New Companion

We were halfway through the Capital and we were inside a forest for a shorter route to go through but this forest is the most dangerous of them all.

This forest is called "The Griffon's Den.

I'll explain everything that happened before the current situation.

I and Asuka were setting up camp to eat dinner.

I was pulling out stuff from the inventory and Asuka is preparing firewood.

"Asuka, don't light up the fire, ok?"


"You lit up the bonfire already??"


"Then we'll have griffon for dinner tonight. They say it's delicious."


"This is your second test. Eliminate 2 griffins. Make sure you don't kill them all."

"Bu-but Griffins are supposed to be A-ranked monsters right??"

"You can do it. You have mastered some of my Original Spells and some of the Advanced Spells.

Oh. Speaking of the devil... Here they are."

"Hey Skeiron, send me two of your warriors except for your strongest ones."

"As you wish."

"It can talk?? And it follows your orders??"

"Yes, I can talk and I follow his orders because we're old friends."

"Old friends??"

"Yeah, we're friends why?"

"We met a year ago. He helped me when I was at the God of Death's door. He gave me medicine and took care of me until I was ready to go back to the nest. Because of our bond, I can now speak the language of humans. I owe him my life."

"But you're sending one of your men to fight to the death??"

"Duels are common here. To prove strength, we fight to the death. Your friend there, Yuuki, has killed more than 50 of my men. One of them was my strongest soldier. That soldier was killed in an instant. If he was the one to duel us, this clan would have ceased to exist. He killed them all using sword styles that no griffon has ever encountered before and magic that can kill hundreds of thousands of humans. After the duel, we celebrated Yuuki's victory."

"But many of your soldiers were killed right??"

"All of the Griffins who duels Yuuki are ready for death. "

"Alright, enough chit-chat. Let's prepare the duel."

"Agreed. Let me see the power of your lover."

The moment Skeiron said "lover", her face became bright red.


"Isn't it a little bit too obvious?

In my time with him, he ignores every girl that approaches him. But if he takes you along, that means you both are lovers. At least that's what I believe."


"Do you think the leader of the clan would lie to you?"



Skeiron came close to me and whispered,

"Looking at her appearance and attitude, she's a great girl."


Part 2

A few minutes later, the duel was arranged and was announced to the entire den.

The duel took place in a circular land with trees surrounding it.

Right before the duel, Asuka and Skeiron had a little chat.

"Hmm... this circular field seems odd... It doesn't seem natural...?", she said while holding her chin and having a puzzled face.

Skeiron landed beside her and said, "That's because it IS not natural."

"What do you mean, your majesty?"

"Come on, don't be so polite. There is no such thing as policies in this tribe. I can talk to whoever I want unless the person I'm talking with is dangerous."

"Eh really??"


"Then what do you mean about earlier?"

"This field was made by Yuuki when his duel was held. He cut all those trees because he thought the trees were a hindrance to his movements."

"Eh-? What spell did he use?"

"Water Jet. Just one go and all these trees were cut."

"Just one go?? But the field is at least 100 meters long??

How old was he when he did that??"

"I think he was 15 years old at that time."

"15, huh? So it was last year?"


"It was the longest and thinnest water jet I've ever seen. If possible, I'd call it Water Thread."

I suddenly appeared behind them and said, "Yeah, I call it Water Thread due to its thinness."

"Woah! You scared me there!", Asuka said while walking suddenly backward.

"We didn't notice you. How'd you do that?", Skeiron asked.

"I just erased my presence. Nothing special."

"Erasing presence is a really hard thing to do, you know?"

"We, the griffons have a hard time hiding presence when flying."

"Ah- hurry up before the duel starts. I'll be right here with Skeiron."


"Oh, by the way, give me your hoodie. It'll get dirty and it will slow you down."

She took off the hoodie and beneath it was A wide light blue dress with a skirt that goes until above the knees. Puffed white arm pieces until the elbow then a loose cloth connected to the puffed piece up to the forearm. The clothes leave the shoulders free. Dark blue corset, bound together by yellow garn and a collar with yellow ribbon.

"See you later", I said as I was waving my hand.

I then put the hoodie inside the Inventory.

