First Lesson

We set up camp in the middle of the forest.

We prepared a campfire in the middle, I tasked Asuka to bring some wood to burn and she returned hauling a lot of wood- and I mean A LOT of wood.

While Asuka-san was preparing the campfire, I prepared the ingredients for tonight's dinner.

"I'll prepare dinner, ok?", I said.

"Ah, I'll help.", she said while she walks towards me with her hand reaching for the knife.

She grabbed the knife but while she was cutting the potatoes, Asuka cut her finger.


"Does it hurt?"

"Ah... I guess it doesn't. It just stings a little."

"I'll still get rid of the germs. You might get an infection and get in the way of your work."

"No, I'm fine.", she said while putting on a bitter smile.

"No, it's not fine. It's going to get in your way."

Just let me suck it."

I grabbed her cut finger and sucked out some blood. But she suddenly shouted,


"Ok done."



She said "Ahh..." as she was falling to the ground.

(She fainted??)

I caught her in the back and pulled her into me but she woke up again.

"Ah-! Ahh..."

("She fainted again?!")

"Hey! Wake up!

We're still not done cooking dinner! Hey!

Hah... Guess I'll do it alone..."

["I can help if you want to."], Necros said.

["No. I refuse. You suck at it. Go sulk there in the corner."]


["I'll teach you some dishes when midnight comes."]


"Hey, are you still asleep?" I said as I poked Asuka's cheek.

As soon as she woke up, her face turned beet red.

(Maybe she remembered what happened earlier. Even I am embarrassed about what I've done...")."

"I-I'm awake...."

"Could you help me prepare the stew?"

"Yeah! I'll do the campfire."

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

She was blushing the whole time she was cooking. Probably because she was embarrassed. She fainted after all.

("Ahh... cute.")

"Ok, food ready."

After cooking, we were sitting in front of the campfire and had bowled stews on our hands.

"Be careful. It's very hot."

"Fuu... Fuuu

Hm! It's great! It's really good!"


It's time for your first lesson.

After dinner, we prepared for the first lesson.

"Ok, in the first lesson, I will increase your mana usage and control. The first activity hit me with magic."


"Yeah, try and hit me. I will just evade or block. You will use everything in your artillery. Just make sure you don't drain your mana."


"Ready... Start!"

"Gather and expand! Giant's throw!

Compress, Shake, And Strengthen. Bakahatsu!"

(Ohh... she used the Bakahatsu to boost the speed of the boulder. Hmm... Interesting.)

("Water jet")

The water jet destroyed the boulder together with the explosion.

"Keep trying! If you don't go all out, I'll never know your full capability!"

"Don't blame me if you died, ok..." She whispered.

"I won't die."

"Here I go! Water Blade!"

(Title chant?!)

Upon saying the title of the spell, 6 water swords rose to the ground and flew at a terrifying speed.

("Hm... What spell is the most effective against water spells... Ice spells!")


The water blades were stopped and are now controllable due to Helheim. I launched her own water blades at her and I used wind magic to get rid of the air in the way of the frozen water blades to increase speed.

The frozen water blades stopped at her neck when she raised her hands.

She wore a shocked expression and said, "Geh-."

"Wow. That was impressive. You even made me use my Helheim against you."

"No. It was a complete defeat."

"C'mon don't be modest. It was a good fight."

"Now that I know your full capabilities, let's train your mana control and usage."

"Could you please explain to me what mana control and usage is?"

"Oh. You don't know that?"

"Yes, It's the first time I've heard of it."

"Ok, let me explain it to you... Mana control or magic control is used when shaping magic compressing magic, releasing magic, and changing magic trajectory. It is one of the most basic things when using mana or magic. Mana usage is limiting or changing the usage of mana in the body. By changing the mana usage, you can use the minimum mana usage with maximum performance. It is one of the most useful things for magicians to use."

"Oh~ It's the first time I've heard of it. Maybe you're the only one who uses that."

"Well, that may be true... You guys started with books while I started with my mind alone..."


"She said that while tilting her head."

"Nothing, nothing. *Pat-pat*"

"I'm not a kid you know?", she said as she pouts.

"I know, I know. I just can't help it. You looked so cute."

"Tha-thank you..."

"She said that while looking downwards and blushing at the same time."

"Wait... Why do I feel like the situation exchanged? I was the one who was teasing you at first and right now, you're the one teasing me."

Are you teasing me right now?"


"Come on tell me~."

"I'll tell you later.

"Well, let's continue your training."

"You have a magic eye right?"

"Yea- Wait... How did you know??"

"It's pretty visible."


"Yeah, maybe only for me."

"If you have a magic eye, mana control should be easy. You see the flow of mana in you're body right?"


"Try making some of your mana flow to your hand.

Don't worry there won't be anything bad happening once it gets in your hand."

"Hmmm! Ah... It didn't work..."

"Don't worry. You can't really do it on the first try.

Now, try imagining a thread or a vein with mana in it. The blue glow is the mana and the thread or vein is the passage. Do that while trying to change the flow of mana."

"Ok. I'll try."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

I looked at my mana-ray on the PC. It's an x-ray but it's used for mana.

Moments later, the mana that was circulating in her body just now, slowly flowed to her hand.

"Good job! You passed the first test!"


"Wait... How did you know my mana was at my hand?"

"Nothing~ I just sensed it. Nothing special."

"But you don't have magic eyes."

"I can still sense it. But I won't tell you how. I will tell you soon.

Ok, extra lesson. if you want to boost the speed of mana flowing, imagine a waterfall while imagining the thread or vein. If you want it to be slow, you can imagine a stream. If you want it to calm down, you can imagine a calm sea or lake. You can imagine these images while moving and casting if you train hard and long enough.

But anyway, that was a good first try. You have very good mana proficiency."



Enough cuteness, let's sleep for the night.

As she was going to sleep on my lap, she murmured, "So you were serious about earlier..."

"Yeah, I was serious.", I said.

Then her face suddenly turned beet red and you could see an extremely visible embarrassed expression.

She couldn't sleep that night due to too much shock.