Saved And Savior Kindness.

"GUHH!!!…Huk!…(where am I?)..".

I can't figure out for how long I have been out cold in the middle of the sea, just now when I wake up, I can feel every single part of my body was hurting. I can't even move a single muscle, even breathing is very hard for me, it feels like a thousand needles were stabbing my chest through my lungs and straight to my back.

"(i was rescued?..)..".

There's a tinged of hope sparks in me after the first thing that I saw was not a blue vast sky, but instead, a wooden ceiling, an old filled with patches ceiling. I can feel that I am lying on a hard surface, it was solid as a plank of wood, and also it was covered with some kind of coarse fabric. It's probably someone else bed, if I have to guess, right now it was probably daytime. As I can see the sunlight burst through the holes in the ceiling.

"...(it's swaying…am I on a boat?…an old wooden boat..yep definitely…Ughh!!…everything is hurting…)..A…(I can't speak?!…is my jaw broken?..)…(Is no one home?…)…".

I tried to speak, but before I can even open my lips, my jaw locked itself and I can feel that something, probably bones were stabbing my chin, giving the taste of the pain that I have never felt before. I took me a good couple of minute to hold the pain down, I decided not to attempt to speak, for now, luckily I still able to use my sight. As my head was fixed in place, I can only so much see, within the range that I can which is the ceiling, a little bit on the right and left wall then the front which I need to look down, I can see my own body but I can see at least some kind of a curtain hanged right at the end of my bed which served as a door.

From the information that I got, the space that I am in was, I am in someone room, on top of a boat, a very small room, which also means a small boat, I know it was a small boat because I can hear the water smashing the wall or hull to my right side. Another thing that I realize, the person who saved me is probably a woman, mostly because the room, although tiny, it was neatly arranged and clean, also because I can see the underwear was hanging to dry right above my head.

"...(At least I am still alive…but, for now, I can't even move a single muscle...if I stay still the pain was bearable..but if I so much even move my finger...Ouch!..nope..let's just wait…I guess the owner of the room and my savior aren't home now…but..please, let it be someone nice...if not just let be someone normal…)….".

Yes, I was saved. But not seeing the face of my savior made me worried, I just hope I wasn't get saved by a cannibal or a slaver, if it is, then I was doomed. I waited and stayed still like a log whilst closing my eyes, holding the pain, seeing that I have nothing to do, it's better to look at my Status.

"(Open Status…)..".

Name: Azmel

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Trait: Calm

Race: Human+Elves

Level : 3 ( 10/300 )EXP


Health Points: 3/25

Mana Point: 15/15

Stamina: 3/30

Physical Strength: 1.8

Mental Aptitude: 3.1

Reflex: 1.6

Skills Passive:

Handy Man {A} (Passive)

Calm Minded {A} (Passive)

Normal Physical Regeneration {B} (Passive)

Skills Active:

Basic Appraisal {G} 1MP/Use

Current Condition: Critical (Recovering…)

Fractured Spine (Heal in 72 hours)

Fracture Jaw (Heal in 24 Hours)

Fracture Forearm [Left & Right] (Heal in : 23 Hours)

Amputated Left Leg [Knee down] (Heal in 22 Hours)

Blood Loss [20%] (Recovers in 41 Hours)

Malnourished (78% Recovered)

Bruised & Muscle Tear [69% of the Whole Body] (Heal in 5 Hours)

".…(No wonder, I felt like dying…I am actually am nearly died…in a sense, I supposed on an average day that I will be out of critical conditions only after one day…I guess I have to stay still then…)…".

My current conditions right now are simple, I am a vegetable right now, I can't move, can't speak. Only after 24 hours most of my injuries will heal, at this point, I really am praying that my savior will at least let me stay here until I finish recovering. To take my mind out of the pain, I started to revise my everything. I began my appraising my skills.