Part 3

The Griffons screeched altogether and the participants came out behind the trees, slowly walking up to the middle.

Author Message: The griffin, griffon is a legendary creature with the upper body, the head, and wings of an eagle with its talons as its front feet, and a lower body of a Lion. Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts, and the eagle the king of the birds, by the Middle Ages, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. Since classical antiquity, griffins were known for guarding treasures and priceless possessions.

There were 2 griffins and Asuka in the middle.

The two griffins were about 8 feet tall.

Asuka was wearing light armor. Light armor like a breastplate, knee pads, and elbow pads are made with strong but lightweight metals like titanium and aluminum.

A few minutes later, Sky flew down with a boom and explain the rules of the deathmatch.

"Each participant will be 10 meters apart. Any strategy or tricks can be used. The only thing that can't be allowed is an interruption with the fight and no one can surrender. This is a fight to the death.

Now, Begin!"

The moment Skeiron said "Begin", the three began to run and clash.

The two griffins were the ones to attack first. The two squawked and suddenly used Advanced Wind Spell: Whirlwind and almost blew away Asuka.

Asuka used Original Earth Magic: Wall Emergence and wrapped a wall around her to defend herself from the whirlwind that was happening outside the wall.

The griffins used their claw and kept on scratching the surface of the Earth Wall.

All she did was hide from the wall and that made them think she's weak.

"Those griffins are getting cocky...", I murmured.

"Those idiots..."

"I know right?"

"So you know her strategy. Did you make that strategy?"

"Nope. Not a single part of it did it take part in making that plan."

"That's a great plan to use against griffins. Knowing how idiotic soulless griffins can get."

"Yeah, I agree."

While we were talking, the griffins flew up the sky and tries to dive from the sky to the wall.

The griffins were about 2-3 meters away from the wall and are about to hit the wall at an incredible speed.

And at that moment, Asuka knocked down her wall and chanted two of my Original Water Spell: Jet blade and slit their throats at the same time.

The griffins fell and were struggling. Asuka came near then and whispers,

"May the Gods guide your souls..."

And summoned two water blades that impaled their heart.

Part 4

After the duel, we celebrated Asuka's victory and she gained the title of Griffin's Victor and I received the title of Slaughterer of Griffins and Griffin-Tamer.

"Isn't this title a little bit too scary...?"

"What? It's true. You killed 78 griffons, right?"

"Yeah, I know but I don't want people to be afraid of me."

"You are scary outside but you have a good heart on the inside. People that ignore you are idiots who don't understand your feelings and people who notice that are good people."

"Well... I guess you are right.

Hey Skeiron, is it really ok if we eat those two?"

"Yes, it is fine to eat those two. We are the Griffins soulless monsters with the lower half of a lion and the upper half of an eagle so feel free to eat the ones you've killed. We even eat our own kind if they trespass to our den. We are being hunted now and then so death is normal here if we die by being hunted and being killed with tricks that we don't know, we die with humiliation and bring disgrace to the clan but if we die from a deathmatch, we die with honor and peace.

And so, the celebration begins!"

The victors get to eat the griffins and we made some barrels of wine and have them to the griffins because they sure love wine. They would get along fine with dwarfs and drink all day every day.

"Griffin meat is the juiciest and tastiest mean I've ever tasted in my entire life."

"I know we're delicious but please don't make Yuuki kill us all because he could single-handedly exterminate this clan. He has hidden blood circulating through his body.

"Hidden Blood...?", Asuka asked.

"Wait let me try that."

He transformed into his human counterpart and tried the meat. His height is 4'11 and has white long hair with red eyes and angel-like wings on his back. Oh, and by the way, he has no clothes on.

"Wow, it certainly is delicious. Now I know why humans tried to hunt us down."

"Yo-you're a human??"

"No, I'm not a human. I only transformed into this form to taste this. I am the only Griffin in this world that has a human soul so I can transform to this."

"Haha! I forgot you had a human form.

Here. At least have clothes on."

"Oh. Thanks."

He put on the t-shirt I gave him and immediately drank the wine that I offered.

"Puha! That's good ale right there. Where'd you get these?"

"I made some while we were traveling and transferred two barrels through space magic."

