The 2 Owners of The Poorest Boat.

Name: Minako Eimi

Sex: Female

Age: 36

Race: Human (Oriental)

Job: Milk Maid

Level : 0


Health Points: 9/10

Mana Point: 1/1

Stamina: 5/10

I didn't forget to take a peek at her [Status] using my [Basic Appraisal] and saw her status. The woman who saved me, her name was Minako Eimi, 36 years old and worked as a Milk Maid?. I can roughly guess what a milkmaid was as on earth it was usually a job, where a lactating maid or peasant would be hired to breastfeed the children of nobles. But still, is it the same as what I thought it supposed to be?.

After she finished her carving, for a few moments she felt embarrassed of herself as she sat down next to me in silence. I can hear her sobbing a little bit, but just a few seconds, before she covers my naked body with a thin blanket, then left the room with all my clothes and the dirty water. A few minutes later, she comes back in, then after a bit of rustling noise on my left side of the bed, she once again left the room, to the other side.

"(oh..she washes my clothes…she a good person…and a hot one…)".

I looked over, she's already closed the curtain door, and to my side, my torn clothes are already washed and hanged on a thin rope that spans across the small room. There's no blood left on the clothes of mine and neither is the torn make-shift bandages that I used previously. She could just throw away the bandages but instead, she cleans it and treated it as if it was valuable. Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, I can hear she was rummaging something.

"(I supposed it was the time for dinners…)..".

From the small orange lighting that passed through the curtain, I know she was using fire to cooked her dinner. I wonder if she was living alone in this boat, Once again after she was done cooking, she opened the curtains and look at me, after making sure that I was fine?. she then sat back down to what I assume a kitchen and a living room in the boat and ate her dinners, which from what I see was only a milky stew, yet she was enjoying her dinner like it was so delicious, is it?. the whole time it can see that she rarely chew and only slurping on the soup in her bowl.

"(But..she is really beautiful..)..".

I watched her eating, made me feel pity for her. She was poor, yet looking at her calmly eating her milky soup, I was stunned at the views. As she was staring at the fire, and me staring at her, all of a sudden a footsteps sound getting closer and as I felt the boat swayed a little bit, I know someone has climbed aboard.

"Minako~..are you home?…oh there you are…eating dinner already? add this to the stew..".

Another beautiful lady made her entrance in to the boat, She was a blonde woman, and Just like Minako, she's also a beauty and her bust was probably only a few cm smaller than Minako, She was wearing a very old and full of patches Victorian-era maid dressed, she possessed a gentle aura, her blue eyes were captivating. As she entered and greeted Minako warmly, she handed Minako a small piece of dried fish, which were I am sure only 1/4 the size of my Medium Salted Fish.

"Maria!~..Such a big piece of fish!!…did, we got much from the wooden planks I gave you last night?..". (Minako)

"Thankfully yes…someone bought it, for 5 Lower Grade Crystal…I took 3 home, 1 for me and 1 for you, bought this salted fish for 1 crystal..the 2crytal remaining, I used it to pay for our parking taxes..". (Maria)

"(These ladies for certain is poor…still, the planks that I'm on is only about 2 meters long and wide, already rotted…yet it sold for 5 Lower Grade Crystal?…if 1 lower grade crystal can buy you that 'Big' Salted fish...and from their reactions, the transactions was a fortune…damn, this place surely have a low income….Why is she changing her clothes in here?…oh..they shared the same room..)..".

Just from their discussion, I already got the gist of the economical situations of this place. But at the same time, seeing Maria shared the same room as Minako, and knowing that Minako has actually been drinking that empty milk stew, makes me feel sad, really sad. I just wished that I can just give them the food that I have, but I can't not now. After Maria finished changing into an already yellowed white nightgown. She joined Minako in the living room, eating their now upgraded Milk Stew.

"Is he awake yet?..". (Maria)

"Not yet…his wound is too grave for him to healed that fast…he probably be in that state for a few days more…how's your work, Maria?…". (Minako)

I shut my eyes and keep listening to their conversations. Both of them speak of their days, Maria worked as a Picker/Janitor for the Town. A whole day she would go around with other janitors to clean up the bridges and pick up any debris and turned them in at the Town Center. Each day the pay was 1 lower grade crystal, very low paying job and mostly sound like labor abused if you asked me. As for Minako, her job was even more shocking, She's actually worked in a factory from 8 am in the morning to 6 pm in the evening, she worked as a Milk Maid, but instead of nursing other people child, she's actually milked her own breast milk and turned it to the factory as the products.

