Chapter 8

After the hollows were disposed of, some of the shinigami started healing the injured students, some collecting the corpses of the dead ones. I just looked for Rangiku and buried my face in her chest. People were still in shock after what had happened so they didn't care about my behavior.

I saw Captain Isshin walking around asking the students what had happened. To be honest I had a beef with him for getting in the way of my fight with the Menos as I was quite hyped about trying my Shikai against it. I had only used one move of my Shikai so far out of many, and it wasn't even close to the strongest I had acquired so far as I had just gotten my Shikai.

He finally walked towards me and Rangiku. He stood in front of us and said "so you are Sakura and Rangiku?"

"Yes ..." I replied awkwardly as l didn't know how to answer such a question.

"Great would you both like to join my division" he asked merrily

Rangiku accepted quickly as she really wanted to join the Gotei 13 to follow Gin.

"I wanted to try for the 2nd division" I replied "sorry for declining your generous request"

Even though I knew he was the type that didn't care about formalities I still bowed after my reply as he still was a Captain.

"Hmmm... okay how about I personally sebd a recommendation letter to Captain Shihion since she is a close friend of mine" he said

'This guy is too nice for his own good, but it was a good deal' I thought

"That would really be appreciated" I said doing another bow. He just started laughing awkwardly as he left.


After that day we spent a few more weeks at the academy before Rangiku joined the 10th division and I went for the test for the 2nd division.

During these weeks we became celebrities at Shinō academy as word of our might spread. Surprisingly, Soi Fon was in a lower year than me and now came every day asking me to teach and improve her Hoho and Hakuda.

Although I was teaching Soi Fon, I came across a few enlightenments about both Hakuda and Hoho which helped me improve like crazy.

Tomorrow was the day I was to take the test for the Omnitsukido and 2nd division. I was quite happy about meeting Yoruichi again. Rangiku had moved to the 10th division barracks today and I was in the room alone staring at the ceiling.

I was reflecting on what my goal was. From what I had seen these 5 years, everyone was alive and not following a plot. Things can change so I must get complacent with knowing the plot but be strong enough to live if it changes for the worst. Knowing Aizen's plot, I knew that being in Gotei 13 wasn't that different from being in Game of Thrones. Everyone had their own agenda and plans, so I must be careful not be chew more that I can swallow.

My story was really beginning tomorrow not the 'tutorial' I'd been living.