Chapter 25

————————Rukia's POV—————————

I could see my classmates dying left and right, the lucky ones were fighting the hollows. I run around looking for Renji, my friend. I finally see him fighting two hollows by himself. I instantly jumped in to help him.

I used Hoho and had a burst of speed that I used to get close one of the unsuspecting hollow that was attacking Renji and slashed its mask with my zanpakto, instantly killing it.

"Rukia!, thank god you're okay" exclaimed Renji.

After finishing of the remaining hollow we ran helping people fighting. After about 10 minutes we had gathered about 20 students. More students joined us as time went on.

The hollows started swarming us without giving us time to breath. After a while we were finally exhausted. We were slower now but the hollows kept coming.

I was fighting on the front and had killed another hollow. I was extremely tired. I suddenly felt a strong push that sent me flying for about a meter. Looking at what had pushed me I saw that it was Renji.

He had been impaled by a hollow. He had pushed me out of the way and took the hit for me. Seeing this tears started falling from my eyes. Then Renji said something and I heard it perfectly even though we were in a battlefield.

"Rukia, run" he said with blood flowing out of his mouth. The hollow threw him away and jumped at me. I tried running but I couldn't move my legs. I was there shaking with fear waiting for my death. I closed my eyes as I accepted my fate. A few seconds passed and my death hadn't come. No pain no nothing.

When I opened my eyes as to see the hollows mask split into two and disappearing.

Someone touched my shoulder and asked "Are you okay"

Looking up I see a red haired female shinigami holding here zanpakto. She was about 1,3 meters tall and had a bust that was too big for a person of her structure. Her long hair was tied into two long pigtails. Her blue eyes made me feel as though I was staring at the sky.

————4th seat of 3rd Division's POV————

My name is Kaori Mezu, and I'm the 4th seat of the 3rd Division. I have always been a cheerful person. Even though people laugh about my height and being clumsy, I'm okay with it because the Captain said these qualities made me cuter. She also said something about me being a perfect magical girl. And I valued her opinion more than the Soul King's and I follow the only advice she gave me to always be cheerful and help those who were in the same situation . When she found me I was nothing. All the people hated me because I was born from a noble and a prostitute but the Captain accepted me. When my academy scores were horrible and no Division would take me, she offered me a place so I trained Iike a mad person to make her proud.

Now we're in the human world and Captain had us save a bunch of students. The first one I see is a girl who seemed to have lost her will to live. She was sitting waiting for a hollow to end her life. Her eyes, those despair inside them, I know it all too well.

I arrived and kill the hollow before it impaled her with its blade hand. I couldn't help but want to pull her from despair like the Captain did for me. I touched her cold shoulder.

"Hey are you okay" I asked with sincere sympathy lingering in my voice.

"My friend please help Renji" she said ran to a red haired boy with a hole hole in his stomach who was laying down in a pool of his own blood.

"He's breathing please help him" she shouted as she tried covering the hole in his stomach.

So he was the reason she had despair in his eyes. But I can't save him meaning I can't save her from her from her despair.

"Step aside" The voice of the Captain woke me up said as she moved Rukia aside.

"A Hundred Healings Seal: Release" she said as her forehead diamond shone and tattoos started spreading from it to the rest of her body.

She placed her hands on his wound. Her hands started to grow green and the whole started closing at a visible rate.

"He's fine now" she said after the hole had closed up completely. The Captain is so amazing, I'm lucky to be in the 3rd Division.

"Go and bring the scattered students here. Even if their on the verge of death."she told me as she went to another injured student.

"Smash,: Kyodaina Hanmā" I said with renewed enthusiasm. My katana turned into a giant sledgehammer and I jumped at a few incoming hollows.