Her job apparently wasn't an odd one, as matter of fact, 60% of women in the entire town worked as a Milk Maid. And the Milk Produce was actually this town main trade items, Minako was paid 2 lower grade crystal per day, But now she worried because after working for the factory for 18 years, her breast milk volume was getting lowered which now only yield her only 1 lower grade crystal every now and then.

"Minako…I'm afraid, we have to pay our loan and taxes by next week..both of them were at a total of 200 Lower Grade Crystal….100 for the loan and 100 for the taxes....". (Maria)

"...I'm sorry Maria…this all because of me…". (Minako)

She cupped her face with her hand, feeling guilty towards her friend Maria.

"Minako..don't say that…I have always indebted to you…when I first come here, you were the only person who is willing to let me stay on your even find me a job…we both made the decision to save him…so this burden we both will shoulder it together…". (Maria)

She wholeheartedly consol Minako, both of them hugging for a few seconds before sitting back down.

"Thank you..Maria...after all the worst that can happen, is us being banished right?..ahahaha..". (Minako)

Both of them knew that the statements by all means weren't funny. But they still laugh at it making the reality lighter than it is. On the other hand, after hearing what they did for me, I can't help but feel touched and my eyes were moistened by it. Getting help from a stranger was something that I have never felt before, I was an orphan, from the moment I was able to walk and think, I have always been providing for myself without relying on anyone's help. I helped people but I never got help even when I was at the lowest point of my life. Now, these 2 help me, even at the cost, they risked being banished into the sea, which literally dying, in this world. I am really touched by them, my savior is really is a good person.

"It's okay…I'm sure it won't end up like that….I just hope when he wakes up..he won't get mad at us or be disgusted at our ugliness……hoping something like that probably a stretch right Minako?..". (Maria)

"...maybe it is..maybe not…I got a feeling that he was probably a good man…even though he probably won't be pleased being saved by us…at the very least, he won't forget to repay us….". (Minako)

I can feel that Minako stared at my directions lovingly but at the same time gave a complicated gaze.

"...Umm..I know this is a little bit far-fetched…but, do you think..that..he would want to make us his wife?…". (Maria)

"...That is far fetched enough, Maria….haha, but…to be honest…I too wanted to be married to him…after all, he was a man that I saved..surely at least he can do that right?…Hahahaha..". (Minako)

"...Hahaha..for sure,…ahahaha…I guess it's okay to imagine things once in a while right?....". (Maria)

"…yes…at the very least…for the meanwhile, we got to feel, how is to have a man in the house…". (Minako)

Their conversations were filled with laughter and depression. Hearing it was kinda sad, but personally, I don't mind engaging in a relationship with both of them. But I was surprised that both of them wanted to marry the same person with no hint of displease, instead were looking forward to it. I know that both of them have a stronger bond than friends. Or perhaps this is the view of any woman in BlueWall.

"...Having a male husband, will surely make the Town Center..waive our current loans and taxes…and then lowered our taxes in the future…perhaps we even get moved to the deeper part of the bridge…". (Minako)

"Minako…let's just…stop it…it's already should feed him now..I am sure, he needed foods…". (Maria)

Both of them were still imagining, but Maria could only smile as she wanted to get back to the reality land. Minako also smiled, after hearing Maria's suggestions, she put down her empty bowl aside. And walked towards me, she closed the curtains and sat down on my bed.

"(Hold on…she brought nothing with her..what are she going to feed me?…she lifted my head?….ahh, finally something soft for my head to lay on….she smelled like lavender..wait…a lap pillow?…oh…shit…)".

"You..can't eat anything without help yet…I know that your jaw is can't drink on your own..don't worry, I will help you…it's okay…you can drink it without worry..ehhhmm~..". (Minako)

She put my head on her warm lap and removed her top. Her G Cup plump twin mountain was in full display, laying on top of my face. With her gentle alluring words, she gently tilted my head and then gently put one of her erected nipples into my mouth. She massaged her breast, which squirting her breast milk into my mouth, while her other hand was slowly massaging my throat. Her way actually worked, this way I don't have to suck instead the milk was easier for me to drink, her massaging my throat also help me drank without moving my jaw. Although this was supposed to make me wanted to get aroused. I realized that I was really parched and hungry that I can even eat horses now.

Minako continued to feed me, for about an hour, gently and calmly nursing, like a loving wife and me as her beloved husband. She kept showering me with attention, the whole time. After 1 hour she stopped, she wore back her shirt and gently put my head back to the previous hard wooden pillow. Maria then comes into the room, and lays down on the other bed to my right, as for Minako, she lay down in the middle on the floor.

After the light from the fireplace dimmed and then finally darkened the whole boat. Minako and Maria said their goodnight to each other, and also to me, surprisingly. Then the entire boat settled down for the night as all of us were fast asleep.