Name: Handy Man Grade: A

Type: Passive

Rare skills that enable a person to repair, build, and maintain anything that he desired. Anything that is repaired and made will be 10X stronger and lasted 10X longer than any average item.

Name: Calm Minded Grade: A

Type: Passive

The user will always be calm and cool-headed no matter in what condition the user was in. Also added 0.2 extra points to [Mental Aptitude] Stats upon leveling. 1 level = 0.4 instead of the normal 0.2.

Name: Normal Physical Regeneration

Grade: B

Type: Passive

Accelerates the User's natural healing process by 3x the normal rate. Healing 0.5 HP points per minute. In case of critical injuries, the healing regenerations will be focused on healing the body (Ex: broken bones and such) before regenerating HP points.

Name: Basic Appraisal Grade: G

Type: Active [1 MP per use]

Enable user to appraise anything, but only display basic information.

"(I guess the 90 S-Coins were worth it…so the normal average of extra status point for each stats was 0.2 for the 3 stats and for HP, MP was 5 points per level and stamina was 10 per level…Seems reasonable..)..".

I supposed my last-minute investment was worth it, in fact, it saved my life. As for the 2 A Grade passive skills, I supposed it just strengthens my personal skill that I have from my before. I guess being calm-headed paid off. As always, I opened my [Inventory] next. The inside of my inventory hasn't changed much, all my belongings were still there, the Medium salted fish which already reach 234 pieces, 999 pure salt pile, 3 wooden logs, my phone, and solar charger, 20 Lower Grade Crystal, 10 Middle-Grade Crystal, and that Hammerhead Level 10 Shark carcass. Of the 25 slots, 8 slots were used and there 17 slots were still free.

As I checked the [Shop] Tab, I can see my balance of 11 S-Coins, also on every 3 tabs of Foods, Material, and Skills. There a lot of changes, in the Food tab 6 items already available for purchase. In Materials, aside from logs and dirt, 4 new items have been unlocked, iron ingot, Fabric (Coarse), Fabric (Soft), Hard Rock, and Sweet Potato Seeds. Which in my opinion, I think the unlocking options were kinda random. As for the Skill Tab, if previously 5 pages have been unlocked (1 page listed 10 skill), now another 10 pages has been unlocked and all of them were [Normal] grade not [Basic] anymore.

"(I guess right's a waiting game..)..".

Unmoving, I relax, planning what should I do with my life next. I think I know the first step is to heal myself, next depending on my savior, I either run or pay my debt to her for saving my life. After that, at this point in my life, I wanted to do something different, live unlike my life before, I wanted a woman, a wife, a partner that will stay by my side. Maybe even do something good with my skill sets. Since I can buy a wooden log with my Shop, I probably can be a merchant, after all, wood is a valuable resource in BlueWall.

"(Should I make my own Kingdom?….Nah, too much hassle… I wanted an easy life..someone else can be the leader…)..".

Not my style and not my forte, I just wanted to live a happy life. In terms of strength, with the [Shop] on my side, I can buy any skills that I want which should be able for me to defend myself from any trouble. Though I know for a fact living in BlueWall I eventually have to fight, either to make a living or to defend myself and my future loved ones.

"..(It's already sunsets…no one is coming home?…well, this is kinda sad…does ghost save me?…)…....(…)..".

It was already dark outside before I was about to freak out. I can hear the sound of footsteps echo through the whole boat, the sound of creaking wood floors getting even closer by seconds. Then, a white skin finger grabs the curtain door as swipe it aside, at that time I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"...Sigh~…what a tiring day…the pay even lesser and lesser everyday…my chest hurts…Sigh~…...Looks like he is still unconscious…Poor man, he's been through a lot…".

