Chapter 15

The next day, early in the morning we were already speeding through Hueco Mundo at high speeds. The team consisted of Yoruichi, new 4th seat Soi Fon, Omāeda,(now 5th seat) Kaiso and myself. We were headed for two Great reiatsu signatures. Most probably 2 Adjuchas fighting.

After a few minutes of shunpo we finally arrived. 300 meters from our hiding spot was a green lion like hollow fighting a black and white lizard like hollow.

Ceros were flying every where and the lizard hollow was outclassed in speed and strength so it was losing badly.

After the intense fight, the lion hollow started eating the corpse of the dead lizard hollow. Captain Yoruichi seeing it drop its guard suddenly appeared in front of it and sliced its mask before it could react.

After that we assassinated about 20 adjuchas and Gillians. We were about to open a dangai to return back when we felt powerful spiritual pressure.

"That's a pretty powerful adjucha, I better handle it" said Yoruichi signaling used not to follow her.

"Stop, I want to fight it" I stopped Yoruichi from going. They all looked at me surprised until Yoruichi finally said "Okay but be fast"

I just smiled and sped towards the adjucha.

When I arrived I saw a tall and skinny hollow with six arms with Sythe blade at the ends instead of hands. It had insect like wings and a hole in its chest.

"A shinigami in Hueco Mundo, to what do I owe the pleasure?" It said sarcastically.

"Even hollows know sarcasm what has the world come to" I said after a small sigh. It heard me and was clearly offended.

"I'm Nnoitra Gilga and what is your name, food" it asked.

(******I couldn't find what Nnoitra looked like as an Adjucha so I had to improvise******)

I took out my kunai from its small sheath and got into a Zanjutsu stance.

"I'll tell you if you defeat me" I said already in a stance. The hollow just laughed and charged at me.

It slashed one of its hand blade at me which I blocked with my kunai.

"A small weapon you got there" it said as it swung two more of its hands at me.

I jumped back and used shunpo just as I landed on the ground. It blocked with two hands and slashed at me with another blade. I barely escaped with a cut on my arm.

Noticing this I smiled "You're quite strong"I said as I raised my reiatsu.

"Rampage and destroy, Bōkyaku no Yoroi" I said as I was incased in reiryoku. The pressure pushed Nnoitra back a bit.

The reiryoku dispersed leaving me in my gauntlets and armor boots.

Pumping some reiatsu into my feet I jumped high into the air and started falling straight for Nnoitra. Without time to evade he crossed his six arms to defend my punch. Little did he know I was the the last person anyone should ever think of blocking.