those mana for me. Now training is a lot easier because we won't have to worry about running out of mana."]

["I will do anything if it benefits you, Sir."]

After that we talked a little more then Necros arrived.

["Good morning."], Necros said.

["Mornin'"], I replied.

["So, how's progress?"], I asked

["My progress is kind of bad."], he answered.

["Really? Do you want a tip?"], I asked

["Yeah."], he replied while having a slightly hesitant expression.

["What's with that face? Do you doubt my teachings?"]

["No, no, no."]

He said that while waving his head really hard.

("His head might fall...")

["But I should've told you about the Forest Succubus..."], I said while being slightly down.

["What's that?"]

I immediately answered, ["The lady you chased earlier was a Forest Succubus. It targeted you due to your very high perverted instincts."]

The moment I said that he instantly wore a very shocked and surprised expression.

["What?! That was a Forest Succubus??"]

["Yep. Who would go in a forest alone?"], I replied

["Me...?"], he said while pointing at his face.

["Yeah, you probably will. If you sense perverted aura there, you will definitely go in a forest."]


I said that as a joke but will I really do that?"]

["Yep you definitely will. No doubt about that."]

["Forget about that. What's the tip you were speaking of?"]

["You should picture the positive outcome in your head so that you have a goal in your mind."]

["Ok, I'll try."]

Necros tried to do Chantless magic but can't. Then he tested if his mana and magic control and it has increased.

He tried the spell that I had created. The Original Intermediate Earth Spell: Meteor Edge which he cannot master how much he tried.

*Necros's POV*

["Rise. Gather. Shatter. Compress. Expand. Fall. Meteor Edge!"]

I had the image of a boulder falling down the sky which he had seen for more than thousands of times now in his head.

Big parts of the hill flew up the sky and materialized.

After materializing, the boulder dropped at an incredible speed. He spun the boulder around like a drill and when it hit the ground, the boulder broke apart but it left a big crater on the ground.

Then the crater was soon healed by the consciousness.

["I did it! Yeah!"]

We were clapping our hands and I said,

["Congratulations Necros you are now an Intermediate Mage."]

["Hehe~. Thanks"]

After that, I changed the environment into the old house. The house I once lived in...with my family...

["Woah~. What is this place?"], Necros asked.

["It is my master's old home..."], Specter said gloomily.

["Yeah... Wait for Specter, how'd you know?"]

["My soul was in this house. My soul was spectating you in your daily life, Sir... The day when your parents died, I was there too... But I couldn't do a thing... I was useless without a human body... And on the day you were about to go, the moment you said "Yes", I put my soul on the computer and stayed there until you grew old enough to seek my assistance.

I am the computer that was always in the consciousness..."], Specter said all of those while wearing a very, very sorry face."]

["I see. I thank you for always observing me in the distance"] I said while I put my hands on his shoulders and then I smiled bitterly.

Haha... Let's stop the depressing talk let's celebrate Necros' Rank Up! If I see a tear flow down in anyone's eye, I'll gouge it out!"], I said very enthusiastically to raise the mood."]


I looked back and saw Necros cry very unmanly.

["Hiya!"], I shouted.

I poked both of his eyes with my fingers and my fingers sank very deep into the eye.

(Yikes. Very disgusting indeed...)



["Pfffft! Hahahahahahah!"], Specter laughed really hard while holding his stomach.

[" Hah... hah... I... can't breathe..."]

["Yosh! Let's start the party!"], I shouted.

["Yes sir!"]

["Yes sir!"]

Then both of them saluted while tidying the place right after.

I then summoned all of the dishes that I know.

Burger steak, fish fillet, chicken fillet, fries, curry, pudding, Ice cream with different flavors, Adobo which is a really good Filipino food, and Sinigang which is a really good Filipino dish too. I know those dishes because there are many Filipino foreigners in Tokyo Japan. And of course, we never eat without rice and cola!

Then we had a feast. A really big one.

We ate at least 4-5 serves of rice until our stomachs were full.

["Hah... That was good."]

All these food are from your world?"], Necros asked.

["Yeah."], I replied.

["I just want to ask... Why didn't you tell me that from the start?"]

["I didn't tell you that because I wanted you to learn on your own and test your skill in magic and I didn't want you to always lean on my back.

Well, I did it without help even though I didn't know anything about magic. So I thought it was easy for people who know magic."]

["Ohh~, so that's why you didn't tell me.

I'm sorry if I'm not trustworthy enough..."]

["No, you are trustworthy because you kept working hard all these 15 years."]

Part 3

At 7:00, we would take a bath inside and outside the body using the. Using the PC, the body could automatically take a bath.

I made a room for Necros too. He can now sleep and take a bath there.

After that is my free time and Specter will be cooking breakfast. Today's breakfast will be Pea & Carrot Soup with Rice.

I would research magic and swordsmanship in my free time, but if I get bored, I will help Specter with cooking but I sometimes would watch and read some of my anime and manga in my saved files.

I mostly watch Isekai because I'm in the same boat as the protagonist. But the main reason for watching and reading it is because I want to get the idea of magic and swordsmanship from these anime and mangas and put them in my collection of original magic. All most of it doesn't work of course but some do especially the martial arts there.

Speaking of martial arts, I am now an Advanced Rank in Water God Style and North God Style from Mu$#@%# Te#$%@ which I developed by reading the WN. It was difficult to develop due to the lack of sword fights in the Webnovel.

After Specter finishes cooking breakfast, we would eat and chat a little while eating.

After that, we continued practicing until noon and then have a tea break at noon.

I would change the background into a hill or a mountain with many trees in the tea break if it's too hot.

["So you really can change the terrain huh? What kind of magic is this?"], Necros asked.

["This is what you can call technology from the other world."], I answered.

["This is really amazing. Bet your world is amazing."]

["Yeah, it's amazing and bad at the same time."]

After eating, we would chat a little about what we learned and our progress and then go back to practicing.

If you're wondering what Specter does most of the time, he would just organize files on the PC and prepare food.

Then in the evening, we take a bath again and eat dinner while chatting.

After that, we would continue again.

Then the cycle repeats with new things happening each day.

A year passed by and we were practicing every day.

Necros's 16th birthday arrived and we celebrated it but we left the village with a little twist...