I was awake the whole time and kept my silence, from the voice-only I know that my savior was a woman, from the tone of her gentle voice, she was certainly not a young one. As soon as she comes, in after putting down something, I took a peek at her, luckily she has her back at me. Without caring about anything, she changed her clothes before me, since I can't really move, I can only see her upper back. She had the mesmerizing sight that I have ever seen in my entire life, she got an hourglass figure stunning as heck. Is she complaining about her chest, even with her hand on the side, I can see her side boob spilling to the side, she had purple hair, and looking at her, just from her voice toned alone, I feel that she was a nice person. After she put on a new shirt, I closed my eyes back, I can feel that she come to my side and sit on the edge of the bed, the first thing that she does was checking my forehead for temperature.

"Looks like..many of his bleeding injuries has stopped bleeding….let's changed your bandages..alright…wait here..I'm going to get some water…".

She left the room slowly and calmly, strangely I felt calm around her as if I have known her for a long time and find that she was trustworthy. Which a feeling that a little bit weird to me, A few seconds later, she comes back in, her steps were a little bit heavier than before, which I assumed that she brought water with her, probably a basin or a bucket.

" clean your wound, I have to take off your shirts..and pants…huh~..why do I even ask him, he's still unconscious….besides, I doing this for his own good..surely he won't hate me later…".

She contemplates on her own, That alone shows she was a good person. If she's not, would she even treat a stranger?, no she wouldn't, normal people would just leave me there lying alone, instead she without even knowing who I am, took care of me, clean every inch of my body, clean my wound and dress my wound with a clean cloth.

".…it's been..a long time..since I've…".

"(Eh?!…seen what?….umm, lady…could you please don't touch my…NOO!..don't..please don't….it's not that I don't like it..but my whole freaking body can't handle this right now!!…)".

After she's done with tending and cleaning my body and wound, for some reason I can feel her hand stopped at my crotch. I was fully naked now, and I am having a sensory overload, instead of letting me go, she focused on my crotch, holding my member gently in her hand, brought her face near to it, and even take a whiff on it. Her hot breath, and soft palm, made my member hard instantly. My body instead of being in pain, yet for some reason, my libido ignored everything.

"...I..I know this isn't appropriate…nor it was the right moment to do it…".

"(Yep..this is not the right time…can we continue this later?…)".


".…(Wait..there's a 'but'???….)..".

"I can't hold myself any longer…I know it is wrong…but, for a man as attractive as you are…and for a woman as ugly as I am…certainly, I will never get the chance to do this ever again…just once, let me satisfied my needs…I can't hold it any longer…you can hate me later..but now...I need this…....".

"..(She's gonna do it anyway…Oh…ou~..she good~…she can take it deep…OW!!..please don't be too rough!..)..".

At this point, my resistance is no longer an option. She was already bobbing her head, furiously on my rod, slobbering on it. As for me, I was enjoying every moment of it despite the constant pain my body warns me. The sexual need and sensation that I am feeling right now made me forget the pain that I have. She was greedily sucking my rod, her hot mouth and moist wet saliva taking me to euphoria. She was really enjoying it and skillful at it, I keep my mouth shut the whole time, but still, I wanted to see how she looks, is she really ugly like she said?, sneakily I took a peeked at her face.

"..(Ugly?…the fuck?…she was perfect!!..a freaking beauty!!..)..".

I can easily look down on my crotch now because when she was cleaning my body, she put a wooden pillow underneath my head. I was stunned as I saw her face, she's not even closed to any sort of ugly definitions. In fact, she was a freaking beauty, comparable to an actress and stars on earth. She has a white-skinned, small nose, red rosy lips, purple eyes and short shoulder-length purple hair, and the defining beauty mark on her left chin.

She was what I called a hot bombshell, sexy, beauty out of a hentai anime Milf, and right now, the beauty who deemed herself 'Ugly' was passionately sucking on my dick, slobbering all over it. I tried to hold myself, but she was too good at blowing me, after holding out for 10 minutes, I shoot my load in her mouth, which she doesn't let go and savor anything and even cleaned me up afterward, with a licking after service.

"..(Oh..yeah~..BlueWall has a messed up beauty standards…now, I know..)..".