"You made these?? Hahaha! You never cease to surpri-"


A Griffin squawked and I was starting to smell smoke from below.

We were running to look at where the fire started.

"Human adventurers are burning down our homes. They've already burned down some of our homes!", Skeiron said as I was riding on his back.

"I know! I can smell it."

When we arrived there, so many trees are already burnt down. They might have used magic to burn it down.

"Humans really are ruthless... We didn't even do anything to them..."

"Don't worry, I'll put it out."

("What is the most effective when there's a wildfire... Come on Yuuki, think, think!")

I suddenly remembered a video that showed rain stopping an entire forest from being burnt down.

Then to make an Original Water Spell: Rainfall, I need to understand the rain.

("Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain. Water vapor turns into clouds when it cools and condenses—that is, turns back into liquid water or ice.")

I put my hand in the air and used chantless magic on Original Water Spell: Rainfall.

Clouds started to gather on top of my head and the area is getting darker and darker by the moment.

Soon after, heavy rain started suddenly dropped down from the clouds and dispersed the fire.

("Damn this takes a lot of mana.")

After 30 minutes, the fire was finally completely dispersed.

"It seems that I owe you my life and the habitat of my clan."

"No need to thank me. This is just mutual understanding."

"To pay my dept, let me accompany you on your journey."

"Really? That would be much appreciated."

Part 5

A Day Later

"Tadah! I wore the clothes you gave me."

His white long hair and his small scarf-like blue coat swayed along with the wind as he ran towards me. Donning over his white polo shirt beneath, his sweater warmed him up. His blue boots leaving a print in the dirt.

"Looks good on you."


"I already appointed someone to protect the nest and I appointed my assistant which is the smartest of them all, to organize things for me while I'm gone."

"You really do things efficiently, huh?"

"I'm the clan leader, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah I know."

"Are you ready to fly?"

"Wait, take off your clothes first."

"Asuka, look behind you.", I said.


After a few seconds, the T-shirt was tossed to me.

She waited for another few seconds to have permission to look back.

"Ok, you could look back now."

When she looked back, he's already in his Griffin form.

We rode his back and flew off to Oxwell.

Author Message: "Oh, and if you're wondering where Specter is the entire duel and celebration, here he is! Practicing swordsmanship with Necros."

We arrived near Oxwell after a day, which would have taken us five days to travel by foot without breaks and sleep, but thanks to Skeiron, we were able to arrive there without trouble.

Though I continued Asuka's magic training when it gets to nighttime and Necros's magic training inside the consciousness. I taught Skeiron some magic as well. She exceeds at wind magic but doesn't know fire magic.

["Hey, look a volcano! It's the first time I've seen one!"], said Necros while pointing at the hologram.

After Necros pointed at the volcano, there was one thing that I thought about immediately. And that was... Hotsprings!

"Skeiron, scout the area around the volcano."


"I want to take a bath in a hot spring. You should take a bath in it too. It can soothe your soul."

"Hotspring? I haven't heard of that but that sounds really interesting!", Skeiron enthusiastically said.

"Tell me if you see a place with steam or mist. I'll watch from the behind just in case if you miss something."

It almost took an entire lap until we spotted a spot with a little bit of steam.

Then Skeiron enthusiastically said, "Yuuki, over there! There's a little bit of steam there!"

"Land near the hot spring."


We hopped off his back and got straight to the hot spring.

When we arrived there, the whole area was full of steam and the air got hotter than normal.

I summoned an earth wall between the hot spring to separate the two genders.

"Alright, Asuka, you're on the other side while I and Skeiron are on this side of the wall."


"Bathing in the hot spring is the same as bathing normally."

"Ah... Asuka, here's a towel so that you can cover your body in case some kind of incident happen."

"Thank you very much."

"If there is a towel, then there's no need for a wall. I'll join you guys."

"Is it ok for you?"

"Yeah, I might get lonely being that far away..."

"Alright then."

We got in the bath together and sat beside each other awkwardly.

"Hah... This feels so good..."

"This is the first time I've done this but I agree with you. It feels so good... My fatigue is fading away.", Skerion slackening said.

"You were fatigued? You could've told us.", I said with a little worried expression.

