Down The Water and Into The Dungeon.

"Mr.Azmel..I'm glad that I am able to help you…please, visit us again..if you have any inquiries…". (Mother Grace)

"Sure..then see you later….Grace~..".

My action with Grace, inside of her office took around 45 minutes or so, though there were no penetrations, but I and her were very satisfied with ourselves and she has become my mistress, which a position that I wanted to change as soon as I establish myself. The 2 sisters were blushing red as we both come out of the room and giving us the knowing stares. Although we kept a low voice the whole time, Grace's loud moans often come through. Still, they didn't know my identity nor my gender, so this can be just disregarded. Grace walks me out of the Office, then, I left heading to the Dungeon Lift.

When I arrived at the Lift, as always, it was as empty as always, the same 2 town guard guarding the lift door, and the same blond office clerk behind the small table, under the patched small umbrella. Looking bored, just like yesterday. As I went to the counter, the guards didn't stop me as they saw my badge, the Office clerk that saw me in front of her, put her business face on.

"I would like to use the dungeon lift..and borrowed the diving equipment..".

"My name is Joni Lambert..Warrior, may I have your name for the admission?..". (Joni Lambert)

Joni Lambert was your every day Milf as anyone else in Milk Town, but she is professional in her attitudes.

"Azmel Eimi, Male, Level 3 Warrior, 4th Bridge…".

"…''…Male, Level 3..4th Bridge..your name has been registered...Sir...This is your Diving equipment…just wear this helmet on your head…it will enable you to breath underwater like normal…since this is your first dungeon exploring…just be alarmed, this lift only goes down to 1 kilometer down and does not reach the seafloor..the lift will rise up once you left the lift…to get to the surface, there's a second table next to the lift, and at every 100 meters there will be a handle with a red button on it..pushed the red button, it will drag you up to the surface…". (Joni Lambert)

Her fingers stopped for a few seconds when she writes her information, but continues again. She then put on a diving helmet, it was like a motorcycle helmet but made out of metals and the face side was full glass. I listened to her explanations intently and nodded once in a while.

"Also, please be alarmed that..once down there..your safety is your own…Be careful of the other Warrior and Wizard from the other bridges…they tend to exploit us the 4th bridge especially down there….please follow me Sir..". (Joni Lambert)

She get's up from her chair and grab large iron key rings that only have 2 keys on it and went to the lift door and unlocks it. Inside there's only a mining lift on one side and a long cable on the other side that goes into a loop back to the sea. She signals me to get on the lift and closed the door back.

"Be careful, Mr.Azmel..and happy hunting~…". (Joni Lambert)

I took off my cloak and wear the helmets on, after a series of gears turning, the helmets were on and fit snugly, wrapping my whole head. As I look up again, I realized that not only Joni was watching me but, the 2 guards and several other bystanders nearby were looking in my directions.


I pulled the lever on the lift and the lift started moving down slowly, as the lift was going down I can hear a lot of frantic screams for the lift door on the surface. The lift that I'm in was just a normal Mining Lift, which only an iron cage, with a sturdy built, there a waterproof electrical light on the ceiling of it and a console that controls the lift descend and stop. It took 15 minutes of continuous to descend straight down, to finally the lift was slowly flooded with water, seawater slowly rises up from my ankles then after 10 minutes me and the whole lift was finally fully submerged.

"So..this is what the Ancient City of the Otherworld…not what I have expected…no wonder, 4th bridge were plagued with dungeons…it was on the very edged of the building….".

Once I was entirely submerged, the underwater sight was not as I expected, It wasn't dark and gloomy, instead, it was a colorful sight. The entire ancient modern city ruins greeted me, countless tall building and skyscrapers with broken glasses, become to homes of all kind of fishes swimming around, the entire city was in ruins and abandoned, and in that buildings, there are still lights that were on, the small roads far down below were filled with cars, some were just lined up many were in a crash, already covered with seaweeds and corals.

It was beautiful, peaceful, and serene at the same time, the technological advancement of this ruined ancient city was far beyond earth even at its latest. The Lift I was on was build and situated on the very outside of the tallest building in the city, it only goes down right next to the building glasses wall, meaning the entire 4th district anchors were not actually on the rooftop of the building but on the extension of that said rooftop.

"This place is so surreal…kinda intoxicating…like Atlantis kinda feeling… that is what a dungeon portal looks like…".

I didn't stop the lift from moving, instead, I just let them be and appreciated the beautiful sight by leaning on the caged wall of the lift. As the lift reached its 500 Meter mark, it got closed to a neighbor building that was near the Anchors building, and on top of the roof of this brown colored building, was a metal door leading downwards into the building, but instead of seeing a stair the opened door just have, what I can describe as a black, non-reflective glass sheet inside the door.

"Can I identified it?…[Basic Appraisal]!..oh!..I can…".

The lift and the rooftop of the brown building were only about a meter apart. And from the lift to the door it was about 12 to 15 meters, as I used [Basic Appraisal] on it a small window appeared in front of me.

[Name: Goblin Cavern

Type: Forest Terrain Dungeon

Level: 1 ].

"Good enough…let's stop this thing…okay~…oh, it really does goes up automatically…so the lever up is right there…done remembering it….".

