
After we took a break, we stood up to stretch after a long break.

"That was a good break, huh?"

"Yep, that was pretty good. I also got my daily dose of sugar sweetness."

Asuka of them tilted her head like she was highlighted then italicized.


I walked near them and patted her head.

"Nothing special. I was just having a good time being with you."

Skeiron woke up.

He rubbed his eyes to clear his eyesight.

When his eyes were clear enough, he saw me rubbing Asuka's head.

"There goes your mannerism again."

"Ah... sorry. I just can't help it."

I took my hand off Asuka's head and said,

"Alright, shall we continue traveling?"

"Yes, of course."

"Ah... Asuka, ride on Skeiron's back on your own. I can fly on my own to lessen the weight that Skeiron is lifting.

"Oh ok. Wait... you could fly??", she asked in a very surprised manner.

"Yeah, I just learned this a year ago."

I activated the Wind Waves and lifted myself off the ground.

"See you near the city. I'll wait for you guys there."

Then I blasted to the sky.

*Asuka POV*

Skeiron crossed his arms and said, "As expected of Yuuki"


"Asuka, look behind you."


A few moments later, I felt a thing touched my back.

"Ok, you can look back now."

I can see the coat, boots, sweater, and pants on the floor.

"Sorry for dirtying Yuuki's old clothes..."

"It's fine. It's your clothes now. Yuuki no longer wears this."

"Hm... to imagine Yuuki wore this when he was young..."

We both had the same image in our minds.

We imagined Yuuki happily running around and smiling while wearing the same clothes Skeiron wore.

"Ah... that is indeed very cute."


"Humu.", we said as we nodded in agreement.

"By the way, where would you store all of those?"

"Ah... I forgot my backpack at Yuuki's inventory."

*Back to Yuuki's POV for a bit*

The hologram shows a picture of Asuka worrying about where to put Skeiron's clothes.


Inventory check."

A list of things that are in the inventory popped out in front of me.

As I searched for something, I was saying, "Hm..."

Then I found what I was looking for. Asuka's backpack.

It seems that I forgot to leave it behind.

I summoned the Inventory Circle under the Clothes and sucked it up to store it.

"There you go."

*Now, back to Asuka's POV*

"Hm... What should I do..."

A white and textureless portal-like circle appeared under the clothes.


Then the clothes fell to the circle.

"I... think that was Yuuki's Ancient Storage Spell: Inventory...

Does he use telepathy or something...?"

Skeiron shakes his head.

"I don't think he uses any kind of Magic close to telepathy."

"Hmm... let's just fly for now."


We flew for about 30 minutes in silence, never saying a thing and confused about what happened earlier.

"Uhm... while we're flying, can you tell me how you found Yuuki?"

She immediately had a bitter smile on her face.

"Ah- if you don't want to, you could just not tell me.", I said while waving both of my hands.

"No, it's fine. I could tell you about it. It'll take us a long time."

"It's fine."

"Hm... where do I start? Ah- it all started when I was still 10 years old, I left for a journey to prove my might and authority to everyone. As you all know, I once was a very- very neglectful child."


"Yeah, really.

I failed at everything major. But I was prideful and still took the test of might and authority."

"What were you supposed to do to pass the test?"

"At least kill a hundred humans to pass the test."



"It has become a tradition for us to kill humans to pass the test. Humans have killed our kind for more than 500 years now."

I guess you have a point... humans are what monsters call the creature made with greed and lust... But not all humans are like that...

"Yes, I know. That is what I learned when I met Yuuki.

I was flying in the sky to go and attack a village then I was about to go divebomb the village but I was spotted immediately by the adventurers due to the sound the divebomb was making."

"What happened to you...?"

"Well, I was annihilated by the adventurers. "

"Eh- Why?"

"I was too weak back then. Their ranks are at least A-rank."

"Something is really bothering me, why were there adventurers that were that strong guarding the village?"

"I think they were guarding the village because the test happens on the same day every decade. So they knew when I will come."

"I got severely wounded and was slowly dying. I was so weak that I can't even stand. My blood was pouring out of the open wound. Not until Yuuki arrived. He used healing magic on my wound and my wound was completely sealed by the time his mana was getting low. He gave me berries to feed me when I was not able to stand up to find what to eat. He took me to his home to shelter me. He treated me as a human and that made our bond and that was how I was able to transform to my human form."

"Your story with Yuuki is really inspirational."



"Ah. We're going really slow. We might keep Yuuki waiting."'

"Yeah, let's go."

We flew for about 1-2 hours and arrived at Oxwell near noon.

"Oh. It's Yuuki waiting for us."

"Ha... Finally, we arrived.", Skeiron said as he flew down.

"Yeah. That was pretty exhausting but it was really fun too."

Skeiron nodded his head and said, "Yeah. I agree"

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's fine. I had some things to do while you guys were still away" Yuuki said as he pointed at the map he made.

"Shall we go within the walls?"


"Are you sure nothing will happen to us?"

"Yeah. Nothings gonna touch you within my line of sight.", Yuuki said.

"That somehow makes me feel reassured hearing that from you.", Skeiron relaxingly said.

Part 2

*Yuuki POV*

We picked out the most convenient gate to pass through and arrived at the North's Large Gate of Oxwell.

It is said to be well guarded and has knights that are capable of using intermediate magic.

