Double Dialogues

"Wake up, Asuka. Your 5 minutes of oversleeping is now over. Let's continue our travel.", I said as I was poking her cheeks.

I was escorting Asuka in silence and I wanted to start a chat and gather info about the city. A city is still an unknown place for me.

"I got a question... Have you ever traveled to the Capital?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What things did you experience while being there?"

"It was really an enjoyable and amusing experience. In the morning, birds were singing, and people were enthusiastic and energetic there. All of the markets were full of high-quality goods and the restaurants were the best in the whole continent. All of the people there have a kind attitude towards us. All of them are well behaved and nothing bad was happening when I was there and that happening is really unusua-"

While she was speaking I saw her fall down slowly while wearing a shocked and confused face.

"Eh? Wah!"

I then grabbed her hand when she was about to fall.

I touched her back, then pulled her to me and I said,

"Woah, careful. Look at where you step on."


"Don't worry. It's a common accident that will happen when it's your first time traveling."

She noticed that our faces are too close and blushed and she stepped back then turned around.

"That was really close, huh?", Asuka said.

"Yeah. You weren't looking at where you are stepping on. That's dangerous."


(Well, that's a pretty cute reaction for a girl)

["That was quite the move you pulled out there."]

Necros said that while crossing his arms.

["Shut up virgin. Although I'm a virgin so I shut up too."], I replied.

["Hahaha! Your roast backfired. But still, that's really mean"]

["I don't mind being mean to you."]

["You're really smooth don't you know that?"]

["Why don't you try what I did to other girls?"]

["Nope. Not me. My heart will just slide out of my mouth due to embarrassment."]

["That's exaggerating. It's not that hard."]

["The last time you said "It's not that hard" was when I was trying to master Giant's Throw. I tried to master it and only mastered it 6 years later."]

["Oh yeah, I do remember saying that.

Oh and by the way, don't you dare do what I did to Asuka once you get a body."]

I smiled and said,

["You know what will happen if you that right~?"]



"So, what were you talking about earlier? The last word was unusual."

"Oh, yes. The people there were too well behaved and no crimes were happening within my sight."

I put my hands on my chin and ponder.

("I have to admit, her status in the noble system is high. She is a daughter of a Marquess but she doesn't have a high enough status to make the entire kingdom behave.

This is only a hypothesis but I think she is a princess from the capital or other countries. Well, let's ask her another time. It's not good to ask her so casually. If I ask her casually, I might hurt her feelings.")

"I have no clue on what's happening."

("Well, it is impossible to have no crimes at all in the Capital. The people there surely are not as disciplined as us, the Japanese.")

"Hey, Where'd you learn how to tease people so good?", she asked.

"No, I didn't tease you. All I said was true."

Right after I said that Asuka stopped and I heard a "Pfff" sound from Asuka. It sounded like a train.

I turned around and looked at her. Her face's color is clearly beet red and white smoke can be seen on top of her head.

("Ugh! This cuteness is fatal...")

"Yo-you're clearly teasing me, aren't you??"

"No, no, I'm not teasing you."


I rubbed her hair and said,

"Yeah, I'm not kidding around."

"Then what's with the head rubs??"

"I just do it out of pure human instincts."

"What kind of instincts is that??"

"Probably the adorableness tracking instincts."

"Pfft. You suck at naming. Hahaha!"

"Shu-Shut up!"

Sometime after that, we continued walking normally but Asuka was in a really good mood. She was looking at the trees while smiling which I think is cute.

While she was happily walking, I saw a large crack in front of the path she was walking into.

"Asuka-san! In front of you!"




We were already falling off the cliff.

This cliff is totally not on the map. This cliff is made by a monster...!

at the distance, I could see a humanoid creature. With long arms and short legs. It's about 3 meters tall. A bald creature with large pointy ears, pale skin, large fangs, and a small horn on the forehead.

It was a Troll. It is staring at us while we fall as if it was its plan all along.

Trolls cannot speak the human language but they are smart enough to make a plan due to their near-human brain.

Now, back to the current situation. While we were falling, I summoned a wind cushion near Asuka to soften her fall.

"Here!! Don't worry it'll keep you safe and soften your fall!!"

I looked back at the Troll.

I then took a deep breath and focused, never blinking and is staring at one point. The neck.

I stretch out my hand and used the most minimum mana needed to break its guard but I compressed it to be razor-sharp.

I released the Wind Blade and it was flying probably at 70mph and 100 psi which is more than enough to kill a Troll.

The Troll tried to block the Wind Blade using its thick arms. But at the moment of contact, his flesh and bones were completely sliced in half.

The Wind Blade's speed didn't increase even after cutting the bones of that gigantic arm.

Then the Wind Blade completely sliced off the neck from the torso.

It had a shocked expression as its head was falling off.

I landed at the Wind Cushion and I found Asuka lying right beside me.

I hugged Asuka so that she won't fall off the platform.

When we landed, we were sitting on the ground speechless of what just happened.

After some time, Asuka sat in front of me. She was getting teary eyes and said,

"Don't do something so dangerous."

"I thought you were going to die when you jumped off the cliff to save me..."

Tears started to flow in their eyes...

"I feel like I'm useless. I feel like I'm baggage for you..."

"No. You're not useless. You help me with everything. You are strong. You have big potential. You make me think that I'm not alone."

"I already told you this but... I like you... and this isn't a tease."

["Humu."], said Specter in the background while nodding.

"Don't worry I like you too."

I smiled and right after that, her face was colored deep red and had the same "pshh" sound just like earlier.

After that, we calmed down a little bit with Asuka-san leaning her head on my shoulders while smiling.

["*Whistles* Wow, a confession right away?"], Necros asked.

["Yeah, why?"], I answered.

["Damn you're smooth."]

["Don't worry you'll get to do this kind of thing when we get to the Capital."]

["How? You're not willing to give the body right?"]

["Yeah, I'm not gonna give you the body nor let you control the body."]

["Then how?"]

["I'm gonna make you a body using alchemy."]



"Yuuki, I like you."

"Sorry, I like Emilia"