I get off the lift, and swam towards the rooftop, then turned around and watched the lift goes up at the same speed. Then I looked around for the cable way up and saw that there's a lever on it about 10 meters away from the lift cable. After confirming both my way out and the surrounding area was safe, I don't waste any more time and swam towards the dungeons portal. Though I do interested in going exploring the city, for now, I just wanted to see what inside a dungeons looks like.

[You are about to enter Goblin Cavern. Proceed {Y/N}?]

Small lines in a red text box appeared, I tap Y on the options. Then I felt that my entire being was being sucked into the portal, it was like I've been thrown into a strong whirlpool, but the feeling lasted only a few seconds. Then I was dropped onto a dirt floor. The feeling was a stomach curling one, but not too bad that it will make you vomit. After a few seconds, of getting my bearing, I stands up and looked around.

"So this is dungeons huh…it's like a small world, in here…the outside was underwater, yet's a forest..".

There is no water whatsoever here, instead, I was clearly standing on a dirt ground, inside a forest, a very dense forest, with blue skies on the top. It was amazing, I feel like I was in a pine forest, I took off my helmet, stored it inside my inventory, pulled out my sword hang it on my waist, set the bolt quiver on my right hips, and hold the loaded crossbow in my hand.

[Ding!!.. You are in Goblin Cavern!..]

Monster populations: 2001

Monster Type: Goblin, Hobgoblin

Activating Dungeon Exit: Kill 1 goblin (0)

Completion condition: Kill all monsters (0), Kill Boss Monster (0), Destroyed Core(0).

Reward Upon Completion: 1 Treasure Chest, 100 Mid Grade Crystal.

As I was in the middle of getting myself ready, a red window with an RPG-like setting appeared before me, it was the same feelings and look like the red windows that appeared before I get inside the dungeon.

"Now this really feels like a game…I guess the world itself was a game…well, time to focus…one mistake..I'm going to die…for real…".

By now, nothing about this world can really shock me. It was easier to just accept everything as it is, I am feeling a little bit, nervous now, but since I already killed ever since I got into this world. The reality is already set now, if I don't man up and start killing for my own survival, then why bother to have a large dick. I didn't walk straight into the forest, instead, I traveled slowly to my right, wanted to circle around, and stay close to the dungeon wall. Although the dungeon has a true forest terrain, it was shaped like a large circle, since it was still a cavern despite the blue skies up top, it still has dirt walls around the forest.

"Oh~..someone's has been here..a long time ago….so they collect the trees from here…".

After walking for 15 minutes, I encountered a large clearing with the size of 200 meters or so, all the pine trees were cut down, leaving on the base of their trunks, I know that it was being cut for a long time ago, because, the trunks have already dried up. This also means, the resource here did not spawn back, if the trees were harvested it would not come to spawn back.

Still, the amount they harvested was only about 20% of the amount of the entire forest. All of the trees were 20 meters tall and 6 meters in diameter, meaning there's a lot of wood here to be harvested. I will make sure that I will have every single one of this tree here even if have to spend many day or months to clear everything, after all, once I destroyed the core, this place will just vanish, it was better to harvest as much as I can rather than let it be gone through the air.


As I was kneeling on the ground checking on the shrivel tree trunks, a high-pitched scream sounded through the forest. As I looked around, I found out that, also in the same clearing as me, about 100 meters to my left. Was 3 green skinned midget, with a child-like body and oversized head, pointy ears, crooked fanged teeth, and a face full of warts. Surely this is the goblin, but unlike the other goblin in the game, all of them were wearing a tree bark makeshift armor and carries a wooden club. All 3 of them were sniffing the air, looking for something, and I am sure that something is me.

"Goblin really is hideous…that's how they searched for their prey…by smells…come a little closer…".

I am ready to kill my first dungeon creature, still kneeling I turned towards them and aimed with my crossbow, waiting for them to come even closer to me because I unconsciously know, I can only hit a pinpoint mark at 80 meters, thanks to my [Basic Archery] skill. Their sense of smell was definitely good, they can sniff the vague locations of mine over 100 meters away, they keep sniffing the air as they walk closer and closer. They were moving at a steady pace, and were higher than any of the tree stumps, as soon as all of them entered the 70-meter range, I pulled the trigger at the 3rd goblin which was the farthest of the 3 and on the left side.


My bolt, goes straight through its head, the goblin didn't even have the chance to react, the bolt busted through its left eyes and stuck on the tree stumps behind the goblin, just like a puppet that string was cut off, it falls limp on the ground, dead.


The 2 other goblins were outrage seeing their buddy lying dead on the ground and started to look around, then one of them found me, I reload my crossbow once again, stand up, and walked towards them, both of them were already broken into a sprint, I aimed at the foremost goblin and shoot. In quick succession, I threw my crossbow aside (Stored in Inventory) and unsheathe my executioner sword.

"KKUUUU ....KEeeeee…".

My bolt once again hit its mark, I aim for its head and it hit it, right in the middle of its brows, killing it instantly. The last goblin realizes the fate of his friend, but he's already running too close to me, in just a few steps, he already in the ranged of my attack. As he lifts up its club over its head, I strike.


The last goblin died from just one slash of my sword, it was clean decapitation, I cut through his, neck, both of his arms, and half of its wooden club. Its body after being cut still steps forwards a few steps before falls down to the ground dead. Executioner-style swords were built to be tough, hard, thick, and extremely sharp, added with my strength and skills, it was a deadly combination.

"Wow…I can see everything in slow motion..when I strike… this feeling is great!…".