Intermediate spells are capable of knocking someone out if used properly. Like targeting vital points like Stomach 9 is located on the neck, adjacent to the Adam's Apple. Strikes there cause knock-outs by way of the Vagus nerve.

And just as it is said, guards in the gates are heavily geared. They have Iron armor covering their entire bodies and each of them either has a spear, a longsword, or a shield.

We walked to them and asked for permission to go to the city walls.

"Could we please enter the city?", I asked

The guard reached his hand out and asked, "Do you have a citizen's card?"

"No, I don't.", I answered.

"Then how about an Adventurer Guild Card?"

"No, I don't have that one too."

"Then for the entrance fee, please pay 3 silver for each person."

I gave them 3 silvers and the guards let us inside with a smile.

We entered the gate with ease and I was quite surprised about what happened.

Usually, guards in capital cities are rotten in some animes or mangas but I guess this one's guards are good guys.

We were walking inside the city, wandering around and searching for the Adventurer's Guild.

"I was surprised to see guards with hospitality.", Skeiron said.

"I was ready to fight at least 20-30 of the guards there but I'm still thankful that they let us get in without any trouble."

"Yeah me too. It's rare to see respectful guards guarding the gates. (Most of the guards guarding the city or town's gates are disrespectful in most animes and mangas.)"

"Have you been to other cities?"

"Well... Kinda. (I can't tell them that my impression of guards in Capita cities came from isekai animes and mangas.)"

"What do you mean kinda?"

"Nothing important."

While we were talking, I saw a shield sign on the right side of the street.

At first, I thought it was a knight's agency or something related to knights but the place gets louder and louder as we approach.

When we were in front of the place, I knew it was the adventurer's Guild because there were tables with people drinking everywhere, a task board at the side, with people piling up on it, and there was a receptionist in the middle.

We walked in and as we walked in, all of the people drinking booze were distracted and glared at us.

Ahh... I know this feeling. I've encountered this situation multiple times now and I know what to do in this situation.

"Eeep!", Asuka scaredly said.

I raised both my hands up in a surrender position and said,

"Alright, alright. I'll buy you all booze once we get a big pay from a quest but remember, I will only spend 2 silver coins for you guy."

All of them laughed at the same time and One muscular, tall bald guy walked near me. Only one thing can describe his face, Gorilla

He said,

"You promise that ok? I'll kill you if you don't buy me booze after your big pay."

"Don't worry, I keep promises. But if you hurt me or my woman even though I did what I promised, I'll knock you out without hesitation."

"Hoho... You threatened me... I like your attitude. You're easygoing to buy us booze but not too easygoing to do everything we say.

You've been here before? You look like you know what you're doing,"

"Nope. I'm not even registered yet."

"Puhahaha! You really know what you're doing, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I've been in this kind of situation several times so it's not new to me."

"Go on. Register there on the counter."

"Ah, Right."

We walked up to the counter and requested to be registered and to get the Guild Card.

I then had a little chat with the receptionist before taking the test to get some info.

"It's rare to see people handle those guys the first time they enter.

"Yeah, maybe."

"I thought you had a girl with you?"


I looked back and Sky was not at my back...

I looked around and I saw her being cornered by a total moron.

"Come on~ I know you want to~."

"I'll kill him..."

I suddenly took an immense step that launched me forward and only the lines of my body remain in my previous position and a very small afterimage can be seen in that same position.

I used my full force on my feet and it felt like it exploded in a second like lightning ripping through the air.

I charged my punch while launching forward and I spilled some of my killing intent out that made him notice me.

A great pressure can be felt after my killing intent came out and made all of them tremble.

I punched the shit out of him and sent him flying through the wall as well. Good for him.

"Ow... My hand hurts... Sorry, my hand slipped."

I said that while shaking my hands.

"Hey, you still alive?"

"Yo-you bastard..."

"Ok, you're still alive. I'm gonna kill you fast enough for you to not feel pain, ok?"

"N-no need to kill him. I'll make him suffer instead." Asuka abruptly said.

"Ok, if you say so."

Sky walked near him and kicked directly at his crotch.

I can hear his groans from here.

"The sound of you suffering... I like it.", I said with a smile.

"You guys see that guy over there?", I asked.

"That's what you'll become if you touch any of my women."

The new ones said "Ye-yessir" while the old guys that were drinking were saying "yeah, yeah."


"I'll register to the guild so just continue drinking over there."

Part 3

I registered Asuka in the adventurer's Guild and she got accepted and is a C-rank Mage Adventurer. Meanwhile, Sky has been registered in the Guild too and is now a C-rank adventurer.

Now, it is my turn to sign up.

"You really beat him up huh?"

"Yeah, he deserved it. He had malicious intent.."

"Ok, for you to be an adventurer, we would need to measure your mana."

"To measure mana, you just need to touch the mana crystal and pour some mana into it."

"But the mana crystal might not be able to handle it..."

"It's fine. This mana crystal hasn't been cracked for 3 centuries."

"Ok, I'll believe you."

Just as the receptionist told me, I touched the mana crystal and poured mana into it.

Soon after I poured mana into the mana crystal, a bright light flashed from the man crystal.

The whole guild was surprised to see that kind of light suddenly showing up.

And then the light disappears after a few seconds and the only thing that was left from the mana crystal was mana shards which was the part of the mana crystal.


All of us shouted altogether,


And so, because of that unusual occurrence, I was escorted by the receptionist into the Guild Master's Office.