He covered his mouth and zipped his mouth.

"At least we got a break. Your fatigue will be gone by the time we finish."

"Yuuki, your scar on your shoulder! It's disappearing!"


It really is disappearing."

"Your skin is getting whiter, Asuka."

"Oh yeah, it really is. What is this hot spring?"

"Skeiron, have you heard about Healer Hotsprings near the Capital?"

"Yeah, but I heard it was guarded by a mythical beast."

"It must've felt your dominance."


"We have to hurry. While the mythical beast is away."


"Though, we might have to wait until all my scars are gone and wait until Skeiron's fatigue has faded away..."

It took a while for my scars to disappear but it finally finished. Coincidentally, Skeiron's fatigue was now gone too.

We got off the bath and put on our clothes.

("If there's a hot spring, there HAS GOT TO BE an anime cliche.")

Asuka was putting on her clothes but I suddenly turned around.

I don't know why I did that but I did it.

I saw her putting on her clothes then time froze.

Another beautiful image was added to the gallery of my memory.

"A-", I said with a really surprised a puzzled face.

She noticed me and hurriedly put on her clothes.

"I didn't notice you..."

"Ye-yeah... same..."

I was trying to hide my blush by covering my face with one hand.

"I'm sorry. I saw it..."

"Why did you say it, you idiot?!"

Asuka then summoned a water fist out of thin air and unintentionally punch me. Unintentionally, ok??

I dodged the punch to the face and saw the tree flew through the atmosphere.

"Are you trying to knock me out?"

"N-no it was unintentional."

"Ok, ok. I get it. I'll look away so please cover your body."


Don't look at me!"

I got a fury of punches to the face but I dodged them all. All of those trees that got hit were punched into halves and some punches almost hit me in the face.

"Calm down. Calm down... Inhale, exhale. Ok, relax."

"Ok, I'm ok now."

"Ok, go change there on the back of the tree so that no one can see you."


After she apologized for what happened.

"I'm sorry for almost punching you in the face..."

"No, I'm the same. I'm sorry for accidentally looking at your body and for not looking away. I tried to face the opposite direction but it felt like I can't."

Her face became beet red again and said,


I feel like something entirely new is awakening inside my head.

"Pffft. Haha! That was really Cute. It had the tsundere vibes in it."

She tilted her head and said,


"Nothing, nothing. It's not that important."

"I feel like that word is really important for me."

"Probably just a hunch feeling."

"My hunches are really accurate you know?", Asuka proudly said.

"I think mine's more accurate."

"Yeah, I agree."

"It feels like the "I'm three parallel universes ahead of you" scene. "

"Well, whatever you're saying, I'm sure there's hidden humor behind it."


She looked up and when she saw something, she looked quite craved.


I saw an apple and she was looking right at it.

"Do you want one?"


I moved behind her and lifted her.

Her face became bright red and smoke started to pop out of her head and a "pshhh" sound can be heard along with the smoke.

She grabbed one and sat on the root of the tree and still had a bright red-colored blush on her face while eating.

Each apple is one lift and in the end, she finished 3 and a half apples.

"You can't finish it?"

She nods her head in agreement.

"Ok. I'll eat the apple if you want me to. It would be a waste."

"Well... You have a point there."

I bit a part of the apple where she already bit.

She blushed afterward.

If she stands at a certain angle or position, if I could see her head, I would pat her head unconsciously and rub it at the same time.

"What are the two of you doing?", Skeiron asked.

"Nothing, why?", I answered.

"Look at your hand.", he said while he points at my hand which is rubbing Asuka's head.


Wah! Sorry, sorry. I unconsciously rubbed your head again."

"I-it's ok."

Her cuteness is fatal for me... If this was Earth, I would be in heaven already.

"Let's take a small break before coming to Oxwell. Asuka, you can sleep on my lap."


Asuka then slept on my lap while Skeiron was leaning on the tree as he sleeps.

I trained Necros's magic for a little bit while Asuka and Skeiron were sound asleep. Though the body fell asleep.

I woke the body up and saw both of them sleeping quietly on my lap. I poked Asuka's cheeks and smiled shyly.

and at that time I swore to protect her with all my life...